Máscara Detox de Argila Bentonita Sky Organics para o Rosto – Limpeza e Desintoxicação – 100g
A Máscara Detox de Argila Bentonita Sky Organics é a solução ideal para quem busca uma pele limpa, suave e revitalizada. Composta por argila bentonita, este produto promove uma desintoxicação profunda, removendo impurezas e toxinas que se acumulam na pele ao longo do dia. Sua fórmula é especialmente desenvolvida para o controle de manchas, sendo uma aliada eficaz no tratamento da acne e na redução da aparência dos poros. Ao aplicar a máscara, você notará uma sensação refrescante, graças ao suco de aloe vera, que acalma e equilibra a pele, proporcionando uma aparência clara e saudável.
A argila de caulim, presente na composição, atua como um esfoliante suave, removendo poluentes diários e promovendo uma tez uniforme. A combinação de ingredientes naturais garante que a máscara seja livre de produtos químicos agressivos, tornando-a uma escolha segura e eficaz para todos os tipos de pele. A Sky Organics, uma marca certificada pela B Corporation, se compromete com altos padrões de responsabilidade social e ambiental, oferecendo um produto vegano e cruelty-free, que respeita tanto a sua pele quanto o meio ambiente.
1. Controle de Manchas: A máscara ajuda a minimizar a aparência de manchas, promovendo uma pele mais clara e equilibrada.
2. Desintoxicação Suave: Remove toxinas, impurezas e excesso de óleo, deixando a pele limpa e revitalizada.
3. Ingredientes Naturais: Composta por ingredientes simples e naturais, é livre de produtos químicos agressivos, proporcionando uma experiência suave.
4. Certificação de Qualidade: A Sky Organics é reconhecida por seus altos padrões de responsabilidade social e ambiental, garantindo um produto de qualidade.
5. Cruelty-Free e Vegano: Certificada pelo Leaping Bunny, a máscara é uma escolha ética, livre de crueldade animal.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma camada fina da Máscara Detox de Argila Bentonita Sky Organics sobre o rosto limpo e seco, evitando a área dos olhos e lábios. Deixe a máscara agir por 15-20 minutos ou até que esteja completamente seca. Em seguida, enxágue com água morna e seque suavemente o rosto. Recomenda-se o uso de 1 a 2 vezes por semana para manter a pele saudável e radiante.
DBAGproductions –
This mask is very convenient. I’ve used bentonite clay masks in the past but usually get them in powder form and mix with water or apple cider vinegar to creat a mask. I like that this mask is pre-mixed and also comes with other beneficial ingredients.
The mask goes on very smoothly. It’s fairly lightweight and allows you to smooth it out easily. I just apply it with my fingers and smooth it out as evenly as possible. It dries in about 10-15 min, depending on how thick it was applied. It’s easy to wash off with warm water.
I have sensitive skin but haven’t noticed any adverse effects. The product has a peppermint smell to it that’s not too overpowering.
As with other bentonite clay products, it leaves my skin feeling clean and slightly fighter. I follow up with a moisturizer and have really pleased with the results! My skin seems more even-toned and dark spots seem lighter.
Brittany Paulson –
I really like this detoxing clay masks. It really deep cleanse and leaves my face feeling super soft and moisturized in the end!
AK –
I’ve never tried masks like this before, it was a unique experience.
This mask worked pretty good for me, no real issues to speak of. It left my skin tight and soft. Overall it was a pleasant experience.
Overall, I liked this mask. I will try it again, but probably not this one, it was a bit pricey. It did work pretty well though.
Andrew –
This is a nice toxin-clearning mask with a minty, herbal scent. The mask does a good job of clearing dirt and oil off my skin and leaving it feeling clean and fresh. I like that the ingredients are natural, but the price is a bit high for such a small tube. The mask dried within 15 minutes and was easy to remove with warm water.
DBAGproductions –
Although this Bentonite Clay Mask by Sky Organics is advertised for oily skin, I have dry/combo skin and I absolutely love this. It has an earthy scent which reminds me of being at the spa and the clay mask really tightens my skin and makes it super soft after washing off. I use this mask a few times a week and especially when I feel a sensation that a pimple is about to pop up and intrude my face and this mask quickly dries out that unwanted and uninvited guest.
SgtFrenchy –
It’s easy to use and washes of easy, helps the skin.
Mrs. Read –
I like this mask, the texture is like a thick cream, is easy to apply, and has a cooling sensation. It has a strong peppermint scent though that can be a little bothersome. The mask dries out and cracks without peeling. It was very easy to rinse off and left my skin feeling refreshed, smooth and soft. I liked that it didn’t dry out or stripped my skin.
AK –
I have tried bentonite clay as a homemade mask for detoxing my feet and hair in the past. It is really hard to make and is always so clumpy. This is very smooth, not too thick or thin. It goes on pretty easily and doesn’t dry out and get cakey but does need a good bit of water to rinse it all off. I have used it on my feet for detox and my face a few times. Every time I use it on my fafe as intended I get broken out. Maybe it is pulling issues to the surface but it is worse than if I never did it right afterward so I don’t like to use it on my face. There is no odor.
Brandi Easterling Collins –
As a facemask lover, I love to try any kind of mask. My skin isn’t usually sensitive, but it was for this mask. This mask left my skin feelingly tingly and icy while on my face. It was easy to apply and has a pleasant mint smell to it. If you have sensitive skin, I recommend trying the product somewhere else before using it on your full face, just to be on the safe side. This mask would be perfect for summer days/nights where its hot out since it is cooling. While I did enjoy the cooling effects, my face was a little red once I removed the product with a warm wet washcloth. However, the redness did go away about 10 minutes later.