Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals DIM, Diindolylmethane 100mg com BioPerine e Vitamina E
O Source Naturals DIM é um suplemento inovador que combina a potência do Diindolilmetano (DIM) com a eficácia do BioPerine e da Vitamina E, proporcionando uma fórmula única e altamente biodisponível. O DIM é um fitonutriente indólico, um metabolito natural encontrado em vegetais crucíferos como brócolis, couve de Bruxelas e repolho. Este composto é conhecido por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde, especialmente no que diz respeito ao equilíbrio hormonal e à promoção do bem-estar geral.
A diferença do Source Naturals DIM reside em sua formulação especial, que inclui fosfolipídios, Vitamina E e BioPerine, um extrato de pimenta preta que aumenta a absorção de nutrientes. Essa combinação não apenas potencializa os efeitos do DIM, mas também garante que o corpo aproveite ao máximo os benefícios oferecidos por este suplemento. Além disso, o produto é adequado para vegetarianos, pois não contém levedura, laticínios, ovos, glúten ou trigo, e é isento de açúcar, amido, sal, conservantes ou corantes artificiais.
Com mais de 35 anos de confiança no mercado, a Source Naturals foi fundada em 1982 por Ira Goldberg, com a missão de apoiar o potencial de cada indivíduo para desfrutar de uma saúde ideal. O DIM é fabricado nos Estados Unidos, em uma instalação localizada em Scotts Valley, Califórnia, garantindo a qualidade e a segurança do produto.
– Equilíbrio Hormonal: O DIM ajuda a promover um equilíbrio saudável dos hormônios, o que pode ser benéfico para a saúde reprodutiva e o bem-estar geral.
– Apoio ao Metabolismo: A presença de BioPerine aumenta a absorção de nutrientes, potencializando os efeitos do DIM e contribuindo para um metabolismo mais eficiente.
– Propriedades Antioxidantes: A Vitamina E presente na fórmula atua como um poderoso antioxidante, protegendo as células do corpo contra danos causados por radicais livres.
– Saúde Digestiva: O consumo de DIM pode auxiliar na saúde digestiva, promovendo um ambiente intestinal saudável.
– Adequado para Dietas Restritivas: Por ser livre de alérgenos comuns e ingredientes artificiais, é uma excelente opção para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Source Naturals DIM diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
JeriOwl –
Two summers ago I accidentally discovered a breakthrough that allowed me to shed almost 50 pounds in a few months *without effort*. I felt great and I *looked* great. However, I wasn’t sure what exactly had contributed to my great experience since I had switched up several supplements and was under the watchful care of an oriental medicine doctor (receiving acupuncture, cupping and TCM herbals) for a life-threatening situation my western doctors were botching at every turn involving both the (re)diagnosis and therefore proper treatment for my condition. I then went on 2 disaster deployments where I was working crazy hours in a stressful environment, my leg was swelling huge while I was battling the whole medical mess from afar ( partially due to an insurance nightmare.) Frustrated and stressed, I promptly regained the remainder of the pounds… as well as a few extra.
I think I have finally figured out the final key of that summer’s medically documented weight loss. Since picking up another bottle of DIM as well as a bottle of progesterone cream (complete with pregnenolone as well as 7-keto-DHEA), something finally feels similar to that summer. I’m feeling like inflammation is reducing, excess fluid is coming off, my mood is elevating and I seem to be sleeping better which equates to a happier spouse, too! I won’t go into gory details but several aspects of female functioning has improved and my core body temperature has definitely raised (thermogenesis). Listening to my body, I’ve ordered another bottle here on Amazon. I will update this review closer to the holidays or early next year as to my results.
In the meantime, google diindolylmethane for some very relevant articles. Women may want to start off with a 1/4 tablet or 1/2 tablet per day, then twice per day. Always seek the guidance of wellness professionals and make baby step changes to supplementation programs – especially those affecting hormone levels.
My curiosity with DIM also stems from my recurrent DVT (aka blood clots of the deep veins), sometimes even despite being on anti-coagulation therapy. Estrogen is documented as being related to clot development; my hope lies in DIM being more efficient at breaking down estrogen could perhaps, in theory, help to reduce my risks for further DVT development.
From the Label: Source Naturals DIM
Serving Size: 1 tablet
Vitamin E 50 iu 167% DV
DIM 100 mg
lecithin 100 mg (from Soybeans. GMO or non-GMO sourced??)
Black Pepper Fruit Extract 3mg (good to improve circulation)
Suggested Use: 1 to 4 tablets daily with meals.
UPDATE DEC 2012: Despite having a very serious medical situation where I cannot “workout” in the traditional sense (veins are destroyed in my abdomen and leg) I’ve managed to shed and maintain 15-20 pounds weight loss (as documented at my primary care’s office in the weight loss clinic) since I initially wrote this review less than 3 months ago. I used the progesterone cream the first month and DIM the first 2 months. I’ve taken a month off then resumed taking DIM. Within a few days I’ve already lost a few more pounds. DIM supplementation seems to provide the most efficient shedding of weight in the first 10 days of each monthly cycle. My weight loss PCP continuously stresses the importance of losing only 1-2 pounds average per week as the healthiest means to lose weight and then MAINTAIN the weight loss. DIM seems to be helping me with my weight loss goals.
The bottles of DIM I have received from Amazon usually have 3+ years remaining on their expiration dates.
DK –
I’m a 47-year-old female, and I’ve been messing around with bioidentical hormone creams for about five years. Although I am a big believer in hormone replacement, I have had to conclude that the field is still in its infancy, and the doctors who prescribe these things are making very rough guesses. Every time I have followed a doctor’s advice with hormones, I have had bad results physically and mentally; I have had worsening of mood and increases in body fat when my goal in seeking hormone replacement was to improve these things. So I have had to take matters into my own hands, read extensively on this stuff, and systematically tweak doses until I feel better.
Hormones are very complicated, because they all affect one another, they all convert into one another through different pathways, and individuals convert them in different ways based on genetics. Doctors do not have precise enough tools yet to prescribe hormones efficiently. It is a hit-or-miss, iterative process in which they test your blood levels (with tests that are themselves unreliable, especially in women, because our hormones fluctuate on a monthly basis as well as throughout the course of a day), prescribe an initial dose, and then retest to see how the blood levels respond, as well as the patient’s self-reported symptoms. Unfortunately, self-reporting of symptoms is also a rough measure that depends on the patient’s ability to remember how they have been feeling and to verbalize these things in a way the doctor can understand. And the doctor’s ability to understand is also highly variable, based on their education in this nascent field and their previous experience with patients who may or may not have had the issues I have.
Fortunately for me, I have the time to research this stuff, the ability to understand and retain a fair amount of what I read, the time to focus inward on my physical and mental state, and the ability to systematically track my symptoms and tweak my dosages. But not all patients have these, and the extent to which we do not have them is the extent to which we are at the mercy of the prescribing doctor’s knowledge and expertise. If we are lucky, we find a sensitive and experienced doctor and get good results; if we are unlucky, we can end up with more body fat or a worse mood.
DIM is an extremely helpful tool for tweaking hormones. It relieves symptoms of estrogen dominance, including those resulting from hormone replacement. When I use progesterone, for example, I gain fat in my hips and thighs, but if I take DIM, I can avoid this. However, if I take too much DIM, I get symptoms of low estrogen, including joint pain, less-radiant skin, depression, and hot-flash-type symptoms. So I need to be able to tweak the dose of DIM along with the cream doses.
That’s what’s so great about this particular product. It seems that most DIM on the market comes in capsules, but this product is tablets that I can cut to the exact dose I need. If I try to cut a capsule, the powder gets all over everything and it’s more trouble than it’s worth. I currently take 2/3 to 3/4 of a tablet every night at the same time I apply some of my creams, and I’m now in a good place. I assume my body will continue to change as I age, and I will need to keep tweaking, and this product is infinitely tweakable. Five stars.
のり太 –