Source of Life Gold Multivitamin – 180 Comprimidos – Suporte Sanguíneo, Suporte Ósseo, Sistema Imunológico Saudável – Inclui Vitaminas D3, B12, K2
O Source of Life Gold Multivitamin é um suplemento alimentar completo e abrangente que oferece suporte essencial para a saúde do sangue, dos ossos e do sistema imunológico. Cada frasco contém 180 comprimidos, proporcionando um suprimento duradouro de nutrientes vitais.
Este multivitamínico é formulado com uma combinação única de vitaminas e minerais, incluindo vitamina D3, vitamina B12 e vitamina K2. A vitamina D3 é essencial para a saúde dos ossos, ajudando na absorção de cálcio e na manutenção da densidade óssea. A vitamina B12 desempenha um papel fundamental na produção de glóbulos vermelhos e no funcionamento adequado do sistema nervoso. A vitamina K2 é importante para a saúde cardiovascular, ajudando a direcionar o cálcio para os ossos e evitando o acúmulo nas artérias.
Além disso, o Source of Life Gold Multivitamin contém uma variedade de antioxidantes e fitonutrientes que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico e proteger o corpo contra danos causados pelos radicais livres. Esses nutrientes também promovem a saúde celular e contribuem para a vitalidade geral.
Com o Source of Life Gold Multivitamin, você pode ter a tranquilidade de saber que está fornecendo ao seu corpo os nutrientes essenciais de que ele precisa para funcionar no seu melhor. Este suplemento é ideal para pessoas que desejam apoiar sua saúde geral, fortalecer seus ossos e melhorar sua imunidade.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
Suporte abrangente para a saúde
O Source of Life Gold Multivitamin oferece suporte essencial para a saúde do sangue, dos ossos e do sistema imunológico, fornecendo uma ampla gama de nutrientes vitais.
Vitaminas essenciais
Este multivitamínico inclui vitaminas D3, B12 e K2, que desempenham papéis importantes na saúde óssea, na produção de glóbulos vermelhos e na saúde cardiovascular.
Proteção antioxidante
O Source of Life Gold Multivitamin contém antioxidantes e fitonutrientes que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico e proteger o corpo contra danos causados pelos radicais livres.
Suprimento duradouro
Cada frasco contém 180 comprimidos, proporcionando um suprimento duradouro de nutrientes essenciais para apoiar a saúde geral.
Qualidade confiável
O Source of Life Gold Multivitamin é produzido com os mais altos padrões de qualidade, garantindo a eficácia e segurança do produto.
- Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças e infecções.
- Suporte à saúde óssea, essencial para a prevenção de osteoporose e fraturas.
- Melhoria da circulação sanguínea, contribuindo para uma melhor oxigenação dos tecidos.
- Produção adequada de glóbulos vermelhos, essencial para a energia e vitalidade.
- Proteção contra danos celulares, promovendo uma saúde geral mais robusta.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 comprimidos por dia, de preferência com uma refeição, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Ross moe –
They are great vitamins love them thanks moe
I like it. Contains a comprehensive list of necessary supplemental vitamins, mineral, and other dietary necessities in correct and useful quantities. Large tablet, but coated for easier swallowing. I take two with breakfast, and one with lunch. But this formulation whole-food formulation can be taken with or without food.
LCGreene –
Well balanced, excellent ingredients.
crm –
Use it for years
I phone –
I have been taking this multivitamin for 4 years now. I used to swap between brands like the wind until I worked for a supplement store and had my eyes opened and studied dozens of other brands meticulously comparing each and every ingredient every day while at work.
Some other reputable brands are Garden of Life, MegaFood, Now Foods. Ones to avoid: Natures Bounty, Solaray, Nature Made, pretty much any generic stuff you can find off the shelf at Walmart. I can go into extensive detail as to why it is better to not take a multivitamin at all than taking one from those bad brands. First off, Natures Plus is one of the most fore front brands in incorporating the latest science into their supplements. When technology came out with methylated cofactors being available Natures Plus I noticed was one of the first brands to add that into all of their supplements. Take cobalamin for example (B12), you will notice the other awful brands have it in the form of cyanocobalamin. What is that cyano you ask that the cobalamin is bound to? Well it is cyanide. That’s right, cyanide. What about folate? Is it methylfolate or folic acid. I can tell you right now one of those 2 is folate and the other is not, even though the FDA and medical community mistakenly use them interchangeably and force food processing plants to “fortify” basic foods like milk and cereals, baby formulas, etc with it. Your liver can only process so much folic acid each day (400-800mcg estimated) and convert it into methyl folate. The rest stays behind and acts as poison. So if you are already getting folic acid from foods that get pumped with it and you are taking a crappy multi that has even more of it, you are only poisoning yourself that much more. Or you can just take it in the natural methylfolate form as your body uses it, no conversion needed. This is just one small example why whole food based Multis are so important and people need to avoid synthetic vitamins!
There are so many studies out there showing people have increased risk for Alzheimer’s, dementia, or other related disorders and have a shorter life expectancy who have regularly taken synthetic multivitamin every day. Don’t kill yourself slowly and pay others to do it!
Now there are many who complain about the sheer size and quantity. Let me just say this… it isn’t easy fitting calcium and magnesium into a pill because they are huge components of your daily intake. These pills do a nice job of not giving you 100% of what you need, but a pretty darn good start and pretty much anything you eat during the day will get you the rest of the way. Most other smaller vitamins just skip those 2 parts of the vitamin alltogether because they are the bulkiest part of any multi. So you do have an option to take a smaller multi and get your cal/mag/zinc another way if you have a hard time swallowing.
As far as price goes for what you get in this multi, I don’t think it can be beat. Like I said. In the 4 years I have been taking this multi I have only ever called out sick for work 1 time and my wife hates me for it. I simply never get sick. Maybe I get a small common cold here or there, but it is so mild I can still go to work and function well. Think about the cost saving right there if missing work due to sickness is costing you greatly. You will get sick less, less severe illnesses, and have faster recovery’s. They say over 99% of people who got Covid had a vitamin D deficiency. This multi has more vitamin D than 95% of other multis out there and you have no need to take another vitamin D supplement with it which brings me to the next point.
Lots of multis don’t give you everything you need and you need to supplement in the gaps. Not with this multi. I’m telling you the list of ingredients isn’t even listed on the pictures, it goes on and on under the label for 3 more pages. Sure this vitamin is pricey but you save tons in not having to buy tons of tiny different vitamins to fill in every little spot.
In conclusion I swear by this vitamin to all my friends and coworkers. Sure it is expensive but the rewards far outweigh the cost when factoring in the savings in other areas. You will feel great, have tons of energy to work 12+ hours will full cognitive performance, hardly ever get sick, and most importantly, live a healthy long life. The one and I mean only thing this vitamin lacks is Iron for the ladies. Sorry, but if you are heavy bleeders you will need to take a separate iron source.
100% recommend to everyone.
Khaghpeykar –
I feel more energetic
Carmen Bruno –
Worth the cost
Jessica Barrett –
This is by far and away the most complete “whole supplement ” vitamin available. I recommend to every client i can. The price is also much better than you can find locally.