Descrição do Produto: SleepElite
Em um mundo onde o estresse e a ansiedade se tornaram companheiros constantes, encontrar uma solução eficaz para melhorar a qualidade do sono e o bem-estar mental é essencial. SleepElite é a resposta que você estava procurando. Este suplemento inovador, desenvolvido pela Mara Labs, foi formulado para apoiar a função cerebral, o humor e o sono, utilizando catalisadores de serotonina que promovem um descanso reparador e revitalizante.
SleepElite ajuda você a adormecer mais rapidamente, melhora seu humor e acalma sua mente agitada. Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes, como berberina, 5-HTP, L-triptofano, ashwagandha, vitamina B6 (piridoxal-6-fosfato), trimetilglicina (TMG) e nosso exclusivo Complexo de Semente de Brócolis, este suplemento bio disponível é uma escolha inteligente para quem busca um sono de qualidade.
Diferente de muitos suplementos que contêm melatonina, SleepElite não a inclui em sua fórmula. Embora a melatonina seja importante para o sono, seu uso deve ser limitado a curtos períodos. Ao incorporar L-triptofano, um precursor bio disponível da melatonina, SleepElite permite que seu corpo produza melatonina naturalmente em quantidades superiores às encontradas em outros suplementos de sono disponíveis no mercado.
Além disso, a ashwagandha e a berberina, ingredientes únicos em nossa fórmula, ajudam a acalmar a mente e a aliviar pensamentos acelerados, facilitando o processo de adormecer. SleepElite é livre de OGM, glúten, enchimentos, corantes artificiais, aromatizantes, adoçantes ou conservantes, e é montado nos EUA, garantindo qualidade e pureza.
– Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: SleepElite ajuda a regular os ciclos de sono, proporcionando um descanso mais profundo e reparador.
– Apoio ao Humor: Os ingredientes ativos promovem a produção de serotonina, melhorando o bem-estar emocional e reduzindo a ansiedade.
– Calmante Natural: A combinação de ashwagandha e berberina ajuda a acalmar a mente, facilitando o processo de adormecer.
– Produção Natural de Melatonina: O L-triptofano permite que o corpo produza melatonina de forma natural, evitando a dependência de suplementos sintéticos.
– Fórmula Limpa e Segura: Sem aditivos prejudiciais, SleepElite é uma escolha saudável para quem busca um suplemento de sono eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados com SleepElite, recomenda-se tomar uma dose de uma colher medida (aproximadamente 10g) antes de dormir. Misture o pó em água ou em sua bebida favorita, garantindo que esteja bem dissolvido. Para um efeito otimizado, utilize SleepElite diariamente, permitindo que seu corpo se adapte e comece a produzir os hormônios do sono de forma natural. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Candice B –
If you’re someone who wants to knock out yourself or your kids, this is not for you. HOWEVER, if you want to safely and effectively create healthy sleep habits for a lifetime without any dependence, SleepElite is for you. We’ve used this for several years now and I won’t go without it.
MountainMamaQT –
It took longer than Id hoped to fall asleep and once asleep I did a lot of tossing and turning. That’s very normal for me without melatonin or sleep aids so this seemed to be not very effective.
Amazon Customer –
We absolutely love this stuff. We have a large family and not everyone tolerates melatonin-based sleep supplements well. For one of us, it leads to grogginess and another it leads to grumpiness in the morning.
However, sometimes you are a bit too wired, and a natural sleep aid can work wonders. Enter in SleepElite. It is gentile, natural, and really works wonders. You wake up refreshed, after a real good night’s sleep.
We take vitamins and supplements, but there aren’t many we actually bother to take with us when we travel. However, this and BrocElite always come with us!
Patrick Mollohan –
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nurse, physician, or any form of medical practitioner. This review is purely my experience using the product and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with your doctor before adding this supplement to your routine.
As someone who suffers from insomnia, it is crucial that I start focusing my supplement routine on supplements to help me find the rest that I need. Often times, I have troubles falling asleep and staying asleep, so when the Mara Labs SleepElite supplements showed up on my feed, I knew I had to give it a shot.
Looking at the ingredients list, it seems the ingredients are natural and appear to be synergistic with each other. However, the amount per serving of each ingredient is fairly low, and as a result, I cannot say I had the results I was looking for. Don’t get me wrong, I did fall asleep easier, which is really nice, but I still have troubles staying asleep. I don’t think the pills offer a high enough dosage of the ingredients for me, personally, but others may find it just right for them. I will say, however, that the price is excessive for what the pills offer, and I can’t recommend these over other natural sleep aids.
MountainMamaQT –
I have been having trouble falling asleep lately and was hoping to try these because of the natural way in which they work. However, they did not work for me. The capsules are small and easy to swallow which is a plus but, they have a weird smell and taste even though they are in a vegan cap.
momto2 –
I really like the ingredients in this natural sleep product and I wake up feeling refreshed. I’ve used it for 3 months now and I can’t imagine not having it!
Joy –
Upon opening this bottle, I can smell broccolis as if I were opening a bag of roasted broccoli chips.
Looking at its ingredient list, I indeed see broccoli seeds along with other ingredients such as L-
Trytophane, 5-HTP etc which are rarely found in other sleep aid supplements. On the other hand, the
common ingredients that you can find in many other sleep aid brands are not found in this bottle such
as melatonin or magnetism. Hence, I was very curious about its effectiveness. Although it suggests to
take two capsules in the evening, I only took one last night before my bedtime just to check it out. To my
surprise, I was able to sleep sound and woke up 10 minutes earlier than my usual wakeup time when I take
melatonin instead. I’m sure that I would have slept longer if I took two instead. A great sleep aid
alternative if your brain already adapts to melatonin or magnetism. The only downside is that it’s more
expensive than average.
its true –
As, with any natural assist, it’s not a magic wand. The best way I could describe it is that it assisted my OWN efforts for healthier sleep routine. I still needed to do all the other things to get a good night’s sleep – like purposefully winding down and clearing my head, not eating junk right before bed, and avoiding screens right before bed as well. It made it slightly easier to make good choices – as I was feeling…. well…. I wouldn’t call it tired or sleepy…. but more “open to sleep”. I waited until I had gone through the whole bottle to write my review. I didn’t take it every single night… there were some days I forgot… and I can say that it was noticeable on the nights I forgot. All in all, as I said, it’s not a “knock-me-out”, “magic wand”, but it made walking in the direction of sleep feel like a “good idea” and I was able to fall back asleep easier through the night if I woke up at all.
The taste/smell is awful – but the good news is that there was at least no bad aftertaste after you take it.