Descrição do Produto: Solaray Oil of Oregano Softgels 150 mg
O óleo de orégano é um dos segredos mais bem guardados da natureza, utilizado desde os tempos da Grécia Antiga tanto como tempero quanto como remédio herbal. O Solaray Oil of Oregano Softgels 150 mg é uma forma concentrada e prática de incorporar os benefícios dessa erva poderosa em sua rotina diária. Com 150 mg de óleo de orégano em cada cápsula, este suplemento é formulado para oferecer suporte à saúde e ao bem-estar durante todo o ano. O orégano é conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes, principalmente devido ao carvacrol, um composto que contribui para uma série de benefícios à saúde.
As cápsulas de óleo de orégano da Solaray são fáceis de engolir e foram cuidadosamente elaboradas com uma base de azeite de oliva extra virgem, proporcionando uma digestão suave. Feitas com amido de tapioca não transgênico e sem soja, essas cápsulas veganas são uma escolha ideal para quem busca um suplemento de qualidade. Além disso, a Solaray se preocupa com o meio ambiente; suas embalagens são feitas de resina reciclada pós-consumo, ajudando a reduzir o desperdício plástico. A empresa também está investindo em energia solar em sua instalação em Ogden, Utah, para minimizar sua pegada de carbono.
A Solaray é uma marca confiável, com produtos fabricados em instalações certificadas pela GMP e testados em laboratório para garantir a mais alta qualidade. Com o Solaray Oil of Oregano Softgels, você pode se sentir seguro de que está consumindo um produto que não só promove a saúde, mas também respeita o planeta.
– Suporte Antioxidante: O óleo de orégano é rico em antioxidantes, ajudando a combater os radicais livres e promovendo a saúde celular.
– Facilidade de Uso: As cápsulas são fáceis de engolir, tornando a suplementação prática e conveniente para o dia a dia.
– Digestão Suave: A base de azeite de oliva extra virgem proporciona uma digestão mais gentil, ideal para quem tem estômagos sensíveis.
– Compromisso Ambiental: A embalagem reciclada e o uso de energia solar demonstram a responsabilidade da marca com o meio ambiente.
– Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado em instalações certificadas e testado em laboratório, garantindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Solaray Oil of Oregano Softgels 150 mg diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto digestivo. Mantenha o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
PrettyBrownBrown –
These capsules have been extremely easy on my stomach and I barely smell it at all if i burp, and even if I do smell it, its not some terrible stench. I take 3 in the morning and 3 at night and no problems whatsoever. The only thing is, I wish that there were more in the bottle for the price, Ive already finished this bottle and will have to go buy some more – Otherwise great great great – I always trust Solaray 🙂
Kinkin –
Letter typed to my doctor from me.
I have a question about Helicobacter pylori Antigen, Stool resulted on 4/9/19 at 2:00 PM.
Wow it is a miracle H pylori is gone . I even made sure I took the sample very good I took from the last of stool not the first to come out. I took no medicine as we know. I was still taking
All listed below, but this is pretty much food so what to even need to stop but the oregeno and black seed oil.
Still taking:
Cranberry juice
Cranberry pills
Oil of oregeno
Black seed oil Cummins
Mastic gum ( pistachio tree resin)
Monolaurin ( from coconut)
Olive oil
Probitics P8
Probitic Acoduphilis
Zinc, 16.5 L reuteri Probitic x2 gastro ease
Iodine kelp
Probitic Nancy yogurt in A.M
Ginger powder
Garlic pills
Coconut water
Fish salmon oil pills
Vitamin E
Things I stopped before test:
Stopped cabbage juice after 30 days started that Feb 27th half head am on empty stomach with mastic gum then half head PM. Then last 14 days half head raw juice cabbage in the juicer at PM. In evening after dinner.
Last cabbage I drink was on March 30th
Stoped Broccoli sprout supplement 1 week ago
I did stop all sugar, limited carbohydrates, even am down to 154 in the mornings.
Drank baking soda off an on also but not constantly.
I can give EXACT amounts and times taken and amount if needed. To help anyone else.
I would like to retest in few weeks after I slow down on even more supplements to make sure it is really gone good. It was a very long time to treat but I feel 100% 30 days treating.
I am so happy about feeling better in my gut. I should have a PHD in what I learned about H pylori since the end of February of this year. Hours of reading.
Thank you for your care and allowing me to try this method of these natrual cures that do seem to help in Europe also. I will send a similar copy of this to the gastro Doctor too
Kelley C. Vajgrt –
This is quite literally the only supplement that got me out of the hospital for systemic strep infection. None of the antibiotics worked, but this does. It has taken care of every virus and bacteria that has ravaged my body in the last 8 years.
I’m pleased to have discovered Oregano by Solaray.
I love their products and keep restocking.
The capsules are jelly like small and quite easy to swallow.
Great for inner detox, as everything starts and ends within our gut. Antibacterial properties.
I highly recommend.
Thank you Solaray.
PS. Fast delivery and well packaged.
BeverlyAPotter –
It works well for me. I have difficulty swallowing capsules so have to chew it open to swallow content of capsule. I was concerned that might effect it’s ability to survive stomach acid but it seems to be okay. I was pleased that when chewed open it does not taste horrible. I just have to drink water with it because it tends to have a slight burning sensation outside of the capsule.
Henrysmom –
We love this stuff! We take it during the winter to keep virus’ at bay and so far haven’t gotten sick with the Flu or Cold. We started taking this, gaia elderberry syrup and Olive Leaf Extract. With the flu epidemic of 2017/2018 season, is when we saw this on the Today Show to keep from getting it in the most holistic way. If we feel like we’re getting a cold we take 2 caps morn and 2 caps night for a couple days. During winter 1 cap morning, 1 cap night. The trick to not getting a major tummy upset is eat a little food, swallow cap then eat the rest of your meal or good size snack on top of it. It’s also great at keeping symptoms of Lyme disease more doable.
Heidi Cooper –
I keep a bottle in my kitchen at all times. Works wonders and will keep buying.
Amazon Customer –
I’ve tried several oil of oregano supplements over the years. What I like about this one is it doesn’t give me any reflux and it’s also a high dosage per pill. I do suggest that if you are staring this supplement, to take activated charcoal about 3 hours after, because of the oregano is killing of the bad stuff you’ll want to flush it out of your system. I generally love this brand too. I know people have been complaining about the size, but it’s a fairly average size pill… I would say it’s on the smaller size of average for most of the pills/supplements I take.
I’m a cancer survivor so I take somewhere around 20 pills a day, so I can say from experience, this pill is not that big. The higher mg also means I don’t need to take more than one. I definitely recommend.
jenny –
I tried the oil of this and nearly passed out haha so it was nice to find gel capsules so you don’t get the burning on fire feeling down your throat.
Eva Carrero Vacas –
Magnífico para candidiasis y sinusitis, lo tomo cuando me noto mocosa