Descrição do Produto: Solgar Resveratrol 500 mg, 30 Cápsulas Vegetais
O Solgar Resveratrol 500 mg é um suplemento alimentar que oferece uma poderosa proteção antioxidante, ideal para quem busca manter a saúde e o bem-estar em dia. Cada cápsula vegetal contém uma quantidade significativa de resveratrol, um polifenol natural classificado como stilbeno, encontrado em alimentos como amendoins e vinho tinto, além de algumas plantas, como a erva Polygonum cuspidatum. Este composto é conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes, que combatem os radicais livres no organismo, ajudando a reduzir o estresse oxidativo e, consequentemente, a prevenir o envelhecimento precoce das células.
Cada cápsula de Solgar Resveratrol contém mais resveratrol do que a quantidade típica encontrada em uma garrafa de vinho tinto, proporcionando uma forma concentrada e eficaz de aproveitar os benefícios desse poderoso antioxidante. Além disso, as cápsulas são certificadas KOF-K Kosher e são livres de glúten, trigo, laticínios, soja, levedura, açúcar e sódio. Não contêm sabores, adoçantes ou conservantes artificiais, garantindo um produto de alta qualidade e pureza.
Com mais de 70 anos de experiência, a Solgar se dedica à qualidade e ao bem-estar, criando suplementos nutricionais em pequenos lotes, através de pesquisa incansável e utilizando apenas as melhores matérias-primas. O Solgar Resveratrol 500 mg é, portanto, uma escolha confiável para quem deseja incorporar um antioxidante potente em sua rotina diária.
– Proteção Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, reduzindo o estresse oxidativo e promovendo a saúde celular.
– Envelhecimento Saudável: Ajuda a retardar o envelhecimento precoce das células, contribuindo para uma aparência mais jovem.
– Concentração Superior de Resveratrol: Cada cápsula oferece uma dose mais elevada de resveratrol do que a encontrada em vinho tinto, maximizando os benefícios.
– Fórmula Limpa e Segura: Livre de alérgenos comuns e aditivos artificiais, ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
– Compromisso com a Qualidade: Fabricado por uma marca respeitada, com mais de 70 anos de experiência em suplementos nutricionais.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula vegetal de Solgar Resveratrol 500 mg por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e fora do alcance de crianças.
corsair9 –
When reading the listing for Solgar resveratrol, note in the ‘Important Information’ – that this is the ‘trans-resveratrol’ form, generally derived from the Japanese knotweed root. Besides being an effective antioxidant, trans-reveratrol promotes ‘autophagy’. What is autophagy? It is the process by which cells cleanse themselves of toxins and waste products. This has proved especially effective in countering adverse effects of mRNA ‘vaccines’ according to some clinical studies. Quercitin has clinically been demonstrated to improve the bioavailablity of resveratrol. IR
Antony Steele –
I decided to take resveratrol daily some 5 or 6 years ago, and in the least, I can say that I do not believe that I have suffered any ill effects from it. I think the overall research is still a bit mixed, other then the fact that resveratrol is a powerful anti-oxidant. I take this to supplement my diet and hope that I am getting all the “good” effects out of it. I started taking this Solgar brand about 6 months ago, and I like that it is the trans resveratrol for better absorption. I am a healthy 57 year old Gentleman, with no known conditions or disorders, and I would very much like to keep it that way. I am not a fitness or nutrition “fanatic” on any level, but I do like to take care of myself. Hopefully, this Solgar Resveratrol helps to keep me this way.
SassFaceSis –
I purchased this to increase my antioxidant intake and for its purported systemic anti inflammatory effects. After almost a month on 1 cap per day (500mg) I have experienced noticeable skin softening specifically on my face and neck. I searched online for other reviews to see if anyone else had this experience—but I could not find anyone reporting skin changes. Although I did not purchase this thinking it would improve the texture of my skin; it was certainly a welcome side effect. I plan to stick with this supplement to hopefully see continued positive results.
Doodo Alamer –
مفيد جدا جدا
Eva Leyva –
Revitaliza la piel lo recomiendo.
S. J. Volk –
Ranking alongside the great scientific discovery and mapping of the human genome is the discovery of Resveratrol – the true anti-aging supplement. Its compounds are derived basically from the skin of grapes, in a very concentrated form. But don’t let that apparently mundane or commonplace source lessen your respect for Resveritrol’s miraculous properties. As we age, the telomeres or tails of our genes gradually weaken and become shorter each year. But now, thanks to Resveratrol, one small capsule taken daily can prolong the life of our genes by strengthening the gene telomeres and slowing down their shortening and thus prolonging their length and life. Mankind is still a long way off from achieving physical immortality, but so far, Resveratrol is as close as humanity has come to actually discovering a biblical “Tree of Life.” Resveritrol has two forms. The good TRANS-resveratrol, and the bad CIS-resveratrol. The two forms have the same molecules, but there is a significant difference in their chemical bonds or structure. The TRANS-resveratrol is stable and easily absorbed by the human body; and the CIS-resveratrol is not stable or easily absorbed. Each capsule of Solgar’s resveratrol contains 500 mg of the good TRANS form of this potent antioxidant. The company just needs to show that very important fact on their bottle’s front label instead of hiding it on their bottle’s back “supplement facts” label. In my opinion, Solgar’s supplements are the world’s best, but their labeling on this item could use an update. One word of caution. It might be tempting to take more than the recommended dosage in order to speed up the anti-aging effect, but testing has indicated that too much taken at once could have the opposite effect. So it’s best to follow the suggested daily amount of one 500 mg capsule.
Jean Grey –
I have always trusted Solgar products. After doing my own research on brands and their various quality control, since the FDA does not regulate supplements such as these, I came to the conclusion that I could rely on Solgar products for their quality, efficacy, and price regulation.
Resveratrol is a potent cancer-fighting, liver detoxifying agent that I feel is important to supplement, given the impossibility of avoiding the chemical burden of all the toxic metals, pesticides, and harmful environmental contaminants in our food, air, and water. We did not evolve to handle the high amounts of stress, drugs, and other artificial insults to our bodies. I believe Resveratrol gives me some defense and helps my body clear some of the toxins. This product causes me no stomach upset, has no odor, and dissolves well, thanks to the encapsulated form. Best of all, the serving size is only one per day. I use the 500 mg strength because that is the optimum dose according to the studies. I will keep buying it.
Miss K –
We are always pleased with Solar vitamins and supplements. That they come in glass bottles, not plastic, is only one small reason we are loyal to the brand.
Ms. G –
Brand is good. Well made vitamin