Descrição do Produto:
Os Wafers Mastigáveis Attentive Child da Source Naturals são uma solução inovadora para apoiar o metabolismo cerebral das crianças. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, cada wafer contém ingredientes que promovem a concentração, a memória e o foco, essenciais para o aprendizado e o desenvolvimento cognitivo. Disponíveis em um sabor frutado agradável, esses wafers são fáceis de mastigar e ideais para crianças em idade escolar. Com 30 unidades por embalagem, são práticos para serem levados na mochila ou consumidos em casa. A combinação de nutrientes como o ácido fólico, o zinco e o complexo B contribui para o funcionamento saudável do cérebro, ajudando as crianças a se manterem atentas e engajadas nas atividades diárias.
1. Apoio Cognitivo: Melhora a concentração e a memória, facilitando o aprendizado.
2. Fórmula Natural: Feito com ingredientes de alta qualidade, sem adição de corantes ou conservantes artificiais.
3. Sabor Agradável: O sabor frutado torna o consumo agradável, incentivando as crianças a tomarem o suplemento.
4. Praticidade: Wafers fáceis de transportar, ideais para lanches em casa ou na escola.
5. Suporte ao Metabolismo Cerebral: Nutrientes essenciais que promovem a saúde cerebral e o desenvolvimento cognitivo.
Recomenda-se que as crianças mastiguem 1 wafer por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição para melhor absorção dos nutrientes. É importante que o uso do produto seja supervisionado por um adulto, garantindo que a criança mastigue adequadamente. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso dos wafers com uma dieta equilibrada e hábitos saudáveis.
Riffshark –
I am truly disappointed!My 8 year son loves the flavor and that is one and only reason for the one star .Bought this and Smarty Pants in a conjoined desperation attempt in making my son focus in class!Not helping!The teacher keep asking us to take him to the Dr . for the obvious ,she wants us to give him meth(ritalin or adderall)and i will call it what it is!Young children’s brains are not ready for that kind of drugs!They’re brains are still in development!I am so sad and desperate and i don’t know what else to do …i know one thing i won’t EVER give him ritalin nor adderall!I just really wished that Attentive child had worked ,finishing the bottle i ain’t buying another,i feel lied to and that the positive reviews are bought up by the company!
S. D. Mannan –
Helps kids stay focused.
jjeweline –
Do not hesitate to try this! Miracle in these supplements 100% saved my sanity, the relationship of my LO and I, gave her ability to conquer some of her biggest challenges!!! My 8 yo has adhd and has struggled with focus, awareness, anxiety hyperactivity and especially reading and I swear to you- after trying a million different natural supplements- this was by far the most effective in relief (and only in first week!!) and without any negative effects 🥰 I couldn’t be more pleased and forever grateful!! Please do NOT EVER stop making these! Thank you 🙏🏼
Cheryl –
I have tried the regular pills with my daughter. She took them but she didn’t quite like the taste. So this second time around I ordered the wafers. They are apparently worse in taste, thankfully there are only 30. The product works but the taste is a struggle.
NaturallyMama –
I tried these with my son who definitely exhibits ADD/HD personality. I am a big fan of supplements and herbs and nutritional healing. However these really did not do much of anything for my son. I found an attention tincture by Gaia herbs that seemed to do much better for us and I could see a change with him pretty soon after. But I just did not see much with this product. I believe it really just depends on the biochemical makeup of your child and their deficiencies. So don’t discredit it completely. It may be just the thing for your child. Give it a try. It could very well be possible he just needed to try more of it per dose or twice a day to get more effect than what I was able to detect. I just had a hard time remembering to give him more. (ADD mom too!)
Chinola –
My child was diagnosed with ADHD. He was on meds for about 3 years. I decided that meds were not the way I wanted to continue. It was making my child moody and very irritable…and on top of that the doctors wanted to up the dosage on his medication. I said to myself there has to be a better way to treat a ADHD on a child without having those horribles side effects. And there it was! Attentive Child! We have been using it for 3 months now and it is working great! My child is more focus and not as moody and irritable. I feel like i have my child back. A very loving kid <3 I give this to my child in addition to omega 3 and a multi vitamin.
Perla Silva –
Demasiado grandes y no venían completas
Carla in Fl. –
Ive used this for my daughters adhd. As I was talking to vitamen shop employee she told me adults take it also. So I said why not, Im not adhd but this supplement helps to calm me and helps me organize my thinking. If that makes sense. Now that they are chewable even better