SKINTENSIVE Manteiga Corporal com Extrato de Espinheiro Marítimo
A Manteiga Corporal SKINTENSIVE com Extrato de Espinheiro Marítimo é uma poderosa e restauradora fórmula desenvolvida com ingredientes de alta qualidade. Com extrato de bagas de espinheiro marítimo, óleo de coco, ceramidas e vitaminas C e E, esta manteiga corporal ajuda a firmar a aparência da pele, reduzindo os sinais de envelhecimento e o estresse oxidativo. Além disso, possui propriedades calmantes que ajudam a acalmar a pele propensa a eczema e psoríase. Sua fórmula rica e cremosa penetra profundamente na pele, transformando-a de seca e rachada para macia e flexível. Ideal para uso diário, essa loção corporal é leve, absorve rapidamente e não deixa resíduos oleosos, mantendo sua pele hidratada. Formulada nos Estados Unidos por dermatologistas treinados em Harvard, a Manteiga Corporal SKINTENSIVE é o resultado de anos de intensa pesquisa, oferecendo uma solução eficaz para revitalizar a pele delicada.
- Ingredientes Poderosos e Restauradores: A Manteiga Corporal SKINTENSIVE é formulada com extrato de bagas de espinheiro marítimo, óleo de coco, ceramidas e vitaminas C e E, proporcionando uma ação poderosa na pele, ajudando a firmar sua aparência e reduzindo os sinais de envelhecimento e estresse oxidativo.
- Calma e Alívio para Irritações: Inspirada no Brasil, essa manteiga corporal possui propriedades calmantes que ajudam a acalmar a pele propensa a eczema e psoríase, proporcionando alívio e conforto.
- Hidratação Profunda para Pele Seca e Rachada: Transforme a pele seca e rachada em uma pele macia e flexível com a Manteiga Corporal SKINTENSIVE. Sua fórmula rica e cremosa penetra profundamente na pele, proporcionando hidratação duradoura para o rosto e corpo.
- Ideal para Uso Diário: A loção corporal SKINTENSIVE é suave e eficaz, perfeita para uso diário. Sua textura leve e rápida absorção não deixa resíduos oleosos, tornando-a ideal para manter a pele hidratada ao longo do dia.
- Desenvolvida por Dermatologistas nos EUA: Formulada por dermatologistas treinados em Harvard, a Manteiga Corporal SKINTENSIVE é o resultado de anos de pesquisa intensa. Esses profissionais criaram uma manteiga corporal com óleo de coco e outros ingredientes eficazes para revitalizar a pele delicada.
Aplique a Manteiga Corporal SKINTENSIVE com Extrato de Espinheiro Marítimo na pele limpa e seca, massageando suavemente até completa absorção. Utilize diariamente para obter melhores resultados. Evite o contato com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Erin –
You don’t need a ton, which is nice, but it actually smells pretty bad.
Diana W. –
I have finally found the answer to my annoying, ongoing dry skin issues. At 62, I can slather on lotions and creams, sometimes with immediate positive results, but with little or no lasting effect. Minutes or hours later, my cuticles are dry again, and my skin is ashy/ crepey/ and or itchy, depending on conditions and location on my body. Siberian Silk goes on like silk, and is actually taken up into my skin to make it feel supple, soothed, and radiant throughout the day. I put it on from my feet to my neck, in the morning, and at night immediately after showering to lock in the moisture, and have come back on this site to reorder. So grateful someone has come up with this effective formula.
Reader from Philadelphia –
I have bought three of the Skintensive products: Body Butter, Retinol Cream and Vitamin C Cream. I love them all. The Body Butter is so luxurious – I loved it so much, I bought it for a friend. Organic ingredients and the smell is divine. I have very dry skin in the wintertime and it gets flaky and itchy. I apply the Body Butter before bedtime, after my shower and I wake up to moisturized, less flaky, itchy skin. It’s not greasy or oily, either. I’m glad I found these products developed by practicing dermatologists, who understand skin issues.
carterOFyork –
It doesn’t just sit on top of the skin, but is absorbed…providing relief that is more than simply instantaneous.
Kimberly Moran –
I am 53 and have been searching for a hydrating, moisturizing and silky body butter for a long time.
I’ve tried many others and have always been disappointed and frustrated.
I ordered Skintensive Body Butter and found a WINNER.
This product is satisfying, luxurious and silky!
In two days my skin feels like actual silk and butter combined and even my skin tone looks younger and glowing. Just a dab on my face, neck and body makes me feel calmer and more confident about myself.
Do yourself a favor and transform your bathroom into a spa and use these luscious butters and thick silky creams EVERYDAY!
G. Yang –
It’s so hard to find a good body moisturizer that is fragrance-free, not slimy feeling, easy to apply, and doesn’t have dimethicone. I know dimethicone is added to make products “cosmetically elegant,” but I don’t like how it feels on my skin. It’s too slippery and it pills.
Normally with body butters, because they’re so rich, I find that it takes forever to absorb. I have to wait before I put on clothes, which just annoys me. This one goes on without needing a lot of rubbing and sinks into my skin quickly. But my skin still feels moisturized and I don’t have to reapply often. The only time I had to reapply was when I was up in the mountains during a snowstorm and had the heater cranking 24/7.
I have tried other body moisturizers designed for skin with eczema and so far, this one is my favorite. And like the subject line says, no more dry, itchy skin!
Ri –
I put this on after I got out of the shower and I didn’t have to reapply it all day. It kept my skin moisturized without it feeling heavy or caked on. The cream absorbed quickly and didn’t take a lot to use at all. I have extremely dry skin and eczema, but my eczema is currently cleared up, so I haven’t tested this on that just yet.
My one complaint is the smell of this product. It seems fairly neutral, but there is something about it that smells terrible to me. I can’t quite describe it, but smelling it made me irritated and left me almost gagging. I am NOT sensitive to smells, or bad smells, so I was taken aback by it happening with this cream. I had someone else smell it and they said it smelled like an odd shea / cocoa butter and didn’t smell bad, but I didn’t get that vibe at all and I LOVE the smells of shea and cocoa butter. It was very faint so I was able to stand it, but later on in the day it started to get to me again. I’m going to give it another go in a few days, but I don’t think it will make a difference.
LK. –
For about the last year, I have had extremely dry skin on various parts of my body as a result of being bedridden.
This is the only body cream or lotion I found that takes the edge off the itch. This cream is better than all of the other name brand creams I tried which were higher rated.
Don’t waste your money on the other products which are higher rated and less expensive, BUT DO NOT WORK!!!!!!