O Soro de Colágeno para o Rosto é um produto inovador que promete transformar a sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Com uma fórmula rica em colágeno, este soro facial é projetado para firmar e levantar a pele, proporcionando um aspecto mais jovem e saudável. O colágeno, uma proteína essencial encontrada naturalmente em nossa pele, desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da elasticidade e firmeza. Com o passar dos anos, a produção de colágeno diminui, resultando em rugas, linhas de expressão e flacidez. O Neogold Collagen Serum atua diretamente na restauração dessa proteína, aumentando a elasticidade da pele e promovendo uma hidratação profunda.
Além de colágeno, o soro é enriquecido com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes como peptídeos, niacinamida, glicerina, ácido hialurônico, vitamina C e aloe vera. Esses componentes trabalham em sinergia para nutrir a pele, melhorar sua textura e combater os sinais de envelhecimento. O resultado é uma pele mais macia, radiante e com um volume restaurado, ideal para quem busca uma alternativa eficaz e suave às injeções estéticas.
O Neogold Collagen Serum não apenas ajuda a rejuvenescer a pele, mas também atua na redução de imperfeições, como manchas de idade e olheiras. Sua fórmula leve e de rápida absorção é adequada para todos os tipos de pele, tornando-se um aliado indispensável na rotina de beleza. Com o uso contínuo, você notará uma melhora significativa na aparência geral da sua pele, que se tornará mais vibrante e flexível.
1. Restaura a elasticidade e firmeza da pele.
2. Hidrata e nutre profundamente, combatendo a secura.
3. Suaviza a aparência de rugas e linhas finas.
4. Melhora a textura áspera da pele, proporcionando suavidade.
5. Aumenta a elasticidade da pele, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem.
Ebony Major –
It was delivered a week ago and I started using it that same evening. The first three days, I used it once a day only at night. The next 4 days, I’ve used it twice a day and my husband says it has definitely been working and he can see the difference, “like it rolled back the hands of time.” I’m 41 yrs old and he says I look 30. My 22 yr old coworker didn’t even know I was in my forties until I told her. She’s was shocked and thought I was 25 yrs old. Might I add, I also work out 6 days a week and have lost quite a bit of weight so my face is thinner. I use this and the Neogold 2 in 1 eye serum. Both have drastically decreased my under eye wrinkles, dark circles, and tightened my skin. I use the collagen serum on my neck and décolleté as well. I will most certainly be buying another bottle once I finish this one because I’m very happy with the results.
kayla –
I love this. I can feel my skin get tight after using this. Also keeps away dry skin and has helped smooth my complexion. My skin has never been better since using this. I first found it at TJ Max and am so glad to have found it available here! Definitely worth the try and can’t beat the price!
Sarona moon –
مجرد تسويق المنتج سبب لي احمرار. شديد. وحكه. ولا يشد البشره ابدا.
Amazon Customer –
I love this product. It is so lightweight, smooth, and easily absorbed. It really makes my face feel moisturized and soft. No scent to bother you either.
Yanerys –
Muy bueno
Janan Ewing –
Not really sure about the plumping affect but the texture is nice for matte finish
barbie diamond –
I have used this collagen over a year and loved it.. I get it on subscription..it has always been a white creamy texture. However, my last bottle was clear and I am now suffering from a skin rash around my eyes and mouth … what has changed??seller has not replied to same question
MamaLuv –
This product came in a bag, I opened the top of the bad with a scissor and when I went to get the bottle out, it was opened and there was serum spilled in the bag and all over the bottle! I am glad a lot of it was not wasted, anyway I tried the serum and it felt good on my skin and it gave me a glow. I am going to continue using it and see how it goes, I hope it does what it says it can do!
Caroline –
Anyone spending more than $20 on over the counter retinoid products may as well as be lighting money on fire. The retinoid active ingredient is usually the same in all products, cheap or expensive. Any dermatologist not lying will tell you this. I am impressed with this serum and after two weeks am noticing a difference in my skin: it’s smoother, brighter, and overall just looks younger. Do I still have fine lines and wrinkles? Yes. But other than lasers, deep chemical peel, or a face -lift, those are not going to be lessened by anything in a tube or bottle. Stop buying into the beauty industry BS and learn the facts before you spend your hard earned money on fantasy products. Some reviews mentioned a scent, I barely notice it at all. Serum goes on cool and light and dries quick without stickiness. I will be buying more when this runs out.