Descrição do Produto: Solaray Magnesium Glycinate 400 mg | Relaxamento Saudável, Saúde Óssea
O Solaray Magnesium Glycinate 400 mg é um suplemento de magnésio de alta qualidade, formulado para promover relaxamento saudável e suporte à saúde óssea. Este produto combina a eficácia do magnésio com a glicina, um aminoácido que melhora a absorção e a biodisponibilidade do mineral, garantindo que o corpo aproveite ao máximo os seus benefícios. O magnésio é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial em mais de 300 reações bioquímicas no organismo, incluindo a regulação da função muscular e nervosa, a manutenção da pressão arterial e o suporte ao sistema imunológico.
- Magnesium Glycinate
A forma de glicinato de magnésio é especialmente benéfica para aqueles que buscam um efeito calmante, pois a glicina tem propriedades que ajudam a promover um sono reparador e a reduzir a ansiedade. Além disso, o magnésio é fundamental para a saúde óssea, pois contribui para a absorção de cálcio e a formação de ossos fortes. O Solaray Magnesium Glycinate é ideal para pessoas que enfrentam estresse diário, insônia ou que desejam melhorar sua saúde óssea de forma natural e eficaz.
1. Relaxamento Aumentado: Ajuda a reduzir a tensão e o estresse, promovendo um estado de calma.
2. Melhora do Sono: Contribui para um sono mais profundo e reparador, essencial para a recuperação do corpo.
3. Saúde Óssea: Suporta a absorção de cálcio, essencial para a manutenção de ossos saudáveis e fortes.
4. Função Muscular: Auxilia na função muscular adequada, prevenindo cãibras e desconfortos.
5. Apoio ao Sistema Nervoso: Contribui para a saúde do sistema nervoso, ajudando a regular a comunicação entre as células.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula de Solaray Magnesium Glycinate 400 mg, uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e fora do alcance de crianças.
Ashley Trigos –
This is amazing. It has helped me with my stress and anxiety and insomnia. I had it so bad where I was only getting two to three hours a sleep each night. Now I fall asleep without fighting myself and I have good dreams and I wake up energized and fresh. With me getting actual sleep and balancing myself out I feel like I am concentrating better with work. I highly recommend this and it also has other benefits as well. Wish the pills were smaller but other than that it’s a must buy!
Jenifer Bassett –
I have purchased a few different brands over this last year & I always end up coming back to the Solaray brand for my Magnesium Glycinate. I feel like the absorbency is great compared with other brands that I have used in the past. I started taking the recommended dosage consistently every night around 7pm and noticed that I started falling asleep more regularly when I needed to as a single mom around bed time at 9-10pm instead of past 11. Once I got my sleep pattern under control I noticed a bunch of other benefits like feeling less tired/anxious during the day since I was getting the rest I needed. I highly recommend if you are looking at purchasing Magnesium Glycinate supplement
Marge –
I read magnesium can improve sleep and magnesium glycinate is absorbed better. I don’t have problems swallowing these capsules and haven’t noticed any taste issues. I Sleep for longer periods of time without waking and can quickly go back to sleep.
alex hawkins –
I’ve been using this Magnesium for over 2 years now. It’s ok. But I must be so low on it I have to take 4 capsules, I’d take more but I can’t afford to. I’ve tried others with no real help so I stick with this one. It isn’t easy to swallow when you have to take 4, but like I said, I have tried 3 or for other brands and I haven’t found any that are easy to swallow. And no I don’t necessarily sleep better. But I wouldn’t tell someone not to try the stuff. It might work wonders for another person. I am just having health issues no one has a clue what’s going on with me. So at least try the stuff.
Jeffrey Summers –
great to add to my supplements
Ashley Trigos –
I make sure I buy the solar at capsules rather than the tablets for easier absorption. Just two caps is enough to get a very restful sleep and relax your muscles. And I do reach my RDA for magnesium with diet, but the little extra before bed is amazing and works better than anything else I’ve tried consistently.
Jan Valentine –
I love that this brand of Magnesium Supplement comes in such a large size (275 capsules), because I take 2 in the am & 2 at bedtime. It also helps with sleep. The average person does not get enough Magnesium in their diet, so a Supplement is necessary. I need more magnesium than most because I have Neuropathy (even though I’m not a Diabetic). Magnesium helps to support the circulation needed for the heart, nerves & muscles. Doctors can’t prescribe Supplements, so you are left on your own to “research” what Supplements are necessary for your wellbeing. I find this particular Supplement to be very necessary for my muscles & nerves in regard to my Neuropathy. It is just one of many I take since discovering that doctors have no way of helping me. Most patients with Neuropathy are given strong pain medications, but I am very lucky, in that I don’t suffer from pain. However, because of the numbness I have from my toes to my knees, walking is very difficult. I have needed walking assistance for years now, but starting in March, 2021, I did my research & started adding Supplements to my diet. Today I walk with no assistance necessary, except for long distances. I know this Magnesium has been extremely important in aiding my recovery. Of course Neuropathy never goes away for anyone, adding Supplements like this allows me to walk almost completely normal. I can only reiterate – this Suppliment is wonderful!
Victoria Galvis –
Since I am taking the vitamin, I sleep like a baby. I love this product.