Recarregue. Revitalize. Reutilize. Os Adesivos de Silicone SKIN GYM para Rugas na Testa são a solução ideal para quem busca suavizar as rugas na testa de forma prática e eficaz. Com um design inovador, esses adesivos são feitos de silicone de alta qualidade, proporcionando um tratamento direcionado e confortável. A tecnologia de silicone permite que a máscara se adapte perfeitamente à pele, criando um ambiente propício para a hidratação e regeneração celular. Além de serem reutilizáveis, esses adesivos são descartáveis, oferecendo uma opção ecologicamente correta e econômica para o cuidado da pele.
Os Adesivos de Silicone SKIN GYM são projetados para proporcionar um tratamento eficaz e direcionado para rugas, sendo indicados para todos os tipos de pele. Sua aplicação é simples e prática, permitindo que você cuide da sua pele no conforto da sua casa, enquanto realiza outras atividades. A utilização regular desses adesivos pode resultar em uma pele visivelmente mais jovem e saudável, com a redução das linhas de expressão na testa e entre as sobrancelhas.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Tratamento direcionado para rugas
A máscara de testa de silicone reutilizável é projetada para fornecer um tratamento direcionado para rugas, ajudando a suavizar as linhas de expressão na testa e entre as sobrancelhas.
2. Material de silicone 100%
O produto é feito de silicone 100% seguro para a pele, garantindo durabilidade e conforto durante o uso.
3. Eco-friendly
A máscara de testa reutilizável é uma opção ecologicamente correta, pois pode ser utilizada várias vezes, reduzindo o desperdício de produtos descartáveis.
4. Adequado para todos os tipos de pele
O produto é indicado para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo peles sensíveis, proporcionando um tratamento eficaz e seguro para rugas.
5. Praticidade
A máscara de testa é fácil de usar e pode ser incorporada facilmente à rotina de cuidados com a pele, permitindo um tratamento eficaz no conforto da sua casa.
Para obter os melhores resultados com os Adesivos de Silicone SKIN GYM, comece limpando e secando bem a testa. Aplique a máscara sobre as áreas com rugas, posicionando-a de forma que cubra completamente as linhas de expressão. Pressione levemente para garantir que o adesivo fique bem fixo. Deixe agir por pelo menos 30 minutos ou, para um tratamento mais intensivo, utilize durante a noite. Após a remoção, massageie suavemente a área para potencializar a absorção dos nutrientes. Para resultados duradouros, recomenda-se o uso regular dos adesivos.
1. Redução visível das rugas na testa, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem e saudável.
2. Conforto e adaptação perfeita à pele, permitindo um uso prolongado sem desconforto.
3. Facilidade de uso, que se encaixa na rotina diária sem complicações.
4. Opção sustentável, contribuindo para a redução de resíduos com seu design reutilizável.
5. Eficácia comprovada em todos os tipos de pele, garantindo resultados para uma ampla gama de usuários.
ms. jenny –
So basically this is a silicone piece that you use with your creams or oils. You then can rinse and dry. Keeping it in that container it does seem to be reusable. But does it actually work?
I haven’t seen any difference at all. It feels fine and isn’t hard to figure out but I don’t think it does anything?
If I notice a change I will update this but so far it’s just an add on to the oils you use.
Kimberly Walters –
Per the directions, you’re supposed to use your normal skin care, then wet the patch. If you don’t wet it, it won’t stick. I don’t know why this works, but it sticks very well for me. Once it’s on, don’t move it around. I can walk, sleep, clean, do whatever I want with this on my forehead. If I wear it to bed, I usually end up taking it off halfway through the night because it gets displaced with tossing and turning. But I’d say that’s pretty great staying power for something with no adhesive.
I love how easy it is to wash, and that there’s no film or adhesive on it. You can reuse it as much as you want. My forehead looks like glass after I wear this. Definitely a must have.
Auburn –
This is a massive waste of money. It does basically nothing, doesn’t stay in place, and does nothing that just putting serums on your face alone couldn’t do. I had bought it because it is reusable but it barely stays put enough to be useful at all. Just buy Frownies if you’re concerned about forehead wrinkles.
Kate –
This adhered very well for me and I generally keep it on for well over an hour while doing housework before removing it. It would remain in place until I take it off it seems. I haven’t tried sleeping with it on yet.
Very simple to use. Cleanse your face, apply your favorite serum to your forehead, wet the application side of the patch, then apply it.
Does it work? Temporarily, yes. My face was back to normal by morning, every morning, as expected. I did notice a difference after removing it, but I believe that to be because it’s holding my Hyaluronic Acid serum close to my skin, ensuring it is absorbed and the HA is pulling the moisture from the water I applied to the patch thus plumping up my skin and reducing the winkles. It’s a win for that. My HA acid alone does plump and reduce my fine lines, but this did seem to give a bit better effect.
Also, while wearing the patch I’m not squinting. So, it’s giving my forehead a break from constant squinting while wearing it. I could see with daily use I would kind of train myself not to squint as much, which is helpful for future wrinkles.
I do refrigerate this after cleaning it so that when I apply it again it gives a cooling sensation which feels great.
It won’t magically take away your wrinkles forever, but it did reduce mine for a good part of the day due to what I believe is happening above.
I have nothing to compare it with because I haven’t used any of the many that are suddenly on the market, but I’ll continue to use this daily for the plumping of my skin to reduce wrinkles for the day and also to kind of help train myself not to squint so much to prevent future wrinkles.
Cat and Otter –
Does not stick at all just tried
Kimberly Walters –
Okay… I think mine was used? Ew. I’m really grossed out. I put it on my face!
It came in a bag, there was a paper sleeve around the case and a sticker on either side of the case holding it together. It seemed legit. I open it up and the patch is just sitting in there. There’s also some “stuff” in the case like a smudge and flakes? or whatever… I double check that it did come in a bag that I did have to open and decide to go ahead and try it.
It wouldn’t stick, just not at all worth it. I was coming on to leave a bad review due to the product sucking and I saw some a video and a couple pictures of other people unboxing theirs and I see that patch was supposed to be on a protective sheet of plastic, and I see another review of someone being sent a used one. 🤢
I was so excited to used the product that I put it on my face before realizing that it was used. I guess I didn’t think that they would ship a used facial patch. How unsanitary!
I’m so grossed out! The product doesn’t work, so people send it back and then they just ship that exact product to the next person. This is so wrong. This is as sanitary as shipping used makeup sponges. I will be getting a refund, or doing a chargeback on my CC. Heck, I deserve some compensation for this nastiness!
Cat and Otter –
This is a silicone forehead mask for smoothing forehead wrinkles. Lie down while using this mask, there’s no adhesive to make this mask stick to skin. I’m allergic to some adhesives so I wanted to try this mask. Wash face and apply serum to skin (I used moisturizer) wet the mask, apply mask to forehead while lying down or reclining back. Lie down & relax for 20 minutes or longer. I wore the mask for 20 minutes while lying down and listening to an audiobook. I was so relaxed I fell asleep and did not want to get up. I have long forehead wrinkles so I think I need more than 20 minutes. Also I’m going to buy a hydrating serum because the silicone will seal in hydration and plump up the wrinkles. See my photo, I put the mask on a mannequin head. I liked the mask and I did not have any skin irritation. It’s easy to wash with soap & water then dry for next use. I would love to get some of the undereye masks.
Rabbit –
Didn’t stay on