Sonic Alert Super Shaker 12v Branco Vibrador
O Sonic Alert Super Shaker 12v Branco Vibrador é um dispositivo vibratório de alta potência, projetado para proporcionar um despertar eficaz e confiável. Com uma vibração intensa e silenciosa, ele é ideal para pessoas com deficiência auditiva ou para aqueles que desejam um alerta adicional. O design compacto permite que o Super Shaker seja facilmente colocado sob um travesseiro ou entre o colchão e as molas da cama, garantindo que mesmo os mais pesados dorminhocos sejam acordados. A conexão de 12v assegura uma operação estável e duradoura, tornando este produto uma escolha prática para quem não quer perder compromissos importantes.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Vibrações poderosas: O Sonic Alert Super Shaker 12v Branco Vibrador possui vibrações intensas que são garantidas para acordar até mesmo os mais profundos dorminhocos.
- Design versátil: Com seu design compacto e discreto, este vibrador pode ser facilmente colocado sob um travesseiro ou entre o colchão e as molas da cama.
- Fácil de usar: Basta conectar o Sonic Alert Super Shaker 12v Branco Vibrador à tomada do vibrador na parte de trás e desfrutar de um despertar revigorante todas as manhãs.
- Qualidade duradoura: Fabricado com materiais de alta qualidade, este vibrador é projetado para durar, proporcionando anos de uso confiável.
- Compatibilidade universal: O Sonic Alert Super Shaker 12v Branco Vibrador é compatível com a maioria dos modelos de cama, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para qualquer pessoa que deseje acordar de forma eficaz e confortável.
O Sonic Alert Super Shaker 12v Branco Vibrador oferece uma série de benefícios que melhoram a qualidade de vida dos usuários. Primeiramente, ele proporciona um despertar eficaz para pessoas com deficiência auditiva, garantindo que não percam compromissos importantes. Além disso, sua vibração intensa é ideal para quem tem dificuldades em acordar com alarmes sonoros. O design discreto permite que ele se integre facilmente à rotina matinal, sem causar incômodos. A durabilidade do produto assegura um investimento a longo prazo, enquanto a compatibilidade com diferentes tipos de cama o torna uma solução versátil para qualquer ambiente. Por fim, a facilidade de uso torna o Super Shaker uma escolha prática para todos.
Para utilizar o Sonic Alert Super Shaker 12v Branco Vibrador, comece conectando o dispositivo à tomada do vibrador localizada na parte de trás. Em seguida, posicione o vibrador sob o travesseiro ou entre o colchão e as molas da cama, garantindo que ele esteja firmemente colocado para maximizar a eficácia das vibrações. Ao ativar o dispositivo, as potentes vibrações começarão a funcionar, proporcionando um despertar suave e eficaz. Este método garante que você acorde revigorado e pronto para enfrentar o dia, sem o estresse de alarmes sonoros tradicionais.
Mike Miller –
This is absolutely the best way to wake up in the morning. However Amazon’s shipping has gotten very bad.
joanne –
I don’t love that it wakes me up, but that’s what it was made to do! Does it perfectly, without waking up the neighbors or guests. As a hard of hearing person, it was either “crank up the noise” or this. The vibrating feature is more efficient and effective at chasing away Zz’s than louder alarms.
It doesn’t last forever, this is the third replacement I’ve bought. However, considering it has worked, every morning faithfully, for three to four years is fine by me. I don’t think most people keep their cell phones that long… And each time the previous one bit the dust, I knew it was coming in advance (this last time was a weakening in the wire, so I could physically see its degradation and know it would die soon). Enough of a warning to get a new one.
Steven Davis –
I have been using this product in the past which is best, but the worse part is the transformer does not last very long. The plug is little different when I received the alarm clock or phone alert device. I am not even sure if the plug is standardize for most of the alarm clock or phone alert devices. I suggest you check to make sure the plug matches the device you use before ordering any parts.
Deaf Gal –
I bought this to go with the Sonic Boom Alarm Clock. 5 months later, it starts malfunctioning and continues to wake me up in the middle of the night for no reason. Unpleased with this product.
Daniel E Dennis –
Pros: Surprisingly powerful! Uses very little power and is built solid! Common connector makes it simple to find or make extensions, or add on to an existing alert system.
Cons: Not really cons, but FYI from my own trial and error…
The cord on the shaker is just long enough if you have this right next to your bed, but if you want it across the room you will defiantly need to buy or make an extension.
The shaker is very slippery so if you want it just under your pillow you will need to stuff it the pillow case or wrap it in something that will keep it from slipping off the bed.
You will need to experiment to find the best placement with your mattress to get the most out of this. I tried with it under the mattress and with it wedged in the wood supports for the box, but found that having it on top stuffed under the mattress cover really makes the vibrations resonate in the springs!
Other Thoughts: If loud obnoxious alarms aren’t working for you, try an alarm made for one of these! Maybe you’re just more of a tactile person, as I am, and audible alarms alone simply will not work. We are hard wired to use the combination of our senses to know our surroundings, thinking back i laugh at my futile attempts of trying new and louder alarms that I would simply sleep through while ignoring my other more responsive senses. Combine this with a light for additional benefits.
ama –
So this 12 volt bed shaker seemed like a great idea to incorporate into a fire alarm system for smoke/co/ alerts while sleeping.
The center in positive 12v outside pole of the plug is neg 12v was worried it might not work by itself with just a relay and 12v power but it does!!
Shakes very well, I intend to mount it to the frame of the bed/ wall wired into a relay system for the alarms. I could see how this would wake me up if my hearing isnt working or in a very deep sleep.
New studies show children under 6-8 years old or autistic developed brains may not have up to sounds alone. Tried to also incorporate emergency lighting into the same circuit for hearing impaired. Looks like this will work great for my purpose 😀
Katie K –
It does work great. It definitely wakes me up when under the pillow. However, like the other review, it only last about about 2 or 3 years. When i opened it up, one of the wires was disconnected from the board making this device now useless. I will not be ordering this model again.
Petunia Rose –
We got this for my son, who has hearing impairment. We didn’t realize this didn’t come as a part of the Sonic Boom Alarm so had to place a separate order as this is what we most wanted, so as not to disturb the neighbors on the other side of the walls. At first, my son put it between the mattress and box springs but this caused an alarming, really loud buzzing in the floor joists! He moved it between the foam incline and the mattress and all is well. He says it works great, is not too loud, does not vibrate too much to be upsetting, and helps him awake in the mornings. I do wish the alarm/vibrator had a setting to adjust the intensity of the vibration. I like that it can be coordinated to wake him if the smoke alarm goes off in the night.