Soro Facial Ácido Hialurônico Puro Eva Naturals – Rugas e Linhas Finas – Hidratação Perfeita para o Rosto e Pele Seca – Combina com Soro de Vitamina C (60 ml)
O Soro Facial Ácido Hialurônico Puro da Eva Naturals é um produto inovador que se destaca no mercado de cuidados com a pele, especialmente formulado para combater rugas e linhas finas. Com 60 ml de pura eficácia, este soro é ideal para quem busca uma hidratação profunda e duradoura, especialmente em peles secas. Sua fórmula rica em ácido hialurônico proporciona uma hidratação intensa, capaz de reter até 1000 vezes o seu peso em água, garantindo que a pele mantenha sua umidade natural ao longo do dia. Além disso, o soro pode ser combinado com o Soro de Vitamina C, potencializando ainda mais os resultados e promovendo um tom de pele mais uniforme e radiante.
Desenvolvido com ingredientes de alta qualidade, o Soro Facial Ácido Hialurônico Puro é livre de parabenos, corantes, fragrâncias, sulfatos e ftalatos, assegurando uma experiência de uso segura e natural. Testado clinicamente e formulado nos Estados Unidos, este soro é adequado para todos os tipos de pele, oferecendo uma solução eficaz para a redução de linhas finas na testa, pescoço, pés de galinha, estrias e cicatrizes. Ao incorporar este produto na sua rotina de cuidados faciais, você notará uma pele mais macia, volumosa e com uma aparência jovem e saudável.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Hidratação intensa e equilíbrio do tom natural da pele
- Redução visível de linhas finas, rugas, estrias e cicatrizes
- Pele mais macia, volumosa e radiante
- Fórmula livre de substâncias tóxicas e crueldade animal
- Testado clinicamente e formulado nos Estados Unidos
O Soro Facial Ácido Hialurônico Puro da Eva Naturals oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Entre os principais, destacam-se: 1) Hidratação profunda que combate a desidratação e ressecamento da pele; 2) Redução significativa de rugas e linhas finas, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem; 3) Melhora na elasticidade da pele, resultando em um aspecto mais firme; 4) Uniformização do tom da pele, ajudando a minimizar manchas e imperfeições; 5) Fórmula segura e livre de crueldade, ideal para quem busca produtos éticos e eficazes.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Soro Facial Ácido Hialurônico Puro, aplique uma quantidade adequada do produto sobre o rosto limpo e seco. Massageie suavemente com movimentos circulares até que o soro seja completamente absorvido pela pele. Recomenda-se o uso diário, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, antes da aplicação de outros produtos de cuidados faciais. Evite o contato direto com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico. Armazene o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe do alcance de crianças.
Robin Deibler –
This is my favorite serum ever! I’ve been using this for a few years now and it has done wonders for my skin. I use two pumps all over my face, neck and chest right after I’ve washed my face, before using eye cream and moisturizer. It absorbs very fast. It has a very light scent, I hardly notice it. It makes my skin look and feel fresh and plump. I don’t have very many fine lines or wrinkles (I’m almost 30), but my skin looks younger than it did 5 years ago! I’m reverse aging! How is this possible? THIS STUFF!
But really, the condition of my skin is so much better with this. My skin is brighter, firmer, much better hydrated, smoother, and more radiant since incorporating this serum into my daily routine. I’ve tried so many different brands from drug stores, essential oil blends, “high end” organic serums that cost way too much money… I’ve tried a lot. Several other kinds of serums irritated my skin or were too oily to use under makeup. Hyaluronic acid is the only thing that keeps my skin in balance! When I started using this my skin transformed from combination skin with frequent breakouts to “normal” skin with virtually no breakouts at all. Redness is reduced dramatically… I STOPPED WEARING FOUNDATION! I DON’T NEED IT ANYMORE! This past winter I had absolutely no flaking skin on my face. It’s incredible. This is hands down the best serum I’ve ever used and I will keep using this for years to come. I would recommend this to absolutely everyone.
Tama S. Mansfield –
I tried the #1 and #2 seller on here but they both were too strong and made my face reddish and itchy. It felt like it sat on the face.
This brand absorbs quickly, it’s so light, no fragrance, and within 2 days all those spots that I kept thinking were new skin cancers or ones I had sprayed off before coming back, they are all gone. They were just dry. My pores look smaller, my skin is now ONE color, and my skin is smooth.
I have tried so many lotions but they all irritated and never made these dry patches go away.
My skin is soooo SMOOTH and all ONE color and my lines aren’t so visible.
This is the only product I use on my skin except for GloSkin tinted moisturizer, which I love!
Carmen M –
After spending tons of money on other products I was determined to find a more natural, cruelty free and cost effective way to care for my aging skin. After much research and lamenting decided to order from a few different companies and try some things out. I started off with the Facelift in a Bottle 3 in 1 pack which was a cost effective way to sample a few products all which include the similar main ingredients ideals as other products in their line. I love the way the products feel going on my skin, last throughout the day without a residue or sticky feeling. It just feels like clean, dewy skin that glows. Friends, coworkers and family have all complimented my skin and whether big or small it is more attention than my skin has gotten in all my life. I notice a difference in the texture and appearance of my skin ESPECIALLY around my eyes. I played soccer my whole life and loved long days on the beach as a life guard or lounger. My skin was beat on by the sun for decades. Approaching 30 I was taking notice of the damage I had done, dryness, fine lines and deep wrinkles in my forehead. Im 10 days away from my 35th birthday and my skin has been completely transformed.
I started off applying twice a day for the first two weeks of treatment. My skin was looking so amazing that I kept that up for a while longer without a second thought. I started purchasing other Eva Natural products and though I have my favorites the original 3 are tried and true. I love that this is a little company that LOVES and cares about what they do and who they do it for. I am customer for life.
Robin Deibler –
When I apply after cleansing my face feels great
Brittany Ringleben –
This hyaluronic acid serum is a nice addition to my skincare routine. I have sensitive and dry skin, with mild rosacea. This is very gentle on my skin, no irritation, and no additional redness. A little does go a long way, and the serum is thin, and is spread easily. I do not feel that it is sticky, and it does not have a strong odor. My skin can use added moisture year round so I like the additional moisture it is providing as well as helping to smooth some of my wrinkled or uneven areas.
Kathleen –
I think this is a little unknown brand but by far this is the best hyaluronic serum formula I’ve ever used and I’ve experimented with several different brands. I use this day and night. My makeup sits beautifully on top and doesn’t pill or anything. Highly recommend you try this brand. A lot of product for the price.
LoveNaturalBeauty –
I actually like the actual product a lot
When I received the product at least half of it had leaked out inside the bubble wrap, even though the cap was still sealed, so I had to stick my hand inside and pull out out product for the first few weeks, so it wouldn’t all go to waste. I didn’t return it because we were leaving town, and I couldn’t wait for a replacement.
I liked the idea of a pump instead of a dropper, but it’s difficult to control the amount, as it comes squirting out in larger quantity than wanted and makes a mess in the process if you’re not aiming it very close to your fingers.
If I knew that it was just a fluke that I had these issues, I would purchase the product again.
flgafl –
Loving it. Great value and works.
Kaylan –
Mixed feelings with this one. On the one hand it broke me out in acne (which I just managed to clear up), and on the parts of my face that didn’t break out it made my skin look very refreshed and feel very soft the next day. It also feel very sticky and takes a while to absorb and any moisturiser you put on after will peel. So maybe wait a while before applying any products afterwards. All in all a decent serum but if you’re prone to break outs I’d probably avoid it.
Brittany Ringleben –
Remarkable and the Greatest I”ve ever used!!!!!