Descrição do Produto: Solgar Earth Source Food Fermented Koji Zinc 25mg, 60 Cápsulas Vegetais
O Solgar Earth Source Food Fermented Koji Zinc é um suplemento inovador que combina a potência do zinco com a fermentação de koji, proporcionando uma forma altamente absorvível e biodisponível deste mineral essencial. Cada cápsula contém 25mg de zinco, um nutriente fundamental para o funcionamento adequado do sistema imunológico, saúde da pele e suporte à função cognitiva. A fermentação de koji, um processo tradicional japonês, não só melhora a absorção do zinco, mas também potencializa suas propriedades benéficas, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para quem busca um suplemento de qualidade superior. As cápsulas vegetais são adequadas para veganos e vegetarianos, garantindo que todos possam se beneficiar deste produto sem comprometer suas escolhas alimentares.
1. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: O zinco é crucial para a função imunológica, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra infecções e doenças.
2. Melhora na Absorção: A forma fermentada de zinco aumenta a biodisponibilidade, garantindo que o corpo absorva mais nutrientes de cada cápsula.
3. Saúde da Pele: Contribui para a manutenção da saúde da pele, ajudando na cicatrização de feridas e na redução de inflamações.
4. Função Cognitiva: O zinco desempenha um papel importante na saúde cerebral, podendo melhorar a memória e a concentração.
5. Adequado para Dietas Especiais: As cápsulas vegetais são ideais para veganos e vegetarianos, sem ingredientes de origem animal.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula vegetal ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição, para otimizar a absorção do zinco. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
EG –
Most doctors don’t routinely test for zinc and other minerals, but they should. My doctor tested me low on zinc – a catchup dose is anywhere from 25-50mg, and a good daily dose for most people is 15-25mg.
I typically just take an inexpensive Zinc Gluconate or Zinc Citrate, which I can find locally 100-120 pills per bottle at around $5 ($0.04 per pill). And I know they work because my zinc levels are now great.
This is an interesting formula from Solgar made from koji, the same culture/fungus used to ferment soybeans for making soy sauce, miso, sake, etc. My general opinion is that anything fermented is good, and this is probably more bioavailable than the other forms of zinc. But does that matter, since the normal zinc does the trick? And what’s the test to know that it’s working better?
This is currently $16 for a 60 day supply ($0.27 per pill), almost 7x more expensive than other forms of zinc. I like it, but I question whether it’s worth the extra cost.
For the product itself, I only have one question/concern, and that is that most of the time, koji comes from china. After testing thousands of items from china, I have great reservations about any food or supplement item from china. If it were certified organic then I would have fewer reservations, but this is NOT organic. I checked the label and the manufacturer web site for more information on sourcing, but could not find any.
So I like Solgar as a brand, but I do have some outstanding questions about this product – namely, it’s sourcing, and whether the efficacy or some other benefit justifies the high cost.
Thomas M. Sipos –
Zinc is an anti-oxidant and essential trace mineral. Your body needs it, but only in small amounts (i.e., traces), so you should careful not to overdo it. How much is too much? The consensus seems to be 40 to 100 mg a day. Some say 40 mg is the limit. Others put it as high as 100 mg. To some extent it depends on you personal diet and metabolism. Consult your own health care practitioner to see what’s right for you.
Solgar’s Earth Source Zinc supplement contains 25 mg of zinc per capsule, which should be the minimum daily dosage for most people. I prefer to take 50 mg a day.
Zinc has many benefits. I use it for prostate and eye health.
Zinc can be sold in either Picolinate or Gluconate form. Zinc Picolinate is zinc combined with picolinic acid to improve bodily absorption. Zinc Gluconate is derived from gluconic acid. Some studies suggest that it’s naturally more soluble (no need to combine with other elements) and easier on the stomach.
But this Solgar Earth Source Zinc seems to be neither. Its label doesn’t mention either of these two common forms of zinc. Instead, it says that its zinc is “Koji Fermented.”
What’s that?
Solgar’s website explains that their process begins “by growing the koji culture on cooked rice. As the koji matures and ferments, it is enriched with zinc. This ancient Japanese fermentation process transforms mineral zinc into a bioavailable and food-based zinc.”
Is that good? I don’t know. It’s a new process. Time will tell. But it seems to be a trend. I recently came across Nature’s Bounty Advanced Zinc supplements, which is also Koji Fermented.
Most zinc supplements are white. But this zinc is light gray (see my photo). That seems to be a result of the “Koji Fermentation” process. Both Solgar Earth Source Zinc, and Nature’s Bounty Advanced Zinc, come in light gray capsules, 25 mg each.
I like that it’s in capsule form. Capsules, softgels, and tinctures are easier for the body to absorb than are tablets, because tablets contain binders to hold them together.
When taking Zinc supplements, you should also take 2 mg of Copper per day. Zinc and Copper deplete each other, which is why some supplements combine them into one capsule — but also why it’s better if they’re taken at different times during the day — i.e., separate supplements.
Thomas M. Sipos –
While I have an unusually strong immune system relative to other people (other people have expressed anger at me that I don’t get sick when I’m surrounded by sick people), I know when I feel even a slight tinge of illness that I need to grab the colostrum, vitamin D3+K2, zinc, and vitamin C in order to prevent too much negative impact. I also grab this combination of supplements when I feel especially tired due to a string of long work days, because I know I’m more vulnerable to illness. All supplements, unfortunately, aren’t made the same, so close attention needs to be placed on the supplement facts. The main differentiator provided by this Solgar product is the fermented form of zinc provided by it. The zinc provided here is a food-based bioavailable form of zinc produced by the same koji fermentation method used in Japan for making vinegar, miso, and soy sauce. One thing to keep in mind is the dosage of zinc you plan to consume. The capsules provided in a jar of this product are 25mg, but you might not need to take this much on an ongoing basis. It’s important to continue to monitor one’s body level of zinc, as it tends to accumulate. I recently read while researching optimal zinc dosage, for example, since the supplements I’ve used have varied greatly in this respect, that while larger doses can initially be beneficial it’s also accurate that smaller doses are typically more appropriate downstream. Or put another way, a large dose of zinc may go to waste if one’s body no longer needs it. As far as current price is concerned, I completely disagree with other reviewers here, as I’ve ordered much more costly zinc products. I’ve consumed a host of Solgar products, and have come to trust the brand after purchasing it for quite some time.
June S. Lee –
Good product