Descrição do Produto:
A Smartshake Rockband Reforce Stainless Steel Protein Shaker Bottle de 700 ml (23 oz) é a escolha perfeita para os amantes de fitness e fãs da banda Five Finger Death Punch. Com um design robusto e moderno, este shaker é feito de aço inoxidável de alta qualidade, garantindo durabilidade e resistência. Seu sistema de vedação com tampa de rosca evita vazamentos, permitindo que você transporte suas bebidas proteicas e suplementos sem preocupações. Além disso, é livre de BPA, garantindo que sua saúde não seja comprometida por substâncias químicas nocivas. Embora não seja isolado, o material de aço inoxidável mantém a temperatura das suas bebidas por um período razoável. Este produto unissex é ideal para qualquer pessoa que busque praticidade e estilo em sua rotina de treinos.
1. Durabilidade Superior: Fabricado em aço inoxidável, o shaker é resistente a impactos e corrosão, ideal para o uso diário.
2. Vedação Eficiente: A tampa de rosca garante que não haja vazamentos, permitindo que você leve suas bebidas para qualquer lugar sem preocupações.
3. Saudável e Seguro: Livre de BPA, o produto assegura que suas bebidas não sejam contaminadas por substâncias químicas prejudiciais.
4. Design Atraente: Com a estampa da banda Five Finger Death Punch, o shaker combina funcionalidade e estilo, perfeito para os fãs da música.
5. Capacidade Ideal: Com 700 ml, é perfeito para misturar e transportar suas bebidas proteicas, shakes e suplementos, atendendo às suas necessidades nutricionais.
Para utilizar a Smartshake Rockband Reforce, comece adicionando a quantidade desejada de pó de proteína ou suplemento em sua base. Em seguida, acrescente água ou leite até atingir a capacidade desejada. Feche a tampa de rosca firmemente para garantir que não haja vazamentos. Agite vigorosamente por cerca de 30 segundos para garantir que o conteúdo esteja bem misturado. Após o uso, recomenda-se lavar o shaker com água morna e detergente neutro para manter a higiene e a durabilidade do produto. Evite o uso de esponjas abrasivas que possam danificar a superfície do aço inoxidável.
Buyer –
I ordered for a Christmas gift. The tumbler was opened on Christmas Day and has a big dent on the side.
Jacob Thomson –
Looks great, holds all my liquids, shakes / mixes well, easy to clean, nice quality, worth it, does everything I want it to. Perfect bottle for me.
10/10, would buy again if it broke. I have dropped a few times and it all still works great.
melissa –
Really love this bottle. I bought the metallica Kill em all. Keeps my pre/post workout drinks nice and cold. Mix my powders very well. Easy to use. I’ve dropped it a couple times and bottle has not dented.
Shadow –
It’s crazy that something so simple can make you happy when the product better than advertised. Not only do I love FFDP. I’m in the gym alot. I go through shakers frequently. The size and quality is amazing. Not only does it keep my post shake super cold. It breaks the powder down to nothing. No residue left over. Easy to break apart and clean. It’s reasonably priced. Great product 👌
Corrina Jones –
The package it’s self was as described in the description. They are good materials.
However my package had been put where it could have been easily stolen and it was left where the box got soaking wet. This could have damaged my product.
Dingus McBingus –
Cup is awesome, looks awesome, works awesome, but would be a little more awesome if it came in a box or something.
Mine arrived with a couple dents and dings since it was just in a bag.
No huge deal, but definitely bumps it down from what would have been an easy 5 stars.
The mixing part works fine for lighter powders, like for pre-workout or electrolyte stuff, but for protein powders it is kinda bad. Much rather use a ball blender cup for protein, which is fine. Having a dedicated hydration cup is honestly kinda nice.
Cleaning is a bit of a bother, the mixer part can be a bit of a pain.
But otherwise a bit of soap and water and it cleans up in no time.
9 out of 10 cup that got dinged a bit down to 7.5/8 out of 10.
Amazon Customer –
Really the only problem with this cup is it sweats really bad probably because it’s single walled
I give it a 4 1\2- star rating because of that
It’s a great cup I own 2 of them
Also like the screen idea to keep ice from blocking the spout
I would recommend it as a gift also
Nice cups worth the price
S. J. Locke –
I didn’t read the description of this correctly and believed that this was a double-walled insulated protein shaker, which it is not. This is simply a stainless steel shaker with a cool design on it. If you like the design this is probably a great bottle for you, but for most others, this will just be yet another shaker bottle (though at least the stainless steel material avoids plastics like most other shakers).
Flight_Mama –
Initially I was sent a totally different product, but after I returned it, I got what I ordered and he loved it. Excellent quality so far. Leak proof and durable.
Andrew ursua –
I only bought this for a replacement for my gfuel steel shaker. AND MAN this thing just leaks like crazy when shaking . Sad I was looking foward to this being a replacement since Iron Maiden is my favorite band