Descrição do Produto: Clorox ToiletWand Toilet Cleaning System
O Clorox ToiletWand Toilet Cleaning System é a solução definitiva para quem busca praticidade e eficiência na limpeza do banheiro. Este sistema completo inclui uma vara com cabo longo, que permite alcançar áreas difíceis sem a necessidade de se agachar, além de 6 almofadas de limpeza descartáveis originais e 10 almofadas com fragrância de floresta tropical, já pré-carregadas com um poderoso limpador. O caddy incluído oferece um armazenamento conveniente para as recargas das almofadas, garantindo que você tenha tudo à mão quando precisar.
As almofadas de limpeza descartáveis são uma revolução na forma de limpar o vaso sanitário. Elas substituem tanto o limpador líquido quanto a escova tradicional, pois são pré-carregadas com um desinfetante que elimina 99,9% dos germes*. Isso torna a limpeza do vaso sanitário rápida e fácil, sem o incômodo de tocar em uma escova suja. Além disso, a solução de limpeza potente elimina manchas de água dura e calcário duas vezes mais rápido do que o uso de uma escova de vaso sanitário convencional.
Com o Clorox ToiletWand, você nunca mais precisará tocar em uma escova de vaso sanitário icky. As almofadas descartáveis se desprendem facilmente, permitindo que você as jogue no lixo sem qualquer contato com a sujeira. O design do cabo longo proporciona uma limpeza eficiente e higiênica, enquanto o caddy mantém suas almofadas organizadas e prontas para uso.
– Praticidade: Sistema tudo-em-um que elimina a necessidade de múltiplos produtos de limpeza.
– Higiene: Almofadas descartáveis que evitam o contato com sujeira e germes.
– Eficiência: Remove manchas de água dura e calcário rapidamente, economizando tempo.
– Desinfecção: Elimina 99,9% dos germes, garantindo um banheiro mais limpo e seguro.
– Organização: Caddy para armazenamento prático das almofadas, mantendo tudo em um só lugar.
Para utilizar o Clorox ToiletWand, comece retirando uma almofada de limpeza descartável do caddy. Conecte a almofada à extremidade da vara, pressionando firmemente até que ela se fixe no lugar. Aplique o limpador pré-carregado na superfície interna do vaso sanitário, utilizando o cabo longo para alcançar todas as áreas, incluindo sob a borda. Após a limpeza, simplesmente pressione um botão para soltar a almofada usada diretamente no lixo, evitando qualquer contato com a sujeira. Armazene a vara e o caddy em um local seco e acessível para futuras limpezas.
Customer Review –
I wasn’t sure what to expect buying these, but I did know that my old toilet bowl cleaner had withered with age and wasn’t looking as chipper as it used to so I decided to try the disposable variety to keep things fresh. I chose this product because of the reputable brand and it didn’t try to do too much and be gimmicky.
It’s simply a solid and durable toilet cleaner that has so much cleaning fluid jammed into that it feels wasteful to only use on one toilet (to everyone else’s delight). It also doesn’t drip easily so when it’s time to clean I start with my toilet (obviously) and then saunter over to every other toilet in the house to give them a good scrubbbing. It works well and and leaves a the toilets looking sparkly. When it’s time to dispose a simple push of the button and the cleaning head is removed and is ready for the next use. It’s a great product.
Joe –
I decided to replace my old, nasty, toilet brushes with these as I was advised by a professional cleaning team that using a traditional toilet brush and then replacing it in its receptacle and letting it sit only creates more germs in the long run. I purchased two of these. What a difference! The pads are thin enough to fit under the rim of the bowl much better than a brush and wow – the first cleaning was both gross and satisfying! I love that they clean so very well. A quick cleaning of each of my two bathrooms with these, tossing the used pads (touchless!) into the trash and not creating a bacteria-filled receptacle in my bathrooms – winner!
Katia –
Who spends their time inventing a new way to clean a toilet? I don’t, but I’m glad that someone did. This thing is a good investment. Works well, and you don’t have a stinking mess on your hands afterwards. Simple to store.
Amazon Customer –
Mary L. Flynn –
They are easy to use and easy to dispose of
Cam –
They clorox cleaner works really well, are easy to use and very sturdy. So far I haven’t had any issues with this product. You click the wand onto a refill head (which are kept inside the caddy), start cleaning the toilet bowl (you need to get the cleaner wet so it releases the actual product) and to remove it, just push the button on the wand. It makes cleaning easier and faster. I will mention though, the cleaner is tinted blue, so you might need to wipe it from certain areas.
Terrycw –
This is the only toilet bowl cleaner wand I’ll ever use!!
It’s so easy to use. You can dispose of the scrubber after every use to ensure you get a great clean every single time. The wand itself could last long but I do replace it once a year. The scrubs work instantly. I don’t have to be scrubbing long at all. Cleans amazing
Next Generation Dental –
The new colorox bathroom sanitary method is an excellent advancement in maintaining hygiene in shared workspaces. Its functionality ensures that medical staff and bathrooms stay constantly clean and sanitary , often overlooked in sanitation routines, are kept clean and free from germs. Particularly in environments with high foot traffic, where keyboards are used by multiple individuals, this method stands out as a crucial addition to workplace hygiene protocols. It effectively reduces the risk of illnesses spreading through surface contact, contributing to a healthier workplace environment. Moreover, it is easy to implement and doesn’t interfere with daily operations. Overall, this sanitary method is a valuable tool in promoting workplace wellness and productivity.
Lu –
Joe –
Great product that is easy to use without making a mess. I love that you get a fresh new cleaning pad each time, and since you throw the pad away afterwards there is no wet dirty puddle left in the holder. Just wave the wand over a trash can, press the button and the head drops into the trash.
You’re left with a clean small white handle and a cute holder that you barely notice instead of a dirty brush head sitting in a pool of filthy toiled water.
The only downside is it can be difficult to clean under the rim of the bowl. When you apply too much upwards pressure the head can snap off. You can’t ever see the underside of the toilet rim, but if getting it spotless is your big concerned, you’ll go through a lot of brush heads.