SOMANG Leite Corporal Calmante – Hidratação e Suavidade – 200ml
O SOMANG Leite Corporal Calmante é um produto inovador que proporciona alívio e hidratação intensiva para a pele. Com uma fórmula enriquecida com leite, este leite corporal é ideal para acalmar a pele, oferecendo uma sensação suave e refrescante. Sua composição rica em nutrientes e vitaminas nutre e revitaliza a pele, deixando-a macia, saudável e com um aspecto radiante.
Este produto é perfeito para quem busca uma solução eficaz para a pele seca e irritada. O extrato de leite forma uma camada protetora que ajuda a manter a umidade, enquanto os ingredientes naturais, como o leite de coco e extratos de orquídea, garantem uma experiência sensorial única. A textura leve e não oleosa do SOMANG Leite Corporal Calmante permite uma aplicação fácil e rápida, sendo rapidamente absorvido sem deixar resíduos pegajosos.
- Hidratação Profunda: Mantém a pele hidratada por mais tempo, proporcionando maciez e suavidade.
- Nutrição e Suavidade: Acalma e suaviza a pele, ajudando a reduzir irritações e desconfortos.
- Fragrância Leve e Agradável: Deixa a pele com um aroma delicado e fresco ao longo do dia.
- Absorção Rápida: A fórmula é rapidamente absorvida, garantindo frescor imediato sem resíduos.
- Ingredientes Naturais: Com leite de coco e extratos de orquídea, promove um cuidado natural e eficaz para a pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o SOMANG Leite Corporal Calmante diariamente. Massageie suavemente na pele limpa e seca, concentrando-se nas áreas mais ressecadas ou irritadas. Recomenda-se o uso pela manhã e à noite, ou sempre que sentir necessidade de hidratação e suavidade. A aplicação regular garantirá uma pele visivelmente mais saudável e bem cuidada.
Ghostess –
This lotion has one very overpowering quality to it and that is it will leave you smelling like a chemical Grandma. It’s not the cheap perfume and too much powder grandma smell so don’t let that keep you from trying it. It is more like a pleasantly perfumed but some what chemically altered grandma that you don’t mind hugging for extended periods of time because she leaves you feeling soft and relaxed. I have incredibly sensitive skin due to autoimmune issues and even with it being heavily perfumed I get no irritation or reactions from it. I can even use it on my face without issue. It is not super heavy so don’t expect it to do what a deep moisture cream would do but for a regular lotion it’s pretty good at restoring moisture and softness. It doesn’t pill off or leave any gross greasy layers either. I really do like it and fondly refer to it as my chemical Grandma when ever I go to use it.
I love you Chem Gram.
alanna matavao –
I love korean products like no other, to the point if you try to sell me a product I have never heard of before in my life but it was made in Korea, say no more I will buy it (I know, i’m rolling my eyes too). Anyways, I was looking for a lotion that wasn’t heavy and to hopefully help with my “beginning stage of leathery” looking skin, I set out to find one on Amazon (because I live on an island that costs a kidney and part of your liver to get things delivered here), and I came across this beauty here. I read all the reviews and thought ok, this is the one! Right?. Nice light scent that don’t last very long, can be easily absorbed into your skin, all that good stuff. 15 bucks, a little pricey but whatever right? So it arrives and man I was excited beyond belief. I took that bottle out, put some on my hand and started crying. I must’ve read reviews by people under 30 because, the scent was not light and it definitely reminded me of Avon lotions (damn I’m old). All in all, I’d give this a 4.5 stars. It really did make my skin feel soft, it did the job it was intended to do amazingly, hands down great quality lotion, worth the 15 bucks. I’m just a weirdo who has a thing with scents and apparently a scent that reminded me of days past is also a scent that my teenagers really love so this I guess(final answer), is a 5 star product.
celinecsnyder –
Quick delivery with lots of freebies. It’s not sticky and the scent is mild like a baby powder. I also like its effects on my skin, smooth, soft and hydrated. I will definitely purchase again.
Ghostess –
🤔Smell punches me in face with the scent of baby wipes..so I mix fragrance oil/ other lotions to offset or defuse the scent..
🤔Very liquidy, squirts out kind of like watery yogurt so be careful..
🤔non sticky and dries quickly, I like to use this when the weather is sticky and hot
🤔I got this to use as an acid, and it does help exfoliate. Its good when my skin has tiny bumps and asks not to be sufficated in thick lotions/wants to breath, but not be tight and dry.
🤔The white illiyoon lotion is very thick and good for winter, or a night mask, smells light and floral. I notice that it also calms my skin if I had used too much acids or expholiated too hard. If I want a lighter texture, i just pump a little bit into my hand and add water.
🤔Red illiyoon smells like licorice extract and roots, is as thick as a typical lotion and helps with scars
jennifer rogge –
I have hated lotion for years and never used it because of the way it feels greasy and heavy on your skin, but lately I’ve been having really dry skin and a friend suggested this brand, and putting it on after showering. My skin has never felt better, the lotion absorbs pretty quickly so there isn’t that lingering greasy feeling, and your skin feels soft for the rest of the day. My only complaint is that it has a VERY potent scent, a sort of rose/powdery smell that is kind of overpowering when you first put it on, and will cling to anything you touch for the next few hours (clothing, bedding, etc). It’s not a bad scent, thankfully. It’s just a loud one.
Lulu –
So the cream is not greasy,hydrating and all the rest,,the smell is like baby powder or the soap grandma used to use,,,that I loved as a kid,,,but the scent is DEFINITELY OVERWHELMING…to those like me who a scent sensitive…it’s an issue
Sharkpuncher –
I’m so happy that this is available again! It’s thick. creamy and most importantly of all, moisturizing. It definitely makes your skin soft and if you have very dry skin, give it a a week or two of regular application and your skin will feel so different.
Amazon Customer –
This item went into my skin smoothly. Seemed to make it smoother. The scent was good. It is not thick and not greasy. On a side note I accidentally got a little in my mouth and was really bitter.