Source Naturals L-Arginine L-Citrulline Complex, Suplemento de Aminoácidos Essenciais, Suporta o Desempenho Máximo* 1.000 mg – 240 Comprimidos
O Source Naturals L-Arginine L-Citrulline Complex é um suplemento poderoso que combina os aminoácidos l-arginina e l-citrulina em uma fórmula única. Esses aminoácidos são essenciais para o metabolismo muscular, energia, função cardíaca e circulação. A l-arginina é facilmente convertida em óxido nítrico (NO), que desempenha um papel crucial na relaxação dos músculos lisos nas paredes dos vasos sanguíneos, reduzindo assim a carga de trabalho do coração.
Além disso, o complexo l-arginina/l-citrulina também suporta a desintoxicação do fígado. Ambos os aminoácidos são intermediários importantes no ciclo da ureia de Krebs, onde participam da desintoxicação da amônia por meio da produção de ureia. Isso ajuda a manter a saúde do fígado e promove a eliminação de toxinas do corpo.
A Source Naturals é uma marca confiável, com mais de 35 anos de experiência em suplementos nutricionais. Fundada em 1982 pelo CEO Ira Goldberg, a empresa tem como objetivo apoiar o potencial de cada indivíduo para desfrutar de uma saúde ótima. Todos os produtos da Source Naturals são fabricados nos Estados Unidos, em nossa instalação localizada em Scotts Valley, Califórnia.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporta o metabolismo muscular
- Promove a desintoxicação do fígado
- Reduz a carga de trabalho do coração
- Marca confiável com mais de 35 anos de experiência
- Produto fabricado nos Estados Unidos
– Sugestão de Uso:
Recomenda-se tomar 2 comprimidos por dia, de preferência com o estômago vazio ou conforme indicado por um profissional de saúde. Este suplemento destina-se a adultos saudáveis e não deve ser utilizado como substituto de uma dieta equilibrada. Consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer programa de suplementação.
Adquira agora o Source Naturals L-Arginine L-Citrulline Complex e aproveite todos os benefícios que ele pode oferecer para o seu desempenho físico e bem-estar geral!
Recomenda-se tomar 2 comprimidos por dia, de preferência com o estômago vazio ou conforme indicado por um profissional de saúde. Este suplemento destina-se a adultos saudáveis e não deve ser utilizado como substituto de uma dieta equilibrada. Consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer programa de suplementação.
Adquira agora o Source Naturals L-Arginine L-Citrulline Complex e aproveite todos os benefícios que ele pode oferecer para o seu desempenho físico e bem-estar geral!
タニ –
PhotoShop –
John Sullivan –
As others have pointed out, the pill is huge, but I wanted to comment about a surprising reality: it’s actually relatively easy to swallow. I take a chelated magnesium pill that’s also oblong and smaller than this pill, but is actually much harder to swallow. The tapering of this tablet is, I think, what makes it go down easier. As for the product’s performance: it’s very effective. No big surprise there. Source Naturals isn’t the cheapest brand but they’re among the best and you get what you pay for. To conclude, I highly recommend these.
Allen Charles –
Nearly 69 now!! After several years using various other brands because of the price increase for this one, i had to come back to it again because it works much better. and with much better results. In addition to BPH and a cancer scare I have a bad aortic valve that both doesn’t open enough or close tight enough so my blood flow is not as good as it could be, making this product especially important to me. Frankly I am not sure what i would do if i couldn’t get the benefits this product gives me. If your sex life isn’t as important to you as it once may have been, this product may well be of great benefit to relight both the desire and ability you may have lost.
I am 66 with BPH and had my Urologist trying to neuter me with the various different meds they use, I saw my male abilities declining so I searched for a way to help me return to a more normal self after I was not benefiting from trying the only two drugs they have to possibly help.
This product after the six or so months of my using it has definitely helped in several ways, my blood pressure was 103/74 checked yesterday dropping from a not too high 130/92. I feel as if something has helped my muscle tone and that morning event we guys celebrated when 20 returns often.
The various claims being made about theses amino acids so far have been valid and I plan to use this product as directed 4 times a day for as long as it is available. Search youtube for the claims.
Ursula K –
I like that this is a tablet, which can be chopped and taken in any dose wanted. I started with a whole tab, for a few days, and the warmth flooded my body about an hour after, my blood flow improved (as vessels expand and nitrous oxide is created) and my blood pressure dropped. I take it at night. I also take B complex and vitamin C, as recommended.
It completely takes away my restless leg syndrome. I get tired but not tipsy or light-headed. The first week or two my sleeping was improved, sleeping more soundly. Even my breathing improved, it seemed, and I had more energy. I tapered to smaller doses, now take a fraction of a pill. I am concerned about a varicose vein reopening (had radio…couple years back) so don’t want to push it. Oh, and one thing I noticed, is I wake up with redder lips! As a senior woman, this is an unexpected plus I appreciate, since the aging process is the opposite!
The taste is not bad, chalky. But not a chewable really. I just bite off a tiny bit, so this jar will last a long time. Since this also has citrilline, the process of converting your own nitrous oxide is more continual. I am so glad I discovered the benefits of arginine! Who knew? I think any older person, especially who has poor circulation, will see improvement. My feet are no longer cold.
Rickle –
These are larger hard to swallow hard-pressed tablets, just be mindful that absorption is not the same as caplets that contain uncompressed powder.
It seems to improve blood circulation, although the pills are a little large and hard to swallow
Grits –
I am being treated for some issues that involve a prescription treatment, but also some highly recommended OTC supplements by the physician I see for this condition. She did NOT recommend this specific product, but in my research about the condition, it appeared this may also help along with the other things she has recommended.
My results overall have been highly appreciated since I began treatment almost 8 months ago. The problem with rating this product is that I don’t know which of several things is having a positive effect, and I’ve been unwilling to stop taking one at a time to try to eliminate any that aren’t working. And it may be that it’s the combination with the other supplements (and prescription treatment). Suffice it to be said that the combination of everything, including this product, is having a very positive effect on this over-70 male (enough said LOL!).
And my physician approved of this product when I asked her before ordering it. She was aware of some of the research backing it, but had not had any specific experience with this product, however.
Based on overall results (which I’d consider 5-star overall if reviewed), I can’t single out this one product because it’s part of a whole treatment regimen. But based on research on the ingredients with problems often associated with older males (not just E.D.), along with the combined results that have improved since I added this and one other supplement to my daily mix, I have to give it at least a 4-star rating. It’s well worth trying if you need it but don’t want to take any more prescription medications than necessary (including that “little blue pill”).
ちひろ –
moto1961 –