Descrição do Produto: Solução para Lentes de Contato Biotrue
A Solução para Lentes de Contato Biotrue é a escolha ideal para quem busca conforto e praticidade no uso de lentes de contato. Com um frasco de 10 FL OZ, este pacote com duas unidades garante que você tenha sempre à mão uma solução de alta qualidade para cuidar das suas lentes. Recomendado por profissionais de saúde ocular, Biotrue é projetado para manter suas lentes úmidas e confortáveis durante todo o dia, proporcionando uma experiência de uso sem igual.
- RECOMENDADO POR MÉDICOS OCULISTAS: Biotrue é amplamente recomendado por especialistas em cuidados oculares, assegurando que suas lentes permaneçam confortáveis e hidratadas ao longo do dia.
- LIMPA E DESINFECTA: A solução Biotrue oferece uma limpeza e desinfecção excepcionais, removendo sujeira e acúmulo de proteínas, garantindo lentes limpas e transparentes.
- HIDRATA: Com a capacidade de fornecer até 20 horas de umidade, Biotrue garante conforto durante todo o dia. É especialmente gentil, ajudando as lentes a permanecerem confortáveis mesmo durante o uso de dispositivos digitais.
- RECURSOS INSPIRADOS NA NATUREZA: Inspirada na biologia do olho, a solução Biotrue contém hialuronano (HA), um hidratante encontrado naturalmente nas lágrimas, e iguala o pH das lágrimas saudáveis, facilitando a colocação das lentes.
- SOLUÇÃO MULTIFUNCIONAL: A solução Biotrue pode ser utilizada para armazenar, limpar e desinfetar lentes de contato em um estojo quando não estiverem em uso, ou para enxaguar as lentes antes de colocá-las. É adequada para lentes de contato macias, incluindo lentes de silicone hidrogel.
1. Conforto Prolongado: A solução Biotrue mantém suas lentes hidratadas por até 20 horas, ideal para quem passa longos períodos com as lentes.
2. Limpeza Eficiente: Remove sujeira e proteínas, garantindo que suas lentes estejam sempre limpas e prontas para uso.
3. Recomendação Profissional: A confiança de ser um produto recomendado por médicos oculistas traz segurança ao usuário.
4. Uso Versátil: Pode ser utilizada para limpeza, desinfecção e armazenamento, tornando-se uma solução prática para o dia a dia.
5. Compatibilidade: Adequada para todos os tipos de lentes de contato macias, incluindo as de silicone hidrogel, atendendo a uma ampla gama de usuários.
Para utilizar a Solução para Lentes de Contato Biotrue, comece lavando bem as mãos com água e sabão. Em seguida, retire uma lente de contato do olho e coloque-a na palma da mão. Aplique algumas gotas da solução Biotrue sobre a lente e esfregue suavemente com o dedo por cerca de 20 segundos. Enxágue a lente com mais solução antes de colocá-la de volta no estojo. Repita o processo com a outra lente. Para armazenamento, encha o estojo com a solução Biotrue, garantindo que as lentes estejam completamente submersas. Troque a solução a cada vez que usar as lentes para garantir a máxima limpeza e desinfecção.
Romanita Salgado –
I recently bought this to sterile and clean my color lenses, definitely recommend this product.
alexys –
my favorite contact solution ever! came quickly & leaves the quality of my contacts moist & soft 🙂 it doesn’t have a smell, & cleans my contacts well & ready for next day use 🙂
Michelle G. –
Biotrue Contact Lens Solution has truly become an essential part of my daily routine, and I can’t recommend it highly enough to fellow contact lens wearers. This multi-purpose solution, conveniently sized at 4 fl oz, is perfect for travel or for keeping in various spots, like your car or office, so you’re never without it.
What I love about Biotrue is its gentle formula that effectively cleans, rinses, and stores my contact lenses. It effortlessly removes any build-up that can occur, leaving my lenses feeling fresh and comfortable throughout the entire day. The solution is pH balanced to match healthy tears, which is a huge plus for maintaining both comfort and clarity in my vision.
Additionally, Biotrue provides excellent moisture that lasts, preventing any dryness that can sometimes occur with contact lens wear. It makes wearing contacts a breeze, even for those long days when you need your lenses to cooperate.
Overall, the Biotrue Contact Lens Solution is a product I trust for my eye care needs. If you’re looking for a reliable and effective solution that cares for your lenses as much as you do, give Biotrue a try. It ensures that every time I wear my contacts, it feels like a fresh start, keeping my eyes healthy and irritation-free. Don’t hesitate—grab a bottle and experience the difference for yourself!
صويلح القرني –
جودة عالية 👌🏻
benny –
Pretty straight forward review. I have used this before and its a trustworthy contact lenses solution. Gentle on the eyes and soothing. There is a difference between this brand and some of those generic brands. If you’re gonna put it on your eyes you might wanna go with quality over price. This was priced fair.
Julis M –
I recently switched to this multipurpose contact lens solution, and I’m absolutely thrilled with it! Here’s what makes it so great:
Effective Cleaning: It does an amazing job of cleaning my lenses. I’ve noticed a significant difference in comfort and clarity after using it, even after a long day.
All-in-One Formula: I love that it’s a multipurpose solution. I can clean, rinse, and store my lenses all with the same product, which saves me time and hassle.
Gentle on Eyes: This solution is gentle and doesn’t irritate my eyes at all. I have sensitive eyes, and I’ve had no issues since I started using it.
Convenient Packaging: The bottle is easy to use and the flip-top cap prevents spills. I appreciate the design, making it travel-friendly too!
Great Value: For the quality and effectiveness, this solution is reasonably priced. I feel like I’m getting excellent value for my money.
Overall, I highly recommend this multipurpose contact lens solution! It has made my daily lens care routine so much easier and more comfortable. Definitely a must-have for anyone who wears contacts!
Tyler –
It always felt scratchy when wearing my contacts with another brand I’ve always used and never even thought comfort was possible until now! This stuff works and it works well!
Sam R –
I always use the big one so, as I prepared for my travels, I was excited to see that they offer a small version as well. It is a great product and great value for the price. Product could be a little bigger and still comply with airport regulations but other than that 10/10
yashovardhan –
stay away from other preservative laden product
Big Spender –
Using this product shows me that there is always something better than what you are use to using… Before trying Biotrue I used Optifree hydroglide and this doesn’t compare to Biotrue. Biotrue kept my contacts moisturized longer than what I’m used to. I have dry eye and only had to use my dry eye drops twice and only using 1 drop per eye vs the several drops I had to use with Optifree. Note that sometimes when I smoke marijuana it causes dry eye, so Biotrue definitely does it job with keeping the moisture consistent.
Taking my contacts out was a breeze. Any other time when I take them out my eyes are super itchy from allergies and the build up on the lenses, but not with Biotrue. I had no irritation at all.
I will keep purchasing this product and Biotrue makes it really comfortable to wear my contacts now being that I am new to contacts.