Descrição do Produto: Solaray Prostate Blend SP-16 VCapsules | 100 Count
O Solaray Prostate Blend SP-16 é uma fórmula avançada e cuidadosamente elaborada para promover a saúde da próstata, um aspecto essencial do bem-estar masculino. Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes naturais, este suplemento em cápsulas vegetais é projetado para apoiar a função prostática e proporcionar um equilíbrio saudável ao organismo. A Solaray, reconhecida por sua dedicação à qualidade e eficácia, traz até você uma solução que combina tradição e inovação, permitindo que você brilhe em sua saúde.
- Deixe a Solaray ajudar você a brilhar
- Nossa meta é trazer todos os nutrientes saudáveis da terra até você
- Cada produto Solaray é rigorosamente testado para garantir que você obtenha os resultados esperados
O Solaray Prostate Blend SP-16 contém uma mistura sinérgica de extratos de ervas, vitaminas e minerais que atuam em conjunto para promover a saúde da próstata. Entre os ingredientes destacados estão o extrato de saw palmetto, que é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades benéficas para a saúde urinária e prostática, e o zinco, um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na função imunológica e na saúde reprodutiva masculina. Com 100 cápsulas em cada frasco, este produto é ideal para quem busca um suporte contínuo e eficaz.
1. Suporte à Saúde da Próstata: Fórmula específica que ajuda a manter a função prostática saudável.
2. Ingredientes Naturais: Composição rica em extratos de ervas e nutrientes essenciais, promovendo um cuidado holístico.
3. Ação Antioxidante: Contribui para a proteção das células contra os danos dos radicais livres.
4. Fácil de Usar: Cápsulas vegetais que são fáceis de ingerir, adequadas para diferentes estilos de vida.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Rigorosos testes de qualidade asseguram que você receba um produto eficaz e seguro.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Solaray Prostate Blend SP-16, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas vegetais por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também maximiza os benefícios para a saúde da próstata. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver sob tratamento médico ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
57 chevy thunder –
(this review was in August 2015) Just like many older males, I have “BPH.” In my experience it is often difficult to tell how effective such products are due to several factors. One factor is how long it usually takes to notice any difference. Another factor is what other supplements and vitamins a person is taking. (hopefully no prescription drugs). Another factor is not only the amount of liquid a person drinks, especially late afternoon or early evening, but very importantly the type. (carbonated beverages, late afternoon coffee, and adult beverages are the worst for me) So, with all that said, I have tried several related products, and at this point I certainly believe this is the one that works best for me.
I have used the Solaray Prostate Blend SP-16 for several months now, and can very happily report that I no longer need to make a bathroom trip during the night. -which is a great improvement from the usual 2 in the recent past. However in fairness I must mention that for the past six months I also consume one or two small handfuls of organic pumpkin seeds during the day as well, which I believe is probably helpful.
In my opinion a person will just have to give such products a fair trial to see if they work for them or not. This one works for me.
UPDATE: (December 2017) Here I am over two years later, and still using this supplement. Currently I am making one bathroom trip per night, very consistently in the three o-clock hour. In all fairness I attribute this to my drinking a couple glasses of water in the evening hours after supper. Since I have “PKD” (polycystic kidney disease) my nephrologist insists that I “keep pushing the water.” Quite frankly, if for some reason I don’t drink the water (or other beverages) in the evening hours, I can still occasionally sleep all night without a bathroom trip.
viper –
this stuff works like a champ.
im disabled and have/had an enlarged prostate. doc wanted to put me on Proscar. did some research and found this at whole foods.
have been using for about a year exactly like some one would take Proscar. if you stop taking it for 2 to 3 days the prostate issues come back.
so it has to be take every day. but if you miss a couple of days dont worry. just go ahead and start taking it again as advised by practitioner or label.
Although proscar, had an interesting side effect on my 55 year old friend. his hair on top of his head grew back and he has no other side effects from it, he wont use the natural ways for cureing so he still takes proscar going on 5 years.his doctor new about the product and the contents but told nothing to my friend about it until i brought it up, he said that the natural way wont work for some. well proscar dosnt work for a lot and some have terribe side effects.
Ali Alnuaimi –
فعال وأنصح باستخدامه
choco212 –
So far is working on improving my health condition, at a great price.
N.A.F. –
Made me ready for action!
John –
I’ve been taking prostate formulas for 20 years. I really like the SOLARY brand and I’ve been a repeat buyer of this product for over a year. I’m 55 and my levels are OUTSTANDING (1.2 is LOW for PSA) I highly recommend ALL men over 40 to be taking something for their prostate. This formula is top-notch – you can’t go wrong with this blend.
Rafe –
This has a nice combination of herbs for prostate and urinary health that works quite well for me. I tried another brand (the main dig against this one is you are supposed to take it 3 times a day) but it did not work as well for me, just reordered this.
Mario#12 –
This seems to be working. Since I’ve been taking this ( 3 times a day) supplement about 3 weeks ago, my nighttime trip to the bathroom has been lessened to 2-3 times a night or about every 3 to 4 hours every night (I keep tab of the number of times and the corresponding hour I get up to make a trip to the bathroom). I’ve bought almost every brand of prostate available on Amazon and this and the Schiff brand are about the best so far. I would easily prefer this over the Schiff brand due to the cost.
Update: The last order I received were either a placebo or expired as they didn’t seem to work well when I first ordered and tried them. That’s the reason for removing one star of my review. Since Schiff is out of stock I will have to look for another brand that could help my prostate issues.
Trinity –
My boyfriend swears by this stuff. He has been taking for 10+ years and is the only 70 year old on the golf course that doesn’t have to pee every 10 minutes LOL! Seriously, his doctor says it is amazing for his age with no prostate issues at all!
Sonia –
I like this product cause helps for the purpose that it was intented for ….