Descrição do Produto: SleepBoost™ com Zylaria™
SleepBoost™ é um suplemento inovador formulado com Zylaria™, uma combinação única de ingredientes naturais que visa promover um estado de calma e relaxamento. Este produto foi desenvolvido para apoiar os caminhos neurais do corpo, ajudando a regular o sono e a reduzir a ansiedade. A fórmula de SleepBoost™ é ideal para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades para dormir ou que desejam melhorar a qualidade do seu descanso. Com uma abordagem holística, SleepBoost™ atua de forma sinérgica, proporcionando um efeito calmante que pode ser sentido ao longo do dia, permitindo que você enfrente suas atividades diárias com mais tranquilidade e foco.
1. Promove um Sono Reparador: Ajuda a regular os ciclos de sono, permitindo que você acorde revigorado.
2. Reduz a Ansiedade: A fórmula com Zylaria™ pode ajudar a diminuir os níveis de estresse e ansiedade.
3. Apoio aos Caminhos Neurais: Contribui para a saúde mental, apoiando a comunicação entre os neurônios.
4. Ingredientes Naturais: Composto por ingredientes de origem natural, é uma alternativa segura aos medicamentos convencionais.
5. Melhora o Bem-Estar Geral: Proporciona uma sensação de calma que pode melhorar a qualidade de vida e a produtividade.
Para obter os melhores resultados com SleepBoost™, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água e evitar o consumo de cafeína ou estimulantes nas horas que antecedem o sono. Para um efeito otimizado, utilize SleepBoost™ como parte de uma rotina noturna relaxante, que pode incluir práticas como meditação ou leitura.
L. Andreyev –
I LOVE this product. I’m about to head to sleep now, and I am so grateful that this random termite mound fungi exists, has been discovered by people, and created into this product by Nature Restore. It has changed my sleeping situation around. It took some time, but after a month a noticed the results on comparison. There is a lot that goes into good sleep, that’s just the reality – this is not a tranquilizer, or a magic sleeping pill. But it has most definitely increased my GABA, judging by the much better quality sleep I get. I buy it every month! Thank you Nature Restore!
JC –
I’m a fan, this stuff really works for me. I hope that it is made available for purchase again soon.
LovelyInTexas –
The old product (still in the description) worked great. THEN they had to change things to a combo (probably to bury less of the main ingredient into a combo). The old bottles are still shown! Their staff even commented on how the old formula worked so well, calling it wu-wu… SAD, it was a good product but as reviews show, the new one is variable (no indication of proportions of each ingredient) and even inhibits sleep – gee, you think panax ginseng in a sleep formula is a good idea???
Gary H –
Only used it 3 times so far, but so far I am favorably impressed. I had been waking up during the night (usually around 2 AM or so).
My other goal from using the product is to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, energized and restored. I think maybe I have seen a small improvement in this regard so far. I have noticed that I wake up with a better sense of what I have been dreaming about so maybe getting more of the REM sleep which I think has some health benefit. With age, we have a harder time falling asleep and more trouble staying asleep than when we were younger. When we sleep, we cycle through multiple stages during the night, including periods of active dreaming called REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement), and dreamless periods of light and deep sleep, or non-REM sleep. On average, this cycle repeats itself about every 90 minutes.
It really didn’t work for me the way I wanted it to. Nice pkg though.
Amazon Customer –
Helps me fall asleep and stay asleep
Heidilyn –
This herb seems to be working in a subtle fashion. I sleep soundly and awake suddenly feeling awake. I often have
issues with waking up throughout the night, sometimes often, which is my main concern of late. I do use a natural sleep combination that helps me fall asleep and my protocol for waking up was to take another. I have not had to take a second dose, as I am not waking up. I can’t attribute this to anything else since this is the only new product I’m taking. I take it about an hour or two before I go to bed and I take the sleep aid at my bedside table and take it once I am in bed. I have not noticed anything else. The capsules have no odor or taste that is really noticeable, and they are easy to swallow. I haven’t had any gastric issues or digestive issues since starting this product. I think that if you have an issue with waking up or staying asleep, this may be a product to try. 4 stars. I’ll update after using it for a prolonged period. This is my observation after using it for 4 or 5 days. I do think I have been sleeping earlier, getting up earlier, and I am drinking less coffee. I don’t know if this is related.
lil lamm –
I am not sure if the formula was changed or what happened. The first bottle I ordered was in a different package titled Wulinshen it was amazing, my sleep was deeper than it has ever been, and I slept all night! The second bottle came in a bottle titled sleep boost and less quantity, which was a little disappointing. but it still worked great! The third bottle looked the same as the 2nd bottle, but my sleep quality has been terrible. waking up every hour or so and always being in a semi-conscious state. (This has been the last 4 nights on the 3rd bottle) I am so disappointed. After the first bottle I thought it would be in my arsenal forever, but now I’m back on the hunt for something that works like the first bottle did.