Descrição do Produto: SOLARAY Sage Leaf | 570mg por porção | Odor Corporal Saudável
O SOLARAY Sage Leaf é um suplemento inovador que se destaca por suas propriedades únicas e benéficas para a saúde. Com 570mg de folhas de sálvia por porção, este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma solução natural para o odor corporal e a transpiração excessiva. A sálvia, conhecida por suas qualidades aromáticas e medicinais, é amplamente utilizada para apoiar a saúde do corpo, proporcionando um frescor duradouro e uma sensação de bem-estar.
- Don’t Sweat It: A sálvia é comumente utilizada para ajudar a manter um odor corporal saudável e controlar a transpiração, permitindo que você se sinta confiante e confortável ao longo do dia.
- Sage Takes the Stage: Além de suas propriedades para o odor, a sálvia pode ajudar a apoiar sistemas imunológico, digestivo e nervoso, promovendo uma saúde geral equilibrada.
- Trusted Brand: Fabricado em nossa própria instalação, o SOLARAY Sage Leaf é não-OGM, vegano e verificado em laboratório quanto à potência e pureza, garantindo um produto de alta qualidade.
Com o SOLARAY Sage Leaf, você não apenas combate o odor corporal, mas também investe em sua saúde de forma holística. Este suplemento é uma adição valiosa à sua rotina diária, proporcionando benefícios que vão além do que se pode imaginar.
1. Controle do Odor Corporal: Ajuda a manter um frescor duradouro, reduzindo o odor indesejado.
2. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Contribui para a saúde do sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
3. Apoio Digestivo: Promove uma digestão saudável, aliviando desconfortos gastrointestinais.
4. Equilíbrio do Sistema Nervoso: Auxilia na manutenção do equilíbrio emocional e na redução do estresse.
5. Produto de Alta Qualidade: Fabricado em instalações próprias, garantindo pureza e potência, ideal para veganos e pessoas que buscam produtos não-OGM.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de SOLARAY Sage Leaf, duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos da sálvia no organismo. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Didn’t see a change in the sweating so I will stop using when the bottle runs out.
Kristin –
Great product…all organic. no surprise ingredients! Sage notably enhances memory. It also is great for excessive sweating/hot flashes even in hormonal changes. I just turned 50…going thru premenopause 3 days after taking it I notice a difference. I love that there are no chemicals…just ground sage leaf! Ive even given it to several friends and family and they all say it has helped them as well
Estuve esperando este vinyl con mucha ilusión y llegó doblado y maltratado de las esquinas –
No me funcionó me dio más calor
Tonya –
This product actually does help with excessive sweating. I can tell a difference. I recommend trying it!
Rebdeb –
I have suffered tremendously with Craniofacial Hyperhidrosis. It started a couple of years ago and has really affect my life because I’m so humiliated by how much my face and head sweats. How much? The slightest….I mean slightest activity, whether inside or not, leaves me drenched with a couple of minutes. So drenched that I can pinch a strand of hair between my fingers and squeeze and sweat drips out. So drenched that I have to put a kerchief, sweatband, or anything else around my head with any activity. I have wrapped large kitchen cotton towels around my head and within 30 minutes they are so wet I have to change them. I’ve been to two doctors and all of my labs are fine. I don’t (didn’t) go to farmers markets or participate in ANY outdoor activity –heck, if I walked to the mailbox I was sopping wet. I was in Steinmart a couple of months ago and was so drenched while checking out that the clerk ask me if I needed an ambulance. It’s just humiliating. I decided it was because I’m overweight (need to lose about 50lbs) and I was just one of those big girls who sweat. Practically everyone in my family is in the health care profession from RN’s to MD’s and no one knew what was the matter, including me. I was doing yet one more internet search and came upon sage. I’ve probs come upon it before and poo pooed it, I don’t know. What I do know is this: Within 1 week of taking 2 capsules a day, my sweating had diminished by 75%. The next week I started low carb and gave up my beloved wine and I practically don’t sweat at all. Now if I get hot or work outside, sure I sweat–alot. But just walking around the house or cooking dinner, etc, I don’t. This has been a life changer for me. I’ve been to the Farmer’s Market! I know it’s not going to work for everyone but just try it, maybe it will. My mom just keeps muttering “Sage? I don’t believe it, that’s unbelievable.”
appyface –
I can hardly believe I’m writing this, but so far this is working for my post-menopause hot flashes.
The hot flashes are not completely gone, but they are far reduced in frequency, intensity, and duration. I can sleep through most nights now without one waking me or waking only briefly. I haven’t needed my desk fan during the day in weeks now.
For hot flashes, I’ve tried most anything I could get my hands on. Mine are severe, frequent, intense, and I’m so miserable I feel unwell all the time. Medical HRT is the only other treatment I’ve tried that worked — the hot flashes were GONE on HRT — but the side effects were unbearable and I had to stop. (Within a few weeks of stopping HRT the side effects were gone but the hot flashes came rushing right back.)
After stopping HRT I tried a few more products, unsuccessfully as usual, when I read about taking sage. I bought this one and took two capsules 12 hours apart. Within five days the hot flashes were reduced to at most a few times during the day and a few times during the night. They were far less intense and of a shorter duration, so much more tolerable. I felt so much better too, which I attribute to getting more of the badly-needed sleep.
After I finished the first bottle, I waited to see what would happen. Within six days the hot flashes returned to their previous severity. I started a second bottle again at two capsules 12 hours apart. Within just a few days of starting the second bottle the hot flashes diminished once more.
I finished that second bottle four days ago and today I’m starting to have severe hot flashes again. Time to start the third bottle of sage and hope my good luck with this product continues!
CAndrawis –
Okay so just an note that this does not STOP sweating. Sweating is a cleansing, detoxifying, natural cooling process for your body and when you don’t sweat it is an actual medical condition and unhealthy. What this does is that it greatly reduces sweat. I had a baby 7 months ago with complications and since then I feel like every time I moved I was dripping with sweat. I mean my face, dripping down my neck, my hair was drenched and it was so embarrassing. This happened even when I got frustrated or embarrassed. I just couldn’t deal with it anymore so I searched high and low for a remedy to help and came across sage. The first day I took it I could tell a huge difference. I even mopped the house today and I wasn’t soaking my shirt! I am so happy and I hope this continues to work! The only down side for me is that it smells gross doesn’t have a taste when I swallow the pills but right after I burp I can taste it. It recommends to take it with food and so do I. I was having hot flashes too and it has helped with that as well.
Slim –
I still sweat but that’s good and healthy but I don’t sweat all over like before and actually have to do some physical activity now before I even break a sweat. only 2 weeks in but I can say I feel ao much better about myself already
Pericucha –
Me sirven bastante bien en mi estómago