Silver Biotics Colloidal Nano SilverSol Ag₄O₄ 10 PPM – Suporte Imunológico | Bio-Hacking Natural | 946 ml (Pack de 2)
O Silver Biotics Colloidal Nano SilverSol Ag₄O₄ 10 PPM é um produto inovador que se destaca no mercado de suplementos naturais, oferecendo um suporte imunológico robusto e eficaz. Com uma fórmula avançada de prata coloidal nano, este produto contém 10 partes por milhão (PPM) de prata, reconhecida por suas propriedades antimicrobianas e de fortalecimento do sistema imunológico. A tecnologia SilverSol utilizada na sua fabricação garante uma ação potente e duradoura, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para quem busca uma forma natural de reforçar a imunidade.
Em embalagem de 946 ml, que corresponde a um pack com 2 unidades, o Silver Biotics é perfeito para o uso diário, tanto por crianças quanto por adultos. Sua composição é 100% vegetariana e livre de glúten, sem a adição de ingredientes artificiais, conservantes ou aditivos, o que o torna uma opção segura e saudável para todos. Além disso, o produto é cientificamente testado e amplamente recomendado por médicos, assegurando sua eficácia e qualidade.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
– Impulsiona o sistema imunológico: O Silver Biotics Colloidal Nano SilverSol Ag₄O₄ 10 PPM é projetado especificamente para ajudar a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, proporcionando uma defesa natural contra patógenos.
– Tecnologia SilverSol: Com a tecnologia SilverSol, este produto oferece uma solução de prata nano altamente eficaz, garantindo uma ação potente e duradoura.
– Seguro para uso diário: Ideal para uso diário, tanto por crianças quanto por adultos, o Silver Biotics Colloidal Nano SilverSol Ag₄O₄ 10 PPM Immune Support é seguro e confiável para fortalecer o sistema imunológico a longo prazo.
– Ingredientes naturais: Livre de ingredientes artificiais, conservantes ou aditivos, este produto é 100% vegetariano e livre de glúten, atendendo às necessidades daqueles que buscam uma abordagem natural para a saúde.
– Recomendado por médicos: O Silver Biotics Colloidal Nano SilverSol Ag₄O₄ 10 PPM Immune Support é cientificamente testado, utilizado e recomendado por médicos, garantindo sua eficácia e qualidade.
1. Fortalecimento Imunológico: Aumenta a resistência do organismo contra infecções e doenças.
2. Ação Antimicrobiana: Combate microrganismos nocivos, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor.
3. Uso Seguro e Versátil: Adequado para toda a família, podendo ser utilizado diariamente sem preocupações.
4. Fórmula Natural: Composição limpa e saudável, ideal para quem busca evitar aditivos químicos.
5. Apoio Científico: Baseado em pesquisas e recomendações médicas, assegurando confiança e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 colher de sopa (15 ml) do Silver Biotics Colloidal Nano SilverSol Ag₄O₄ 10 PPM diariamente. É importante agitar bem antes de usar. O produto pode ser consumido puro ou diluído em água ou suco, conforme a preferência. Para garantir a eficácia, armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta.
D. Parker –
No, it’s not all that tasty, but it’s not horrible. No, it doesn’t really relieve pain, but it starts healing so quickly that you might *think* it’s relieved pain. (Except earaches… a little in the ear for just a minute and then a light dry of outer ear with a washcloth will give immediate relief.) Unless I am completely out and have a need for it right away, I won’t pay more than $20 for 16 oz., which is the pre-pandemic price. Was able to get really close to that price, but had to buy an abundance of it to do so. That’s okay… I use it frequently enough myself and on my cats – and now on neighbors’ pets – that it won’t go to waste. This stuff is truly almost a miracle product for wounds and for infections, and how many products can you use externally and also drink it? BUT… it’s made in USA, so there is no excuse for the ridiculously inflated prices I’m seeing from some sellers. Seems to me it would be smarter to make it affordable and get repeat customers instead of “sticking it” to buyers who won’t be buying except in an emergency because of the high price. Just sayin’… I keep it on hand, but I still won’t buy at inflated prices. (Don’t make me shop for days to get a decent price!)
B. Newell Tech And Brand Rep –
Let me start out with I’m not a hippie. As I was searching for gluten-free bread for my wife, I told the shopkeeper that I was getting a tickle in my throat and I didn’t want to be sick. The shopkeeper turned me onto this product, and offered a full moneyback guarantee if it didn’t work. I’m a sucker for those odds. Since then I bought him at least one bottle a year, and take it anytime I start to feel sick. It didn’t work in Covid, but anytime I’ve ever had a sore throat peek its ugly head at me, I’ve taken a tablespoon of choroidal silver. After checking on the price on Amazon I found that I can buy two bottles for the price of one. Once again I’m not a New Age hippie type, but I am sold out on this.
Luv My Babies –
The uses are so many to mention. But currently using it for allergies. I purchased a nasal spray bottle and it works so well. If any sinus inflammation it may burn but only then. My eye was really irritated and swollen and itching. I used a dropper and put some drops in both eyes. Seconds later pressure was released from behind my eye and water drained out the front middle of my eye (not the corner with a build up) it just drained!!! Also used it on my dog that got a bad sore from a flea reaction. I couldn’t apply the ointment the vet prescribed because I couldn’t hold him and apply it. I used this and sprayed it on his wound. The spray was so gentle he didn’t mind at all. Healed it so quickly!!! Great for indigestion, take it by mouth. Love it, love it, love it.
Nicole Mango –
Works great. This is my second purchase.
RRobb –
We have been using this for years. When we feel run down or someone in coming down with something we take this. My husband mixes it with Emegen-C and drinks. I’ve used as a preservative when making lotions and creams. Recently though our Pastor came down with Shingles. We gave him a bottle to start taking and he said that he could tell a difference right away and that is when he turned a corner in recovery. Some weeks later my husband came down with Shingles. We started putting pure lavendar oil, the silver gel on the breakouts and he was drinking shots of this 3 times a day. It has really curbed the length of his outbreak. He never got to the complete blister stage. Lavendar is an antimicrobial, antifungal oil. This silver boost the immune. It should work for Lime disease too, though I haven’t had it. It will not turn you blue like collidial silver and will search out the dormant lime cells, from what I’ve been told. It is worth a try. We keep it in stock in our household.
Gary Barndt –
We’ve been using SilverSol since we purchased our first bottle on The Jim Bakker Show. Excellent product and great documentation on its effectiveness & composition. We have followed the science & testimonies through the years. Our family, from my husband, myself, our children, grands & now our great grands have used the Liquid & gel since 1996/97 and added the use of the medicated cream when it came out.
Our son, a retired firefighter, when still active duty in West Palm Beach, burned his forearm with bacon grease while removing the pan from the oven at home after a shift. The burn immediately went serious. He did what he knew to do…he pour liquid SilverSol on the burn &covered it to protect it. I brought him the SilverSol gel which he put on the bandage and put on the burn. I started him on Whole Food vitamins to support his immune system in the healing process & he took 1 oz of Liquid SilverSol every hour continuously for days following. He continued the gel on the bandage and tried to return to work after 2 days. His chief saw his burn & sent him to the St. Mary’s burn unit. The Dr. on call saw my son’s burns & asked him “WHAT have you been doing?!!” My son told him and he said excellent, don’t stop. You are days if not a week ahead of the healing for such a serious burn.” They released him to light duty and w/in a month a checkup report stated he was around the 3 month mark in the usual healing schedule. At the 3 month point his skin was without scaring and virtually “brand new” skin.
SilverSol is very effective in assisting one’s body to heal as it should. We have used SS with all ages from 2-days old to current age of 71yrs. We have so many stories of how SilverSol has help us all. I have even given the gel to strangers everywhere I go. It’s a win-win for everyone!!
Diana M. Miranda Aviles –
Although I received the box open, the bottles were in good condition and sealed.
thomas alfson –
I love this product for preventive health