Descrição do Produto: Solaray High Potency Betaine HCL com Pepsin
O Solaray High Potency Betaine HCL com Pepsin é um suplemento de ácido clorídrico projetado para promover a saúde digestiva de forma eficaz e segura. Com uma fórmula robusta, cada porção oferece 650 mg de betaine hydrochloride e 100 mg de pepsina, ingredientes que trabalham em sinergia para garantir que você possa desfrutar das suas refeições favoritas sem preocupações. Este suplemento é ideal para aqueles que buscam um suporte digestivo adicional, especialmente à medida que a produção natural de ácido clorídrico no estômago pode diminuir com a idade.
- Enzimas para Digestão – Aproveite os alimentos que você ama sem preocupações. Nosso suplemento de ácido clorídrico é formulado com poderosas enzimas que apoiam a digestão adequada após as refeições.
- Alta Potência – Um complexo eficaz que fornece 650 mg de betaine hydrochloride por porção e 100 mg de pepsina para suporte à saúde digestiva e conforto estomacal.
- Saúde Intestinal – A Betaine HCL ajuda a manter níveis normais e saudáveis de ácido clorídrico no estômago, que podem diminuir com a idade, enquanto a pepsina, outra enzima digestiva chave, apoia a quebra e absorção de proteínas e outros nutrientes.
- Fazendo a Diferença – Para reduzir nossa pegada de carbono, as embalagens da Solaray são feitas de resina reciclada pós-consumo, ajudando a manter o plástico fora de nossos aterros e oceanos. Também começamos a instalar painéis solares como uma fonte de energia alternativa em nossa instalação em Ogden, Utah, para alimentar os processos e produtos que ajudam você a Viver Mais Brilhante.
- Marca Confiável – Fabricado em nossa instalação certificada pela GMP e testado em nosso laboratório de última geração em Utah para garantir pureza e potência. E porque acreditamos na qualidade e eficácia de nossos produtos, cada frasco de Solaray Betaine HCL vem com uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro em 60 dias.
1. Suporte Digestivo Eficaz: Melhora a digestão e alivia desconfortos estomacais após as refeições.
2. Aumento da Absorção de Nutrientes: Facilita a quebra de proteínas, promovendo uma melhor absorção de nutrientes essenciais.
3. Fórmula Potente: Alta concentração de betaine HCL e pepsina para resultados rápidos e eficazes.
4. Sustentabilidade: Embalagem ecológica e práticas de produção que respeitam o meio ambiente.
5. Garantia de Satisfação: A confiança na qualidade do produto é respaldada por uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula de Solaray High Potency Betaine HCL com Pepsin antes das refeições principais. É importante iniciar com uma dose baixa e aumentar gradualmente, conforme necessário, para avaliar a tolerância individual. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Prairiebek –
Most people have no idea about this but I called a natural path store and the ladies there are all very intelligent. I told them that I felt sick to my stomach all the time and could never stomach things like kale lettuce or salads fruits or veggies things that I used to love. The lady told me I probably had low stomach acid and she had experienced something similar, and that I needed hydrochloric acid also known as HCl with pepsin. I started taking this and after a week or two I notice a significant difference and now I am not going without it because I love to try to eat healthier if you’re on the fence I highly recommend it for the money you could get your eating back. Also don’t let stupid doctors who have no idea and have been told lies to tell you that you have too much acid is actually quite the opposite try googling Dr. Berg on YouTube and he will tell you all about it. My husband gets this chronic nonstop cough at random times of the year and I really think it’s due to low stomach acid. We have twins and they get cold at day care and oh boy watch out if he gets a cold he will never stop coughing for months. I put on my thinking cap and realized he may need stomach acid. I ordered LUNG CLEANSE along with HCl with pepsin – Solaray brand, from Amazon, I believe and it really helps him. Most people think they have too high of stomach acid, and all doctors will tell you that cause they don’t know any better. What they’ve been taught in school…But the truth is they have very low stomach acid. People be taking Tums and Rolaids and they actually need the opposite they need more stomach acid is very sad they don’t know. My husband was put on three prescriptions one including an inhaler for high stomach acid because of the coughing and I am pretty hippie dippy, and I kept telling him that is not going to help, but only make things worse. Low and behold, he is no longer coughing, when I added Lung Cleanse in the morning, and two in the evening, before bed … along with four “HCl with pepsin”tablets , each day.
Tess C. –
I was completely freaked out by the idea of adding acid to my stomach, and yet here I am writing a 5 star review of this product.
I have an ongoing problem with yeast and fungus, and after several dental procedures late last year, and the accompanying antibiotics, it was way out of control. I read that fungus and yeast can only take over when the stomach acid is low and therefore not keeping them in check. I knew I had low stomach acid, so I thought why not give it a try?
I took 1 each day with breakfast for 3 days, then upped it to 2 a day for 3 days, 1 each at breakfast and lunch. And the fungus started to retreat and my skin started to heal up and stop itching, ears started clearing out, etc. So I added in 3 per day, one each meal, for 3 days, and it felt like the tide was steadily turning. This got me to day 10. I then added in 2 for breakfast and got a touch of heartburn. I figure that was my answer, so I backed off to 1 per meal again. I felt like I still could use some more to control the fungus even more, so I added in a late snack in the evening with 1, and it did the trick. I guess 4 a day is what is right for my body right now. Fungus / yeast is leaving, my skin is healing up nicely, ears are clearing out, it’s a freaking miracle if you ask me!
I will add that I eat a pretty clean low carb diet, no sugar, dairy, grain, alcohol, nightshades.
I am going to buy the 250mg and see if 1 650 plus 1 250 each meal works for me.
Manu –
Super capsule for digestive issues, but don’t know the side effects.
L –
Did you know that sometimes GERD is caused by low levels of stomach acid? Your esophagus fails to close if the level of acidity in your stomach falls too low.
I had GERD for over 10 years. It was the side effect of a medication I was on. My internist mistakenly thought my stomach acid was too high and put me on proton pump inhibitors. Which pretty much guaranteed that I would have GERD forever.
Luckily I have a new doctor. She correctly diagnosed me with low stomach acid, not high stomach acid.
So first I tried one of these capsules with every meal , things improved but the problems didn’t go away. Then my doctor said double it up. That did the trick. In less than a week, the results were obvious. My GERD was greatly improved. My gas went away, along with bloating, and the gut cramps. Within six weeks, I was able to try skipping the HCl and the digestive enzymes, without experiencing relapse.
Now the reason why I was producing so little stomach acid was because my digestion was broken. In order to heal your digestion , you need to support it using HCl and digestive enzymes. You will probably need more digestive enzymes than the ones contained in this product but there are many excellent ones on the market.
In order to heal the gut, you need to support it with glutamine . Glutamine is an amino acid that is used by the gut for energy, and it is required for essential function. It is also used to produce glutathione . Glutathione is the master enzyme that regenerates all of your other antioxidant enzymes . Periods of high stress can strip all of the glutathione in your body. Finally glutamine is also required to produce GABA . Fluctuating levels of GABA in your brain can alter your mood drastically. It’s best not to exceed the recommended dose of glutamine in order to prevent this. During periods of trauma or broken digestion or high stress your daily need for glutamine will exceed any normal diet. Therefore doctors will recommend 2 to 3 g of glutamine taken on an empty stomach.
Collagen : collagen is required for gut function. In order to heal the gut you need to supplement with collagen. You can do this by drinking bone broth or by taking a powdered collagen supplement.
Vitamins. You need all your vitamins and minerals in order in order to heal. This is actually a very complicated topic because many vitamins will block absorption of other vitamins and minerals . Or they can only be absorbed in very precise ratios. But it’s safe to say, that centrum or One-A-Day are lousy vitamins. It’s mostly because they’re not very bioavailable. In order to find a good bioavailable multivitamin you will need to do a lot of research . I would normally recommend Hardy.’s Essential Nutrients except it’s such an expensive brand. Vitamin C is required for healing collagen . I was supplementing with 4 to 6 g when I noticed my collagen was healing at an accelerated rate. Make sure you get bioavailable versions of magnesium and zinc supplements.
Saccharomyces boulardii: is good if you have some kind of gut trauma. The Saccharomyces actually fights gut inflammation.
Bob’s Red Mill unmodified potato starch: is resistant starch. Resistant starches are not digested by the gut , instead they are digested by your helpful probiotics. The body doesn’t absorb the resistance starch therefore it does not raise glucose levels. Some of the byproducts of the resistance starch help feed the gut as well as feeding your good probiotics. Potato starch is the most concentrated source of resistance starch that you can use. The therapeutic dose is 1 tablespoon taken up to three times per day. Start with 1 teaspoon if you’re not used to this stuff.
Fiber: it was an eye-opening revelation to me, the difference in fiber quality . It turns out one of the key characteristics of fiber quality is the length of the fiber. Shorter fiber unfortunately feeds some of the bad inhabitants of your gut as well as the more helpful probiotics. Longer fiber feeds your helpful probiotics while starving the parasites. PGX is a trademark form of glucomannan which is extracted from the Konjac root. PGX has undergone a special form of processing which preserves the length of the fiber. I went from Metamucil , to glucomannan , to PGX . And as I upgraded from bad to best, my diarrhea went from relentless to gone.
Protein synthesis: healing is by definition the production of new materials to replace that which is broken or gone. Therefore you need to initiate the production of new proteins . To do this you must eat 30 g of proteins in one meal. For example that would be five large eggs. It’s an unfortunate amount of food, but nutritionists recommend for anyone trying to heal from a major trauma or medical condition, that you need to eat 30 g of protein three times a day for maximum healing. I find it difficult to do more than 30 g per day , and ended up rearranging my protein intake so that I would eat it all in one meal. But if you want your gut to heal quickly, you really do need to initiate protein synthesis so that you can start replacing some of your missing body functions.
Good luck and good health!