Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals Fibro-Response Bio-Aligned Malic Acid
O Source Naturals Fibro-Response Bio-Aligned Malic Acid é um suplemento formulado especialmente para apoiar a saúde muscular e a função energética. Com uma combinação única de ácido málico, este produto é projetado para ajudar a aliviar a tensão muscular e promover a recuperação após atividades físicas intensas. O ácido málico é um composto natural encontrado em frutas, especialmente nas maçãs, e desempenha um papel crucial no ciclo de Krebs, que é fundamental para a produção de energia celular. Este suplemento é ideal para pessoas que sofrem de fibromialgia, fadiga crônica ou que buscam melhorar seu desempenho atlético. A fórmula bio-alinhada garante que os ingredientes sejam absorvidos de maneira eficaz pelo organismo, proporcionando resultados visíveis e duradouros.
1. Alívio da Tensão Muscular: Ajuda a reduzir a rigidez e a dor muscular, promovendo um maior conforto no dia a dia.
2. Aumento da Energia: Contribui para a produção de energia celular, combatendo a fadiga e melhorando a disposição.
3. Suporte à Recuperação Muscular: Facilita a recuperação após exercícios intensos, reduzindo o tempo de inatividade.
4. Melhora da Função Cognitiva: Pode auxiliar na clareza mental e na concentração, beneficiando o desempenho em atividades diárias.
5. Fórmula Natural e Eficaz: Com ingredientes de alta qualidade, é uma opção segura e confiável para quem busca um suporte adicional à saúde.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 3 comprimidos por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada durante o uso do produto. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso do Fibro-Response Bio-Aligned Malic Acid com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa regular de exercícios físicos. Evite exceder a dose recomendada e consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
Amazon Customer –
This did nothing for my fibro pain except make it slightly worse. There is something in it that made my feel extremely anxious also. Maybe it is the high amounts of some B vitamins.
Lisa B –
I have Fibromialgia (diagnosed in 1985). Back then, Doctors did little for the pain except antidepressants! I’m still not sure I understand that, but many have had the same experience. After much research on my own I learned about the wonderful benefits of Malic Acid. I’ve used Malic Acid for over 20 years to ease the pain of the Fibro and later it also helped with the added pain of Multiple Sclerosis diagnosed in 1998 (but it’s been suggested that it probably should also have been diagnosed back in ’85). In 2005 we relocated to an area of Texas that apparently doesn’t know about the benefits of Malic Acid. I tried a wide variety of home owned and national chains, none of which carried anything with any significant amount of Malic Acid in it. I continued my search. I live in a town of 600. I was reaching out to many of the area businesses in the towns near me. Combine those issues with a confusing NEW diagnosis of CANCER a year or so ago, and I forgot my search for Malic Acid until recently. All of the above gave me a pass on shopping out in the public for Christmas 2010. On a whim, I decided to search for Malic Acid. What to my wondering eyes did I find….? It wasn’t eight shining reindeer. Instead it was a very high quality version of Malic Acid called Source Naturals Fibro Response. After taking it for a couple of days, I notice the difference already. The pain in between my shoulders, my shins and my forearms has already lessened. I’m so glad to have found this product, and had the faith to purchase 60-90 day supply. I highly recommend this product to you if you are looking for Malic Acid supplamentation to your regimen for pain control. If Malic Acid has helped you in anyway, than this product is for you. Don’t wait, order today. The quality is excellent, the price very manageable for what you are recieveing. Thank you for providing what ALL the so called Vitamin Shoppe’s, Natural Food Stores, and GNC’s in 3 area towns with populations in excess of 50,000 couldn’t…. Malic Acid. I am restored. Thank you.
B. Clarke –
Fibro-Response saved my life!
I was diagnosed with FM about 6 years ago. At one point I couldn’t type on a computer or walk through the grocery store without crying in pain. I’ve tried all the prescriptions the doctors recommend and they only numbed my brain and made the pain a tiny less sharp. Relentlessly I found that Malic Acid significantly helped FM so I started taking Malic Acid and Magnesium supplements and noticed that I felt better. But the combination and dosing was difficult. So I discovered Fibro-Response and it saved my life. I now have almost zero FM pain and take four every morning with a meal religiously. I know for a fact it is still working as the days I forget, my body will remind me by around 5pm with the onset of FM symptoms. The pills are big but over time you get used to it. I can swallow all four Fibro-Response pills in one gulp with water — although I wouldn’t recommend unless you know you won’t choke on them. My point is, it is manageable and even if it takes you an hour to get them down it is much less a problem them the slow death of FM. I was able to start exercising with cardio and weights after starting Fibro-Response and have grown much stronger which I am sure also helps with the FM symptoms. I have gone from unable to walk more than a block to now running half marathons. I recommended to my sister and my aunt who didn’t even have a FM diagnosis and they both call it a miracle. I learned that whatever it does may not work for everyone as there are a few conditions that are labeled FM and no one really knows. BUT I GUARANTEE IT SAVED MY LIFE. It is worth trying. Your health and happiness are worth the try. Don’t let the negative reviews discourage you. It could be the best decision you ever made. SERIOUSLY