Descrição do Produto: SOLARAY Oat Fiber
O SOLARAY Oat Fiber é um suplemento de fibra solúvel em pó, projetado para oferecer suporte à saúde do coração e ao bem-estar geral. Com uma formulação padronizada para beta glucanos, este produto se destaca como uma alternativa eficaz aos suplementos de fibra tradicionais, como a casca de psyllium. Cada porção contém 11g de fibra de farelo de aveia, proporcionando 5g de fibra dietética, o que representa 19% do valor diário recomendado. Os beta glucanos, que compõem 3g (28%) da fibra, são conhecidos por suas propriedades benéficas para a saúde vascular e cardíaca, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol e promovendo a saúde do coração.
A versatilidade do Oat Fiber é um de seus grandes atrativos. Sem sabor e livre de glúten, este pó de fibra de aveia se mistura facilmente em líquidos, tornando-se uma adição prática a smoothies, bebidas quentes ou frias, e até mesmo em receitas culinárias. Você pode polvilhar sobre alimentos ou incorporá-lo em suas refeições diárias, garantindo uma ingestão adequada de fibras sem complicações.
Além de seus benefícios para a saúde, a Solaray se preocupa com o meio ambiente. As embalagens são feitas de resina reciclada pós-consumo, contribuindo para a redução do desperdício plástico. A empresa também investiu em painéis solares em sua instalação em Ogden, Utah, para minimizar sua pegada de carbono e promover um futuro mais sustentável.
A Solaray é uma marca confiável, oferecendo um suplemento de fibra que é livre de glúten, vegano e produzido sem soja em uma instalação certificada por GMP. Cada lote é testado em um laboratório de ponta em Utah, garantindo a mais alta qualidade e eficácia.
– Suporte à Saúde Cardíaca: Os beta glucanos presentes no Oat Fiber ajudam a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol, promovendo a saúde cardiovascular.
– Aumento da Ingestão de Fibras: Com 5g de fibra por porção, é uma excelente maneira de atingir a ingestão diária recomendada de fibras.
– Versatilidade na Alimentação: Pode ser facilmente adicionado a diversas receitas e bebidas, facilitando a inclusão de fibras na dieta.
– Sustentabilidade: Embalagens recicladas e uso de energia solar demonstram o compromisso da marca com o meio ambiente.
– Qualidade Garantida: Testado em laboratório, o produto assegura pureza e eficácia, oferecendo confiança ao consumidor.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se adicionar uma porção de SOLARAY Oat Fiber a smoothies, shakes ou bebidas de sua escolha. Você pode misturar 1 a 2 colheres de sopa do pó em líquidos ou incorporá-lo em receitas de panificação, como pães e bolos, para aumentar o teor de fibras. É importante começar com uma quantidade menor e aumentar gradualmente, permitindo que seu corpo se adapte ao aumento da ingestão de fibras. Mantenha uma hidratação adequada ao consumir fibras para otimizar os benefícios e promover uma digestão saudável.
Conscientious Shopper –
I got this with a specific purpose in mind. I make high protein pumpkin oat muffins to eat with my morning and afternoon coffee. I wanted to increase the soluble fiber of the muffins especially the Beta Glucans. I substituted in a half cup of this product for some of the oat flour. It worked perfectly. The muffins even tasted better and added a slightly nutty consistency, which added to the overall mouthfeel. I highly recommend this product for baking!
I also tried a scoop in a glass of water and I have to say that it’s not my preferred way of getting soluble fiber but it wasn’t unpleasant to consume if that’s your objective.
CB –
I’m sure that SOLARAY Oat Fiber would be good for me, but. While no flavoring is added, it does have a flavor of its own, and a texture. Those two things keep me from liking it.
The flavor is not strong but is very present unless covered up by something stronger. That’s not hard to do, but plain water and the juice of a lime or lemon, the way I prefer, isn’t quite enough. I don’t make smoothies.
Maybe mouth feel is a better expression than texture. In any case, it too is present when mixed with water. I don’t care for it. YMMV.
Nick and Melanie –
I am extremely pleased with the quality of this oat fiber supplement. It dissolves easily in both hot and cold liquids without any clumping or grittiness. It’s certainly versatile – and can be added to foods and drinks. I’m interested to see if the beta-glucans actually lower my bad cholesterol while not impacting my good cholesterol (a reason people take beta-glucans). That, and overall, this product is a convenient and effective way to increase my daily fiber intake.
ScottishLassie –
…as I have stated in other supplement reviews, I will sub the supplement in review for others of the type. I have been using a fiber supp for well over ten years and my go to’s are Benifiber and Costco Psyllium husk. I removed the Costco and inserted the Oat fiber and have felt the same. To me feeling the same is a good thing.
Now onto its taste. It is pleasant and the aroma is pleasant as well. While I know these are subjective, good supplement without added garbage due tend to be distinctive. All and All a good product. I will by again.
My fasting break meal after 18 hours per day is 5 jumbo eggs scrambled with a serving of fiber mixed in while lightly scrambling over Home made chili and or homemade lintel soup. No carbs to be found!
Proteins, Fiber and Fat! love it!
Surfer Dude –
Although this is my first time using their oat fiber product, Solaray is a well known brand of health supplements that I have used for years. Oats have a form of fiber known as soluable that dissolves in liquids as opposed to insoluble found in foods like fruits and vegetables. I like that soluable fiber helps slow digestion and helps with blood sugar levels and this unflavored, very fine, powder is a good addition to my smoothies or cereal for those reasons. The 30 serving container comes with a handy scoop. This Solaray product is thoroughly tested and is manufactured in a GMP certified facility.
Adam T. –
I’ve been using the Solaray Oat Fiber Supplement, and it has quickly become a staple in my daily routine. It’s completely unflavored, which makes it incredibly versatile—mixes effortlessly into smoothies, oatmeal, or even baked goods without altering the taste or texture. I also appreciate the added fiber, especially the 3g of beta-glucans, which are known to support heart health. The fact that it dissolves well and doesn’t leave a grainy texture in my drinks or foods is a huge plus.
The only downside is that the serving size of 11g is larger than I expected, but it’s manageable considering how much fiber it provides. With 5g of dietary fiber per serving, it’s a fantastic way to supplement my daily intake. I also love that the product is gluten-free, vegan, and thoughtfully packaged in post-consumer recycled bottles. If you’re looking for an easy way to add more fiber to your diet without sacrificing flavor or texture, this is an excellent choice!
Conscientious Shopper –
SOLARAY Oat Fiber – Soluble Fiber Supplement Powder – Standardized to Beta Glucans for Heart Health Support – Unflavored, Gluten Free, Vegan, 60 Day Guarantee, Lab Verified – 30 Servings, 11.6oz
Ths well respected Solaray brand lab verifies the contents of this supplement in its own lab and manufactures in a GMP certified facility in the USA. I like that you can use this several ways but my favorite is to sprinkle on food as then avoid drinking or swallowing another supplement. It adds no flavor and I don’t even notice the texture or addition of another product. Many doctors recommend this type of supplementation and if you have been recommended or can benefit this is an excellent choice as it is convenient and can still be mixed into liquids if preferred. Note it is expiration dated for effectiveness and ingredients source listed. Most important to me is that this is a trusted provider containing ONE ingredient, so no potentially harmful additives.
Cat Lover –
Most people could use more fiber in their diets, and this is an easy way to get a fiber boost. I’ve used other additives such as gummies and this mix a little more work but still very easy to use. I like to add it to something such as milk or a protein shake to help neutralize the already minimal taste as much as possible. I usually blend it in a cold liquid in a mini blender to dissolve as much as possible and it dissolves easily doing this. Adds some graininess to the drink, but not a significant amount. Overall, would recommend this product. No complaints.