Descrição do Produto: Integrative Therapeutics Similase Sensitive Stomach
O Integrative Therapeutics Similase Sensitive Stomach é uma fórmula inovadora que combina enzimas digestivas vegetais com ingredientes botânicos conhecidos por seu suporte digestivo suave. Este produto é especialmente formulado para aqueles que buscam alívio para desconfortos estomacais, promovendo uma digestão saudável e equilibrada. Entre os ingredientes destacados, encontramos o Alcaçuz e o Olmo Escorregadio, que atuam como ervas demulcentes, proporcionando um efeito calmante sobre a mucosa gastrointestinal.
Além disso, a inclusão de Gamma-Oryzanol complementa as ervas demulcentes, potencializando a eficácia da fórmula. O Similase Sensitive Stomach é vegano e não contém sal, laticínios, corantes ou sabores artificiais, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para aqueles que buscam uma solução natural e saudável para suas necessidades digestivas. Com mais de 35 anos de experiência, a Integrative Therapeutics é reconhecida por sua dedicação à qualidade, potência e precisão, garantindo que cada produto atenda aos mais altos padrões de segurança e eficácia.
A empresa se compromete com a transparência em seus processos de sourcing e fabricação, realizando auditorias rigorosas nas instalações e testes metódicos de lotes de matérias-primas para assegurar a pureza e potência dos ingredientes. Os produtos acabados também são testados para garantir que atendam às expectativas de rotulagem e vida útil, oferecendo aos consumidores a confiança necessária para integrar o Similase Sensitive Stomach em sua rotina diária.
– Suporte digestivo suave, ideal para estômagos sensíveis.
– Combinação de enzimas vegetais e ervas botânicas que promovem uma digestão saudável.
– Fórmula vegana, livre de ingredientes artificiais, sal e laticínios.
– Confiança em mais de 35 anos de experiência e compromisso com a qualidade.
– Testes rigorosos garantem a pureza e potência do produto, assegurando resultados eficazes.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas do Integrative Therapeutics Similase Sensitive Stomach com um copo de água, preferencialmente antes das refeições. Isso permitirá que as enzimas digestivas e os ingredientes botânicos atuem de forma eficaz, promovendo uma digestão mais suave e aliviando possíveis desconfortos estomacais. É aconselhável seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais.
Cali Girl born & raised –
The only one I ever use. Works better than anything else. It’s a little pricey, however it does work.
J –
I use this to settle my stomach. Great product
Bright eyes –
I am finally writing the review that I have wanted to write for a little while……….I feel that it is my duty to write this review, as I purchased this item based on other reviews (which I am very thankful for). I have had issues with my stomach for the last five to six years. Going through a divorce and significant stress, I apparently developed some food sensitivities including gluten, soy, and dairy (discovered through a process of elimination). After cutting out these types of foods, my stomachaches improved greatly, but I continued to have an “unsettled stomach”. I went to the GI doctor one time, and was terrified at the side effects of the medicine that they wanted to put me on (which I did not actually feel that I needed). It was just difficult, because if I was going to be out on a date, at an event, I always had to be careful of what I ate, not knowing whether I would have stomach discomfort. I purchased this product about a month ago, after I apparently ate something that was not good for my system, and had great stomach discomfort for almost a week. I now take one of these capsules of Similase before each meal, and I can not believe the difference. It actually helps my stomach feel calm (that is the best way to describe it). I am so thankful for this product, and actually got on the site to order my second bottle (as I do not want to be without). I have a very sensitive stomach, and most products seem to make it worse. This is only product that I have found that has ever helped me. Thank you Amazon and Integrative Therapeutic for your help!! I shop on Amazon and would never know about any of these products if I did not:)
Jennifer L. –
This stuff has made a huge difference in my life! I am not one to just give 5 stars out all willy nilly like. Just ask my family … or look at my reviews 😉
Finished the bottle in less than 1 month. I tried to remember to take it at the beginning of each meal which is hard because I am not a meal eater so much as a muncher and I just plain forgot many times. This is kind of how I took them
* A snack = 1 capsule
*Dinner = 3 capsules
*Anything in-between = 2 capsules.
If I forgot, at the beginning, I would take it while eating or even after sometimes. All I know, is that after a couple of weeks, I was 90% free of symptoms.
It has been about a month since I finished this bottle and ulcer symptoms have been showing up in the last week. Actually meant to take these ongoing for about 4 months and then move on to a product with more enzymes.
Definitely Repurchasing
A brief history – because this may not be the right formula for everyone.
Me – diagnosed with (multiple) stomach ulcers, a few years ago… — likely from using a certain pain reliever.
Since then, been using a prescription acid reducing medication, to help with the ongoing feeling of nausea. Oddly that is my main symptom.
After hearing some not so great things about the RX I’ve been relying on, I decided to look into a way to heal my stomach rather than treat it.
I read that enzymes were great for… lots of issues actually. So, I purchased a bottle from the health food store. Within hours of taking first dose, I was doubled over with sharp stomach pain.
OOPS – Wrong enzyme ! I had purchased a Pancreatic Enzyme for protein digestion in the small intestines… not recommended for sensitive tummies:(
I took the time to do more thorough research and ended up with this product.
Hope this helps your search
Michelle Douglas –
Helps digestion
Kelly –
I’m writing this to help anyone else considering buying this supplement. I have chronic gastritis, to the point where my daily functioning and eating is limited by constant stomach pain. I have been taking prescription-strength PPIs for about two years, and while they help a lot, the gastritis pain was still there most days.
I was fairly cynical about any supplement. I decided to take something only because nothing else was working, and I decided I didn’t have much to lose. It has been two weeks, and I have been able to stop taking the PPI–for the last two years, even skipping one day resulted in severe stomach pain. I am not cured, and often when I wake up, or if I have stayed up very late, the pain will surface. However, when I take this, preferably with food, the gastritis pain recedes. It feels like a miracle that I am able to be PPI-free. Even more, I find that this works better than a PPI at reducing gastritis pain.
I researched the various ingredients in this, and while some are not clinically proven to be effective, much of the research supports the finding that they can help with disorders of the stomach lining. I didn’t try taking any alternative supplement, but I can say this supplement has every suggested ingredient I found for treating gastritis. I’m very happy with it. If you are not doubtful, I cannot promise it will work for you, but I can tell you how much it has helped me.
Carli Winckler –
I have chronic gastritis and have my gallbladder removed. I wanted to try these because my stomach is so sensitive. I started taking them with a meal, and my stomach was in so much pain. I felt like I would be going into a bad gastritis flare on these. I can take NOW brand’s Super Enzymes easier than I could these! I stopped for a few days and tried again. The pain was back again! I don’t know what’s in these that could be affecting my stomach so badly, but they unfortunately are not sensitive enough for my stomach. I tried to send these back, but I still have a full bottle that I’m going to have to toss in the trash. For the price I paid for these, refunds should be a possibility.
UPDATE: the customer service for these is amazing! If you have a problem be sure to contact them. Otherwise, I hope they work for you. I knew about them due to Reddit forums of people raving about them.