Conheça o Solaray Female Hormone Blend SP-7C, uma mistura herbal que inclui Cohosh Preto, Dong Quai, Flor da Paixão, Saw Palmetto e Yam Selvagem. Este suplemento foi especialmente formulado para fornecer suporte herbal para o equilíbrio saudável em mulheres. Com uma combinação de ervas tradicionalmente usadas para promover a saúde menstrual e a menopausa, este produto é uma opção natural para mulheres que desejam um suporte adicional.
Uma das principais ervas presentes neste blend é o Cohosh Preto, que tem sido usado por nativos americanos para ajudar a promover a saúde menstrual e aliviar os sintomas da menopausa. Esta erva é conhecida por suas propriedades benéficas para o sistema reprodutivo feminino.
O Dong Quai, uma erva da medicina chinesa, também está presente nesta fórmula. Ele é conhecido por suas propriedades de suporte hormonal e é frequentemente usado para aliviar os sintomas da menopausa, como ondas de calor e suores noturnos.
Além disso, o Solaray Female Hormone Blend SP-7C contém Flor da Paixão, uma erva que tem sido usada tradicionalmente para promover o relaxamento e aliviar o estresse. Esta erva pode ajudar a melhorar o bem-estar emocional durante períodos de desequilíbrio hormonal.
Outro ingrediente importante é o Saw Palmetto, que é conhecido por suas propriedades de suporte à saúde da próstata. Embora seja mais comumente associado aos homens, o Saw Palmetto também pode ser benéfico para as mulheres, ajudando a promover um equilíbrio hormonal saudável.
Por fim, o Yam Selvagem é adicionado a esta fórmula para fornecer suporte adicional. Esta erva tem sido usada tradicionalmente para promover a saúde hormonal e aliviar os sintomas da menopausa.
Além de seus benefícios para a saúde hormonal feminina, o Solaray Female Hormone Blend SP-7C também se destaca por ser ecologicamente correto. As garrafas utilizadas são feitas de 100% de plástico reciclado, retirado dos oceanos e aterros sanitários. Ao escolher este produto, você estará contribuindo para a preservação do meio ambiente.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Suporte herbal para o equilíbrio saudável em mulheres
- 2. Ingredientes naturais tradicionalmente usados para promover a saúde menstrual e aliviar os sintomas da menopausa
- 3. Inclui ervas da medicina chinesa e sais minerais adicionados para um suporte ainda maior
- 4. Garrafas feitas de plástico reciclado retirado dos oceanos e aterros sanitários
- 5. Opção natural para mulheres que desejam um suporte adicional para o equilíbrio hormonal
– Sugestão de Uso:
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas por dia, de preferência com alimentos. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar este produto, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas por dia, de preferência com alimentos. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar este produto, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Cady Heron –
The capsules are really easy to swallow with just a bit of water, and they really don’t taste that bad (fish oil tablets are worse). The packaging is really nice, and I feel confident taking these. I am currently taking half dosage for the first week to ease into it (8/13/2018), but starting next week I’ll be taking 2 capsules 3 times a day. I’ll be updating this review probably next month on my bodily changes (if there are any).
Update 9/20/2018: It has been 5 weeks taking full dosage. I have noticed minimal to no growth in breast tissue. I do feel a little more bloated than usual, so that could be the possible minimal growth, I’m just gaining a bit of weight. Not sure if it’s because of these or not. The bottle is almost gone, so I will be ordering one more to see if another 5-6 weeks will have any effects on me.
Update 10/22/2018: 10 weeks later, and there have been no changes. Nothing that’s noticeable anyway. I was really hoping that this product would have at least a small effect after almost 3 months, given the many positive reviews. And maybe it worked for others because of how their body is. But for me, nothing. And I was hoping for literally any change, no matter how small. Softer skin, breast growth, thinner/lighter facial hair. Nothing even close to any of these changes occurred. At least nothing negative happened, so that’s good. Hope someone can find this review helpful.
Melody Lawrence –
Disclaimer: This product will work differently for everyone. MY results won’t necessary be your results, so if you’re buying this in hopes of getting the results I’m getting, please don’t. Buy at your own risk/goals.
I am a trans individual with gender dysphoria and since I didn’t want to wait for my therapist to send over an official diagnosis that follows most transitioning steps, I decided to buy this product, since it was 1) in my price range and 2) the quantity. Well, this is my second day taking it and here’s what I’ve experienced so far:
Physical changes: As far as physical changes go, I haven’t been taking it long enough to experience physical changes to my body.
Emotional changes: Dramatic, almost immediate improvement in my mood. I feel more happy, I have more patience and tolerance then before. I also seem to fall asleep a lot faster. The downside? This product increases thirst for water, especially. This product contains essence of “passion flower”, which may be the cause of my improved mood.
Other changes: Almost immediate feminisation of voice. It pains me to SPEAK in a male’s voice now, which, I think is a positive change.
Summary: If you are a female who is losing estrogen due to age, or a transwoman like myself looking to transition from MTF and don’t want to wait until prejudiced, transphobic doctors approve you for HRT, this is a great and cheap product to start with. I will be updating this as more results… come in.
Amazon Customer –
I have used these off and on for a while. To put things into perspective: I am becoming transexual (mtf.) I didn’t like the idea of prescription grade hormones, and getting Rx grade hormones is pretty hard, especially when dealing with stupid insurance companies and pesky doctors. SO, I tried this and was pleasantly surprised!
Within a few weeks I noticed small physical changes – softer skin, lightening hair, and most importantly my body shape started changing. I am beginning to become a little more contoured in all the right ways. I did start to grow breasts, and they’re coming along nicely. It is also evident that my hips have been changing as well, as men’s pants don’t seem to fit “right” anymore.
For the first month, my (developing) breasts would sometimes feel itchy. As for the other changes, people started commenting on how they say I look different (but they can never actually place what it is, ha!) I stopped taking it for maybe about 6 to 8 months, and the changes to my body seemed to stay. I just recently began taking it again. I looked in the mirror and more changes to my body are evident. Breasts are a little more shapely, Hips seem to be continuing changing their shape. Skin is noticeably softer.
I also have had a significant increase in my sex drive. I don’t know if this is an intended effect (especially for biologically male transgendered people,) but it seems evident.
As far as I know, this only adds estrogen and other female hormones. I don’t know whether or not it has any testosterone blocking agents (or if the body does it by itself by virtue of the female hormones being present?) I would say it’s a good start to those wanting to start HRT. It may even be a good replacement for it. Only time will tell, but I’ve only heard good things about this from other trans people.
Jenny –
He sentido un cambio positivo en mi organismo eso me hace sentir bien conmigo mismo
Ahlam –
المنتج ممتاز جداً ولاحظت تغير في جسمي وبروز في المناطق الأنثوية وسوف اطلب منه مرة اخرى ان شاء الله 💜💜💜🫶🏽
u.r –
I had to stop. I was gaining weight rapidly. Not for me.
VK –
Taking these for couple of weeks now, not sure if for Transgender this will work at all. In fact my arms and legs joins started to hurt but not 100% sure if these are the cause.
Marcy Travis –
I do think these have helped with the flashing, time will really tell
Cristina Moreta –
Hormonal Rollercoaster after having a D&C from a miscarriage. I was all over the place. My mother-in-law bought these for me. I started taking them and they helped balance my hormones to where I wasn’t crying so much, depressed and said I had more control of my emotions because my hormones started balancing out and in healthy way. I strongly recommend these for anyone who has just had a baby experiencing Post Partum or had a miscarriage and hormones are all over the place. I swear by these and I still take them. I Also take them when I’m on my menstrual it keeps me hormonally sane and balanced. Get it.!!