Descrição do Produto: Solaray L-Lysine 500mg
O Solaray L-Lysine 500mg é um suplemento alimentar que oferece uma dose concentrada de L-Lisina, um aminoácido essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da saúde cognitiva, do sistema imunológico e da função gastrointestinal. Este aminoácido é fundamental para a síntese de proteínas e é um componente vital para a produção de colágeno e elastina, que são essenciais para a saúde da pele e dos tecidos conectivos.
- Aminoácido Essencial: A L-Lisina pode ajudar a apoiar a função cognitiva saudável, o sistema imunológico e a função gastrointestinal, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
- Suporte Estrutural: Este aminoácido desempenha um papel importante na manutenção do colágeno e da elastina, contribuindo para a saúde da pele e dos músculos.
- Precursor: A L-Lisina é um precursor de outros aminoácidos essenciais, como a L-Carnitina, que é fundamental para a produção de energia e o metabolismo de gorduras.
- Marca Confiável: Fabricado em nossa própria instalação, o Solaray L-Lysine é verificado em laboratório quanto à potência, pureza e identidade, garantindo um produto de alta qualidade.
1. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
2. Saúde Cognitiva: Contribui para a função cerebral saudável, melhorando a memória e a concentração.
3. Manutenção da Pele: Promove a produção de colágeno, essencial para a elasticidade e firmeza da pele.
4. Energia e Metabolismo: Como precursor da L-Carnitina, ajuda na conversão de gordura em energia, favorecendo a performance física.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Produto fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando eficácia e segurança.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Solaray L-Lysine 500mg, uma a duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Julie –
Good vitamin, but package came in a plastic envelope, which was left on our porch, directly in the sun, during a heat wave. The bottle was hot when I opened it, definitely not great for the vitamins inside, this is why I knocked 1 star off.
Sandra Herrero –
Buen producto
Francisco Izquierdo –
Se trata de un producto muy recomendable para aumentar la fortaleza del sistema inmune. Es especialmente efectivo tomado por la mañana en ayunas. Si bien es cierto que muchos alimentos contienen lisina generalmente no en la cantidad que necesitamos para nuestro día día
Fran –
I have taken l-Lysine (Solaray brand) for at least 15 or 20 years. After a bad outbreak of shingles I started taking at least one pill daily and when I feel an outbreak coming on I take 5 or 6 the first day I feel it and then taper off the next couple of days. In my opinion it should work for all the herpes viruses. I get sores in my mouth and open a capsule and just put the powder in my mouth for a couple of minutes before swallowing.
gogreen –
After having used large amounts of rice protein powder/drinks many years ago, I started becoming deficient in lysine (rice is low in lysine and in my opinion, any rice powder supplement should include added lysine).After reading through Earl Mendel’s Vitamin Bible, readins through the symptoms of various different Amino acid deficiencies I started taking lysine (2000 – 3000 milligrams per day). My anemia- type symptoms including major fatigue disappeared.At this Point I only take 1000 to 2000 mg per day. I also find it if I do not have enough lysine, my body does not metabolize my vitamins and minerals properly. So if you are taking a lot of vitamins and minerals that they do not seem to be working, you might try L- lysine.
PCarrico –
My Mom has had Shingles in the past even though she had the vaccine. I researched and found an article that said L-Lysine could help fight Shingles. I have found it to be true for my Mom. She has not had an outbreak of Shingles since taking this product and she has been taking it for about 6 months now.
Margaret Smith –
I take Solaray L-Lysine for an occasional cold sore and it works like a champ, so when I learned that all backyard chickens, unless specially bred, carry the virus for Marek’s Disease that potentially could kill them as they age or if they become stressed and that Marek’s Disease is part of the herpes group of viruses, I immediately started my sick chicken on L-Lysine. She was in bad shape with a twisted neck, hardly able to eat and very depressed. I sprinkled a 500 ml capsule over some tiny, sweet cantaloupe pieces and she was able to eat enough to get a dose of L-Lysine. Each day she received another dose and each day she got better and now, after several weeks of treatment, is back to normal. I’m delighted!
Rob Natiuk –
My wife and I have trusted the Solaray product line for several decades now. This is the first time she is trying their L-Lysine product. She has found them helpful in controlling blisters on her lips with good effect. The capsules are easy to swallow and leave no after-taste. In a short time after starting to take the Solaray formula, the blisters decreased and in a few days’ time disappeared. She won’t be without this product.
Blu –
I’ve been buying my supplements on Amazon for a long time now. Convenient. Trusted products. I will continue to do this.
KGuerra –
I ordered this to help with cold sores on my upper lip (damn Herpes virus!). I had been getting them continuously for several months. I had used Herceptin lip balm, and Abreva (YUCK! expensive too!) without much help. I have not had one outbreak since taking the Lysine. And it is winter! I make sure to take one pill every morning. No side effects. It also stopped a genital Herpes flare that I felt coming on. It never progressed to full blown! I couldn’t believe it! That has never happened before. I will never be without this supplement.