Descrição do Produto: SlimFast Keto Fat Bomb Snack Cup, Mint Chocolate, Keto Snacks for Weight Loss, Low Carb com 0g de Açúcar Adicionado, Caixa com 14 Unidades (Pacote de 4)
O SlimFast Keto Fat Bomb Snack Cup de Mint Chocolate é a solução perfeita para quem busca um lanche saboroso e alinhado com a dieta cetogênica. Cada copo contém uma combinação deliciosa de chocolate e menta, proporcionando uma experiência de sabor irresistível, sem comprometer sua jornada de perda de peso. Com 0g de açúcar adicionado e baixo teor de carboidratos, esses snacks são ideais para quem deseja manter a cetose e controlar a ingestão de calorias. A embalagem contém 14 copos, e ao adquirir o pacote de 4, você garante um estoque suficiente para suas necessidades diárias. Esses lanches são práticos e fáceis de levar, tornando-se uma excelente opção para o dia a dia, seja no trabalho, na academia ou em casa.
1. Apoio à Dieta Cetogênica: Ideal para quem segue uma dieta low carb, ajudando a manter a cetose.
2. Sabor Irresistível: A combinação de menta e chocolate proporciona um prazer sem culpa.
3. Sem Açúcar Adicionado: Perfeito para quem busca reduzir a ingestão de açúcar e calorias.
4. Praticidade: Lanches individuais que podem ser facilmente transportados e consumidos em qualquer lugar.
5. Controle de Peso: Auxilia na saciedade, evitando a vontade de beliscar alimentos não saudáveis entre as refeições.
Para obter o máximo benefício do SlimFast Keto Fat Bomb Snack Cup, consuma um copo como lanche entre as refeições principais ou sempre que sentir fome. É uma excelente opção para complementar sua dieta cetogênica, oferecendo uma dose de gordura saudável que ajuda a manter a energia e a saciedade. Armazene em local fresco e seco, e aproveite a conveniência de um lanche saboroso e nutritivo a qualquer hora do dia.
dri phelps –
I love the SlimFast Keto Fat Bomb Snack Cluster, Caramel Nuts & Chocolate because it is sugar free and tasty. I bought the snacks in bulk for the price (saved $5). I opened more than one box of the chocolates and the candy is not fresh and has a white “glaze” all over candy. Also, the chocolate tastes a little old. Live and learn bulk does not mean fresh.
JjoyS –
Trying to lose weight is hard enough. Finding a sweet treat that I can enjoy is difficult. However, THIS
product is wonderful. It satisfies my sweet tooth, is delicious and not too hard on the budget.
I highly recommend it. The flavor I love is chocolate/peanut butter.
David Spector –
These are the very popular, wonderful Slimfast chocolate mints, almost 2 inches in diameter, with about equal amounts of chocolate and mint filling. The flavors of both components are just about indistinguishable from the familiar sugar-based original confections. These are often “not in stock” when ordered through Amazon Subscriptions, but can always be obtained by ordering manually.
marynnnn –
As all retailers are taking advantage of the COVID issue with prices these days I must say this is a decent buy.
Slim Fast and all the other merchants are using COVID As an excuse to raise their prices 30%, 40%, some products have over doubled. I stopped buying because I can’t afford 10.00 for 14 small pieces of anything. However, considering what’s going on with prices this is a fair deal.
(I use to pay about 5.50 for one box now one box is 10.50) We need to start rising up as a people to stop this outrageous and unnecessary greed.
Ava –
Very tasty and enjoyed them, however the price is a bit much when your budget is now about fufilling needs instead of wants.
Lisa –
I absolutely love these chocolates and can’t find them in the store. The price here isn’t horrible (it’s high everywhere, so this isn’t higher than the store). The problem was the expiration date. I received it on April 19th and the date was April 22nd, on 4 boxes of 14 servings. That’s a problem; when you’re paying $40 for food it needs to be fresh.
Hart –
Nice treat for anyone who is doing a keto diet. The taste is so good and doesn’t have that weird after taste like some do. If you’re craving something sweet, not to worry because it takes away your sweet craving and fills you up. The only bad thing was they showed up melted.
Ash –
These are the only flavor of slim fast keto snacks that aren’t overwhelmingly artificially sweet. And these truly taste great, a salty sweet snack that’s easy to grab on the run and holds me over for hours despite its small size. It is SUPER chewy in kind of a tough way though.