Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals Alkaline Balance para Suporte ao Equilíbrio do pH – 120 Comprimidos
Em um mundo onde a alimentação moderna frequentemente resulta em um desequilíbrio ácido no organismo, o Source Naturals Alkaline Balance surge como uma solução eficaz para restaurar a harmonia do pH. Pesquisas indicam que uma dieta mais alcalina pode promover a saúde geral e o bem-estar, mas muitos não percebem que os hábitos alimentares contemporâneos podem levar a uma acidificação indesejada dos níveis de pH urinário. Este produto inovador, formulado com ingredientes de alta qualidade, é projetado para ajudar a neutralizar essa acidez, proporcionando um suporte essencial para o equilíbrio do pH.
Cada frasco contém 120 comprimidos, e a recomendação é de 4 comprimidos diários, a serem ingeridos com alimentos. É importante ressaltar que o Alkaline Balance contém trigo e soja, mas não possui levedura, laticínios, ovos, açúcar, conservantes ou corantes, sabores ou fragrâncias artificiais. Com mais de 40 anos de confiança, a Source Naturals foi fundada em 1982 por Ira Goldberg, com o objetivo de apoiar o potencial de cada indivíduo para desfrutar de uma saúde ideal. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, em Scotts Valley, CA, o produto segue as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMPs) estabelecidas pela FDA, garantindo qualidade e segurança.
– Suporte ao Equilíbrio do pH: Ajuda a neutralizar a acidez no organismo, promovendo um ambiente mais alcalino.
– Saúde Geral: Contribui para o bem-estar geral, auxiliando na manutenção de níveis saudáveis de pH urinário.
– Fórmula Segura: Livre de ingredientes artificiais e alérgenos comuns, ideal para quem busca uma suplementação mais natural.
– Confiança e Qualidade: Fabricado por uma marca com mais de 40 anos de experiência no mercado de saúde e bem-estar.
– Praticidade: Com apenas 4 comprimidos diários, é fácil de incorporar à rotina alimentar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 4 comprimidos de Source Naturals Alkaline Balance diariamente, sempre acompanhados de alimentos. Essa prática não apenas maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal que possa ocorrer ao tomar suplementos. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
DrewNY001 –
Actually worked for me! My normal urine ph was 5.5 for years, it is now 7 only a short time and has stayed there for years. 5.5 does not come up as abnormal in tests but I know better. Closer to 7 is better health-wise. Many people have acidic urine due to the foods they eat. I am trying to eat better too.Basically you are eating better by taking such supplements. Of course, real good food is better. Note – there may be things you eat that raises your PH. Try to figure them out and stop or reduce them.
The tablets are large (aprox 7/8″ long, 1/4″ at the widest point,and at its thickest 1/4″, but note they are shaped in curves) and you take four, once a day WITH FOOD. At first I did not take them with food because I did not read the label, a big mistake as I felt them hit my stomach – my error. This is a product I feel I cannot live without.
The name will now be ALKALINE BALANCE (June/July 2017) .
One thing I learned was that these are produced in batches and tested to meet the requirements. Some rare times there could be a shortage of supply like what happened in 2017, (The company Source Naturals is very nice actually talks to you.) There was none to be had at one point from anyone. I was lucky and bought bottles from a company that was seemly first to get their hands on the new batch as they were across the street from the Source Naturals warehouse, So as I write I have the new label “ALKALINE BALANCE” bottles (old name was ALKA-BALANCE). I was actually worried I could not get more when supply ran out and AMAZON emailed when there was some listed and I think I bought all of them the 3rd party had at the time. I love this stuff so much I never want to run out. I have 120 days worth and plan to buy 2 -3 years supply or more as I do not want to run out and re-order as I use them to keep that window (based on expiration dates of batches) . Nothing I tried before works as good as this, and I verified it. BTW – they seem to have about a 4 year expiration date from production date.
But for me, the bottom line is does work, and does work for me. And getting and keeping my pH to 7 was a health improvement. And I also feel better.
What more can I say – BUY THIS STUFF.
I really had to alkalize my blood and I bought this thinking it may help. Not sure how to advice on dosage you have to kind of work that out yourself, but I bought two just in case, I finished one bottle and moving on to the next. I think that it assisted in getting a my blood alkalized, it just takes some time and the dosage has to be worked out. Now if you have the time to play around with it and patience to see it work go for it and see if it helps you. The one thing that I would do differently is buy an option that is capsules or smaller pills. These pills are humongous I have to put in veggie or fruit shakes.
AaronBrownSound –
My GERD is over…. for now at least!!!!!
I have had GERD for 5 years or so and it sucks. However, for the first time in years I am in control of my GERD!
I don’t know about long term success, but for the last week I’ve felt better than I have in a LONG time and that FEELS GREAT!
This product instantly took my upset, gassy, GERD symptoms and relaxed my stomach!
I don’t buy in to the fact that this, or any other product, “balances the acid in your stomach” because once things hit your stomach it instantly becomes acidic. Since ph scales are logarithmic, any changes that could actually make your stomach “alkaline” would interrupt the chemical processes of enzymes and may actually kill you. The urine ph tests only test the urine output which is separate from your stomach acid ph level and related to the ASH left behind. Since the urine doesn’t effect any other part of your body these tests are worthless and quackery.
However, the ingredients of calcium (antacid that settles stomach), apple cider vinegar, ginger root, broccoli & cabbage floret (Highly recommended online and have cured ulcers in studies), magnesium and ginger root all help. I can tell these pills somehow settle the stomach and help keep the LES valve shut or somehow suppress the acid from rising up.
Most of the ingredients in this pill are designed to settle the stomach and some have scientific evidence of their efficacy. All I know is that one day after coffee and pizza when my symptoms arose, this instantly made me feel better! I was on no medication or pills at the time.
I’ve done probably 100 hours of research and here is what else I’ve done to eliminate GERD. It’s working for now and I hope this helps you too!
Chewing more times with smaller bites and smaller portions. Westernized portions are absurdly large and give the stomach no room left to work properly. Chewing more also produces saliva to break down foods better before digesting in the stomach. Chew until it’s mushy. Eat until you are 80% full. This is difficult, but the biggest help for my stomach. Try to keep it to 3 cups or so. Find your own limit and visualize it. Eat on smaller plates at home.
Wait 3 hours before lying down after eating. DO NOT LIE DOWN after eating and DO NOT EAT LATE NIGHT SNACKS!
Relaxing while eating, eating with good posture, and focusing on the meal. I’ve read that this helps put your mind and bodies focus on digesting the food more effectively than having a scattered and stressful system.
Find your triggers. For me, it’s too much greek yogurt, mixing coffees, creams, and lactose. For some reason, I’m ok with coffee or milk seperately, but if I ever eat pizza and have a starbucks drink I’m a GERD mess. If I overdo it on creamy sauces I’m also in for trouble.
If I go out drinking Rolaids seemed to help much better than tums. The two active ingredients worked much better for me with a lot of beers. Also, instead of binge drinking beers try mixed drinks. This prevents my stomach from getting too full, but still let’s me drink without GERD symptoms.
ZMA supplement – zinc and magnesium. I just started using this since many bodybuilders recommend it and it contains similar ingredients to PEPZIN GI. This reduces inflammation and helps healing so it’s a win for anyone athletic with GERD.
Shot of aloe in the morning. I’ve had 2 oz. of aloe vera juice daily. It seemed to soothe my esophagus, but didn’t seem to actually prevent GERD. There are risks of cancerous growths in studies so be careful which aloe gel and juice you buy.
I also recently bought, but haven’t tried, DGL and slippery elm (Which coat the stomach). It seems I may not need to be concerned about it anymore!!!!!!!
SO THERE YOU HAVE IT! This alkabalance product definitely does something to the stomach that helps with GERD. If I follow the steps above my symptoms for GERD become minimal and when they arise this fixes it. So, this may be the end of my GERD forever. I’ll update if anything changes.
Good luck out there. Give this product a shot!!!!! I only have to take it once in the morning for it to be effective.