Descrição do Produto:
Conheça o SOLO Organic Pea Protein Isolate, um pó de proteína vegetal de alta qualidade, feito a partir de ervilhas orgânicas cultivadas no Canadá. Com um perfil nutricional superior, cada porção contém 30g de proteína, incluindo 5,5g de BCAAs, além de ser rico em ferro e uma boa fonte de cálcio. Esse pó de proteína se mistura facilmente com água, proporcionando um sabor suave e agradável. É perfeito para adicionar em smoothies, para a recuperação pós-treino e como substituto de refeições.
Uma característica única do SOLO Pea Protein é o seu baixo teor de sódio. Ao contrário da maioria das extrações de proteína de ervilha, que utilizam soluções salinas como agente extrator, o SOLO Pea Protein passa por uma etapa adicional para remover suavemente o sódio indesejado, utilizando uma tecnologia proprietária à base de água e dependente do pH.
Além de fornecer os aminoácidos essenciais para a construção de ossos fortes, músculos e tecidos saudáveis, o SOLO Pea Protein também ajuda a impulsionar os níveis de energia e promover a perda de peso. Sendo uma fonte de proteína de baixa caloria, livre de gorduras prejudiciais, ele ajuda a regular o apetite e auxilia no processo de emagrecimento.
1. Excepcionais ervilhas – Feito a partir de ervilhas orgânicas cultivadas no Canadá, garantindo a qualidade e pureza do produto.
2. Perfil nutricional superior – Com 30g de proteína por porção, incluindo 5,5g de BCAAs, rico em ferro e fonte de cálcio.
3. Baixo teor de sódio – O SOLO Pea Protein passa por um processo exclusivo para remover o sódio indesejado, garantindo uma opção mais saudável.
4. Energia e gerenciamento de peso – Aminoácidos de alta qualidade para a produção de energia, além de ajudar a regular o apetite e auxiliar na perda de peso.
5. Garantia de satisfação – Protegido pela política de reembolso sem perguntas, para que você possa comprar com confiança.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma porção (30g) do SOLO Organic Pea Protein Isolate com 250ml de água ou sua bebida preferida. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Consuma imediatamente após o treino para auxiliar na recuperação muscular, ou como substituto de refeições para uma opção saudável e nutritiva. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
AJ –
This is my first time trying unflavored protein powder as an alternative to proteins with sugar and/or carbs. It comes with a scoop and I was able to find it easily at the top. As some reviews noted, I found the taste was unpleasant in my green smoothie (kale, 1/2 banana, kefir, and milk) for the first try. BUT, I added unsweetened cocoa powder and it totally tasted like my chocolate flavored protein, which I used to use. No tummy aches or bloating for me. If I’m choosing protein powder for a good taste, there are other options. However, for nutritonal breakdown, this one is winner — it’s quality and rich in iron and calcium, no artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners.
This is a great quality product worthy of trying at low cost. It’s hard to find a CLEAN, organic, non-GMO protein powder on Amazon. Look no further if you’re all about the excellent quality of the product!
jyn123 –
I have been buying this for a few months now. It is easy to dissolve, good texture and good taste. The quality has been consistent.
jyn123 –
The product is easy to mix into my coffee with a frother. Has some taste so you will want to drink it pretty quickly before it settles to bottom of cup. Overall, it has a very high protein content which is great.
This organic pea protein is what I am looking for. The blend is very smooth, smell and tastes like soy milk. The protein content is as high as 30g which is ideal for my husband and me when we going to fitness.
susan Jiang –
I’ve been using this pea protein powder in my daily smoothies for a week now, and I love it! It blends so easily with mild taste, which is great because it doesn’t overpower the other ingredients. Plus, it’s plant-based, so it’s easy on my stomach and perfect for my vegan diet. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a clean, simple protein source.
Snowkids –
We have made this with milk, nonfat-2% , and homemade Oatmilk.
The powder mixes very nicely. We have not noticed anybad oder to it. It does have a bit of a peaish taste if not mixed with any fruit or greens We mix our with frozen fruit. Half a cup or 1 banana. Husband also does a Tbsp of peanut butter.
So as far as Oatmilk goes it is a little gritty. It isn’t unpleasant or off setting though. I have also added greens to this and its been really good. Fyi : homemade Oatmilk tends to be a little gritty.
As far as using Milk , husband says its creamy and filling . He has pb & banana every morning. He says it carries him to first break at work which is big. He feels like it sets his stomach for the day.
So the options for adding fruits/veg/ other flavors is pretty versatile due to the mellow pea flavor. The only flavor we havent liked was ginger. It really intensified the pea and drowned out the peach.
The protien content is high without tons of sugar. You get a fairly good amount of protien powder for your money. But all that aside the quality of the pea protien is so easily to digest. It is so easy on problem stomachs.
susan Jiang –
Great product, I like pea protein
It mixes well with water and almond milk, and the texture is surprisingly smooth compared to other plant-based proteins. I also appreciate that it doesn’t have any added sugars or fillers—just pure, wholesome pea protein. I feel good about what I’m putting into my body.
I will start off on what i love. I love that it’s low sodium and vegan! I love the vitamins and healthy aspects. I like that this feels like a quality product that mixes well. I like the flavorless option so that there is less sugar , sodium, and things that make me have a stomach ache and bloat. It’s basically perfect accept for the taste and how thick it is.
It is a bit grainy with a strange flavorless aftertaste sort of a powder aftertaste even when mixed with fruit and juice. It is quite thick so I sort of gulp it down since I don’t love the flavor. It’s worth it though to find a protein powder that doesn’t leave me feeling weighed down and sick. I feel excellent after drinking this.