Descrição do Produto: Solaray – Focus for Adults | 60 Cápsulas
Descubra o poder da concentração e do foco com o Solaray – Focus for Adults. Este suplemento foi cuidadosamente formulado para atender às necessidades dos adultos que buscam melhorar sua capacidade de concentração e desempenho cognitivo. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes naturais, o Solaray – Focus for Adults é a solução ideal para aqueles que enfrentam desafios diários em um mundo repleto de distrações.
- Deixe a Solaray ajudá-lo a brilhar
- Nossa meta é trazer todos os nutrientes saudáveis da terra até você
- Cada produto Solaray é rigorosamente testado para garantir que você obtenha os resultados esperados
- Eco-Friendly: Utilizamos frascos 100% PCR feitos de plástico removido dos oceanos e aterros.
Com 60 cápsulas em cada frasco, este produto é uma excelente adição à sua rotina diária. Os ingredientes são selecionados com precisão para promover a clareza mental, aumentar a energia e melhorar a memória. A Solaray se compromete a fornecer produtos de alta qualidade, e cada cápsula é testada para garantir que você receba exatamente o que precisa para otimizar seu desempenho mental.
1. Aumento da Concentração: Melhora a capacidade de foco, essencial para tarefas que exigem atenção prolongada.
2. Melhoria da Memória: Contribui para uma melhor retenção de informações e agilidade mental.
3. Energia Sustentada: Proporciona um impulso energético sem os picos e quedas associados a estimulantes artificiais.
4. Ingredientes Naturais: Formulado com extratos botânicos e nutrientes que promovem a saúde cerebral.
5. Sustentabilidade: Compromisso com o meio ambiente através do uso de embalagens recicladas, reduzindo o impacto ambiental.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Solaray – Focus for Adults diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso garante uma absorção ideal dos nutrientes e maximiza os benefícios cognitivos. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para observar melhorias significativas na concentração e no desempenho mental. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver sob medicação ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
ladyg –
It works great!! I have had ADD for years and have managed it without medications. I am in school and have been a 4.0 GPA for years. My grades started slipping, I couldn’t stay focused. I ordered this product and it works well!! Grades made a dramatic reverse!! It does interfere with Coumadin, my INR was elevated. So beware, you might need to adjust your medication.
AmberR1213 –
I bought this product to help with some of the symptoms of what I believe is ADHD, and it totally works. I’ve noticed better ability to focus on a task or task list, and I don’t struggle with decision paralysis or stimulation overload like I used to. I’m also able to focus on a conversation with someone and process in real time instead of behind their speaking speed. Ha! The only issue I take with the product is that it doesn’t mention anything about causing drowsiness, and it definitely caused me to struggle with some drowsiness while I was taking it during the day. The product has tryptophan in it, which is used to treat anxiety but also insomnia. I was drinking so much coffee just trying to stay awake at work. I halved the dose and started taking it at night (in conjunction with Solaray SharpMind in the morning) and the drowsiness has completely gone away! Definitely recommend for those looking for a more natural solution.
Lucy –
Excelente producto
Cat –
this is a GREAT product that helps my husband who has ADD (not bad) just helps keep his head clear and him focused
B. Longo –
This has been a saving grace for my daughter. Her teachers and doctors were all convinced she had ADHD – and wanted to medicate her with Ritalin. I have always been against these medications and knew that she was fine. I bought these for her – started with the children chewables and progressed to these – shes 11 years old, 6th grade. These I give her just once a day. She has gone from C’s and D’s last year to all A’s and B’s this year! She said they really help her focus and had helped kept her organized
LHowells –
Went through entire bottle and half, took as directed and had no noticeable results. Another family advised same.
kyle –
I’ve been buying these for years now and nothing helps more with my anxiety. I’ve been prescribed 3 different medications and Focus for adults helps me better than all of them and it’s natural so even better!
Barb Kollath –
I have been clinically diagnosed with ADHD. This product worked better than the prescription products I tried without the side affects. Part of my ADHD affects my ability to communicate clearly – this product has GREATLY helped with that as well as cleared my find and made it possible to truly focus on the work I am doing (it feels natural) and it has saved my job. It has worked amazingly for me.