Descrição do Produto: Solaray – HCl com Pepsina – 250 mg – 180 cápsulas
Descubra o poder da digestão otimizada com o Solaray – HCl com Pepsina. Este suplemento inovador combina ácido clorídrico (HCl) e pepsina, dois componentes essenciais que auxiliam na quebra de alimentos e na absorção de nutrientes. O HCl é fundamental para a digestão adequada, pois cria um ambiente ácido no estômago, essencial para a ativação da pepsina, uma enzima que desempenha um papel crucial na digestão das proteínas. Com 250 mg por cápsula e um total de 180 cápsulas, este produto é ideal para quem busca melhorar a saúde digestiva e maximizar a absorção de nutrientes.
A Solaray se dedica a trazer todos os nutrientes saudáveis da terra até você. Cada produto Solaray é rigorosamente testado para garantir que você obtenha os resultados esperados. Com a combinação de HCl e pepsina, este suplemento não apenas ajuda na digestão, mas também pode aliviar desconfortos como inchaço e indigestão, promovendo uma sensação de bem-estar geral. Deixe a Solaray ajudar você a brilhar, proporcionando uma digestão mais eficiente e uma vida mais saudável.
– Melhora a digestão de proteínas, facilitando a absorção de aminoácidos essenciais.
– Reduz sintomas de indigestão e inchaço, promovendo conforto digestivo.
– Contribui para um ambiente estomacal saudável, essencial para a função digestiva.
– Aumenta a biodisponibilidade de nutrientes, potencializando os efeitos de outros suplementos.
– Ideal para pessoas com baixa acidez estomacal ou que consomem dietas ricas em proteínas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula de Solaray – HCl com Pepsina antes das refeições, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante iniciar com uma dose baixa e aumentar gradualmente, conforme necessário, para avaliar a tolerância individual. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
J. Dib –
I’m forwarding this review for my brother (who I purchased this for):
This stuff is amazing. I’ve been on Prilosec for the last 3 years because of bad reflux. I just didn’t like being on Prilosec (I felt it was giving me rashes and other issues). I’ve tried many times to stop taking it but I couldn’t last more than a few days as the reflux was unbearable. I’ve been taking the HCL with Pepsin now for about 2 months and stopped taking Prilosec about a week into taking the HCL. I can’t believe how well it works for me. Some reviews say they need to take large doses but for me I only take one or two each meal (depending on what I’m eating). As of this writing – I am having NO reflux/heartburn issues at all.
I really can’t say enough about this stuff – I’m so happy it worked for me. Maybe it doesn’t work for everyone, but give it a shot cause it works for me!
Cindy –
Gave this a shot didn’t notice any difference maybe it’ll work on you
Gourmet –
Jules5817 –
The Solaray HCL with Pepsin is a great product if you are dealing with stomach issues, Betaine HCl and pepsin are gastric-juice are essential to the digestion of food and absorption of most nutrients. Betaine HCL increases the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach which helps with proper digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. Normal levels of hydrochloric acid are also needed for digestion of proteins and absorption of amino acids. Betaine HCL helps to restore the proper acid levels in the stomach and maintain a healthy gut. You can take one capsule up to six times during each meal. The capsule are small, easy to swallow, no noticeable taste, brown in color….the bottle has a slight earthy smell..contains 180 gelatin capsules. Cautions on the label state that you should not take this product when you meal consist only of salad or fruit. If you have high stomach acid or ulcers talk to your Dr. before taking…also if you’re consuming any anti-inflammatory medicines: corticosteroids, aspirin, Indocin, ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or other NSAIDs. These drugs can damage the GI lining and supplementing with HCL could aggravate it, increasing the risks of bleeding or ulcer. so please check with your Dr. I received this product at a discount for my honest opinion/review. My husband has leaky gut and he has been incorporating this with his diet…it does seem to be helping with his digestion, but he thinks that he is having issues with the Glutamic Acid HCL, so he is off of them for now.
LMP34 –
As far as I’m concerned, this product is a miracle, and more people should know about it. I’ve struggled with what has been diagnosed as both IBS and gastritis since I was a freshman in college (now almost 40). My symptoms were pain/burning in my stomach that intensified with hunger, drinking coffee, and was often worse first thing in the morning. It began with a very stressful time in my life during which I began skipping meals. After my life got back on track, the stress subsided and my eating habits went back to normal but the pain never went away. I saw a gastroenterologist who tested me for h. pylori and gallbladder issues and found none. So I was put on Nexium which I took for years, was very expensive, had scary long-term side effects, and only minimally helped my symptoms. It wasn’t until I saw an integrative physician in my mid-30s who suggested this product that I found an effective treatment. I wish I had learned about it sooner! I take one capsule with each meal, and my symptoms have completely subsided. It’s very important to take it with food because if you don’t, you’ll end up with painful burning. I had read all kinds of articles about acid reflux and excessive stomach acid over the years that never squared up completely with my symptoms, but now that this product works so well for me, I suspect that I actually had LOW stomach acid, not HIGH. I also suspect that many people who are on acid reducers are in the same situation due to the influence of the pharmaceutical industry. This much cheaper, non-prescription alternative works 10x better for me than acid reducers ever did. I’m so thankful to have found this supplement.
Update: Since writing this review I have switched to using NOW brand Super Enzymes which contains 200 mg Betaine HCL. I highly recommend this product as well for the issues I mentioned above.
Neus Pla Andreu –
Me lo recomendó la nutrióloga para tener buena digestión.
Muy bueno
Roz –
Works much better than the prescript anti acid medications I was a victim of acid reflux and Gerd and the prescription anti acid pills just worsen my condition by reducing what little stomach acid I had. No matter how small or large my meals were, it took forever for my food to digest even long when I took the anti medication. After doing some research I discovered stomach acid decline as we age. Why reduce it even more and cause a host of other illnesses. I needed more stomach acid to help digest my meals not reduce it! I stared taking HCL PEPSIN and no more trouble with acid reflux or Gerd I just wish these know it all doctors stop prescribing anti acid medication. My mom pass away from using two prescribed acid blockers wich gave her cancer.