Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals MegaFolinic 800mcg – 60 Tablets
Source Naturals MegaFolinic é um suplemento alimentar que fornece 800 mcg de ácido folínico por comprimido, uma forma ativa de folato que é essencial para a saúde celular e o metabolismo. Este produto é especialmente formulado para apoiar a saúde cardiovascular, a função cerebral e a produção de células sanguíneas. O ácido folínico é crucial para a síntese de DNA e RNA, além de desempenhar um papel importante na formação de neurotransmissores, que são fundamentais para o bem-estar emocional. Com 60 comprimidos em cada embalagem, MegaFolinic é uma opção prática e eficaz para quem busca otimizar a ingestão de folato, especialmente para pessoas com dificuldades em metabolizar formas comuns de folato.
1. Apoio à Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a redução dos níveis de homocisteína, um aminoácido que, em níveis elevados, está associado a problemas cardíacos.
2. Melhora da Função Cognitiva: Auxilia na produção de neurotransmissores, promovendo uma melhor saúde mental e função cerebral.
3. Produção de Células Sanguíneas: Essencial para a formação de glóbulos vermelhos, ajudando a prevenir anemias.
4. Forma Ativa de Folato: O ácido folínico é facilmente absorvido pelo organismo, tornando-o mais eficaz do que outras formas de folato.
5. Suporte à Saúde Emocional: Pode ajudar a melhorar o humor e reduzir os sintomas de depressão, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 comprimido de Source Naturals MegaFolinic por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Este produto é adequado para adultos e pode ser utilizado como parte de uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável.
Susan Baroncini-Moe –
I have both ADHD and anxiety. Yikes! I’ve known for a long time that B vitamins have a positive impact on anxiety, but it just never really worked that well for me personally. I generally manage my anxiety with meditation, yoga, breathing techniques, and the occasional Xanax.
But then I read an article about natural treatments for anxiety – I wish I could find it now – and it included mention of Methylcobalamin and Folinic Acid as options to improve brain function and help with anxiety and ADHD. Hm. Worth a try. So I ordered both on Amazon (this is the Methylcobalamin I bought: Jarrow Formulas Methylcobalamin (Methyl B12), Supports Brain Cells and Nerve Tissue, 1000 mcg, 100 Lozenges)
First of all, they were surprisingly affordable supplements. Yay!
Second, they arrived quickly. Double yay!
It’s been a couple of weeks since I ordered, and you know what I just realized? I’m not taking Xanax during the day anymore. I’m not having to do many of my breathing exercises lately. The anxiety is just…better. Way, way better.
I put my husband on it at the same time, and lately he’s been saying, “I’m really handling this a lot better than normally.” Maybe you’re thinking this might be a psychosomatic response. But here’s the thing: my hubby has no idea about the supplements I feed him in the morning. LOL He just takes them. So he has literally no idea whatsoever that he’s been taking a supplement that’s supposed to help his brain work better.
So it’s good stuff and it works.
On to the supplement itself: It’s a small round pill and it goes down very easily. No problems.
I think this stuff is working. I’m reluctant to say that with respect to supplements, normally, but we haven’t changed anything else, so I’m feeling confident in recommending it. It’ll be a part of our routine from now on.
GIVE Reviews –
Works great much better then methylated folate actually didn’t work for me.
Cheaper at iHerb tho.
OK –
I’ve tried several sources of folic acid (a B vitamin), and this is my hands-down favorite. I just FEEL better (more energetic, quicker mind) with this particular brand. According to the label, each tablet contains 800 mcg (MICROGrams) of folate [as calcium folinate (folinic acid)]. The label suggests 1 pill per day, but I take 3 per day with breakfast. According to a supplement book written by low-carb pioneer Dr. Atkins (Dr. Atkins’ Vita-Nutrient Solution: Nature’s Answer to Drugs), folic acid is the #1 nutrient deficiency in the US and HE recommended a dose of 3-8 mg per day (4 of these pills equals 3.2 mg).
What is it used for? Well, it helps increase energy levels and lowers homocysteine levels (Google it). It’s also an essential nutrient for pregnant women; deficiencies in folic acid can lead to birth defects such as spina bifida.
I like to combine this with a high quality B-Complex (this is my favorite: Country Life Coenzyme B Complex, 120-Count). I like the high quality of this supplement; it’s worth its premium price, to me.
Have a question about Megafolinic? Leave a comment & I’ll be happy to help you, if I can.
FYI: Don’t bother trying to find a “higher dose” Folic Acid. FDA regs limit dosage amounts to 800 mcg (micrograms) per pill. Your doctor can give you a prescription for folate that would be a higher dose, but, why do that, given the cost of pharmaceuticals today?
GIVE Reviews –
There is a big difference between Folinic Acid and Folic Acid. This is a biologically active form of Folate, which means it can be directly used by the body without conversion. Folic Acid is a synthetic form of Folate that needs to be converted by the body into biologically active forms of folate. The reason this form is better than Folic Acid has to do with the body’s ability to convert Folic Acid. As we age, the body becomes less effective at converting Folic Acid, so what does not get converted can build up in the body if the body isn’t able to flush it out. Studies are starting to reveal that an “over-dose” of Folic Acid can be unhealthy and could lead to health issues.
To supplement my body with Folate without the possible bad effects of Folic Acid, I take two biologically active forms of Folate, which are this product (Folinic Acid) and 5-methyl-tetra-hydrofolate (5-MTHF). These two biologically active forms of Folate are already in a molecular state that can be utilized directly by the body.
I have read that these two forms can be converted back and forth by the body. For example, if the body has enough Folinic Acid and not enough 5-MTHF then the body can convert some of the Folinic Acid to 5-MTHF. However, there is no guarantee that this conversion process is also not diminished with age. That is why I take both forms of Folate to insure my body has enough of each. In addition, these two forms do not have any toxic effects like Folic Acid can have because they are in a natural form able to be utilized by the body.
The 5-MTHF product I purchase is: Now Methyl Folate, 1000 mcg, 90 Tablets
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