SmartyPants Baby Probiotic Drops é um suplemento premium e respaldado pela ciência, especialmente formulado para apoiar a saúde digestiva e imunológica de bebês alimentados com leite materno ou fórmula. Com probióticos testados por pediatras, nossa fórmula inclui duas cepas probióticas clinicamente estudadas que ajudam a acalmar a irritabilidade e reduzir o choro devido a desconfortos estomacais ocasionais. Além disso, nossa mistura de probióticos fornece 1,6 bilhão de UFC por porção na forma de esporos, dos quais 95% chegarão ao trato digestivo inferior vivos.
Nosso produto é certificado limpo e testado por terceiros, sendo vencedor do Prêmio de Pureza do Projeto Clean Label. Ele foi submetido a rigorosos testes para mais de 200 contaminantes e produtos químicos, garantindo que você esteja oferecendo vitaminas de alta qualidade e confiança para sua família. Além disso, nossa fórmula é livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM).
Para usar o SmartyPants Baby Probiotic Drops, basta agitar por 10 a 20 segundos antes de cada uso. Em seguida, dê 6 gotas na boca do bebê de 0 a 24 meses de idade, ou misture com leite materno ou fórmula. Não é necessário aquecer o produto.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Suporte à saúde digestiva: As cepas probióticas clinicamente estudadas presentes em SmartyPants Baby Probiotic Drops ajudam a acalmar desconfortos estomacais ocasionais, proporcionando alívio para o bebê.
2. Reforço imunológico: Com sua fórmula respaldada pela ciência, este suplemento fortalece o sistema imunológico do bebê, ajudando a protegê-lo contra doenças e infecções.
3. Fontes de nutrientes de qualidade: A mistura de probióticos de SmartyPants oferece 1,6 bilhão de UFC por porção, garantindo que uma quantidade significativa chegue ao trato digestivo inferior, onde é mais eficaz.
4. Certificação de pureza: Nosso produto é um vencedor do Prêmio de Pureza do Projeto Clean Label, o que significa que foi rigorosamente testado para garantir que esteja livre de contaminantes e produtos químicos indesejados.
5. Fórmula livre de OGM: SmartyPants Baby Probiotic Drops é feito com ingredientes não geneticamente modificados, proporcionando tranquilidade aos pais preocupados com a qualidade dos produtos que oferecem aos seus filhos.
Agite bem antes de cada uso. Dê 6 gotas na boca do bebê de 0 a 24 meses de idade, ou misture com leite materno ou fórmula. Não aqueça o produto. Consulte um pediatra antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Charity Wood –
Almost impossible to get the drops out of the bottle! Spent so much time looking for a healthy product to help regulate my almost 2 month old, but after an hour of alternating shaking vigorously and holding the bottle upside down( tried sideways also) I’m lucky to get out 2-3 drops! Was so hopeful with this brand but I guess we will be switching to a product that we can actually use.
Isabel Monge –
It was so painful watching the baby struggle with going potty. She would cry while trying to push. The effects of this were almost instant. Withing 2 days the issue was gone. Now she has regular and healthy bowel movements. This product is amazing and I recommend it to anyone with a toddler that has trouble with bowel movements. 100 stars 🌟
Charles Olive –
Our little girl has been to GI specialists for constipation since she was a few weeks old and she’s now 1. We’ve been giving her miralax daily for her to poop without pain and struggle. I wanted to get her off of it and decided to try this, since we also use their gummy vitamins for the kids (also love).
So we are only 3 days into it but she’s been pooping WITHOUT ANY MIRALAX!!! If this is truly working we have solved a very expensive, very painful problem for our sweet baby. It comes out similar to an essential oil bottle and yes it’s slow to get started then it flows steady. We just put it into her night time milk and it is fine, she drinks it with no issues. I’m hoping next I can get her off the acid reflux medicine but I will come back and edit to update if that works for us!
James B Eggemeyer –
I love this probiotic for my baby. I’m very pleased that it has more than one strain (all the others I looked at only had one type).
My only frustration is that once the bottle is half gone, it takes FOREVER to form a drop. It says you can apply them to breast/bottle before feeding, but it’s oily and messy to do that way, so I’ve just been doing drops directly in the mouth. I wish they would just provide a normal eye dropper, so that it’s easier to control.
Mandy –
My little one who was born premature and has reflux as well as food intolerances began to take this at around 1 month. She’s not a fan of the taste but it seems to have really helped her bowel movements and reflux.
David Neds –
It’s hard to get the drops out but the best way I discovered is to shake it up and down vigorously over a bottle. The drops will fly around but at least 5-6 drops will make it in the bottle.
I’m a first time mom. I bought this for my baby when he was 4 weeks because he would cry for 30+ min after each breastfeeding session because of gas. It was hard to use it consistently because it was a hassle to get the drops out. Don’t think it helped much but after we passed 6 weeks he got better at burping and we started using it less.
SRF91 –
I tried EVERYTHING for my babies constipation. Specialty formulas, prune juice, other brands of probiotics. Nothinggg worked. To the point my baby’s pedi talked about sending her to GI and doing suppositories. I bought these and she’s had a regular poop every day since (about 6 days in a row now 🙌🏼). THANK YOU
Courtney D –
This is a great probiotic for infants and is free of many additives and allergens. I add the 6 drops to my sons morning bottle it really helps support his gut health. He has been on this for about 7 months now and I noticed a difference right away when we started using it. He isn’t as gassy and is regular with his bowel movements. This is great to support gut health and digestion especially when switching infant formulas.