Descrição do Produto: Sigma Biotics Melatonin 3mg Comprimidos Mastigáveis – Suplemento para Sono Ótimo
O Sigma Biotics Melatonin 3mg é um suplemento inovador em forma de comprimidos mastigáveis, desenvolvido para promover um sono reparador e de qualidade. Cada comprimido contém 3mg de melatonina, um hormônio natural que regula o ciclo do sono e ajuda a combater a insônia e a desregulação do relógio biológico. Ideal para pessoas que enfrentam dificuldades para adormecer ou que sofrem com a alteração do sono devido a viagens, estresse ou mudanças de rotina. Os comprimidos são saborosos e fáceis de mastigar, tornando a experiência de consumo agradável e prática. Com a Sigma Biotics, você pode finalmente desfrutar de noites tranquilas e acordar revigorado para enfrentar o dia.
1. Regulação do Sono: A melatonina ajuda a ajustar o ciclo circadiano, facilitando a transição para o sono e melhorando a qualidade do descanso.
2. Fácil Consumo: Comprimidos mastigáveis com sabor agradável, que tornam a ingestão do suplemento prática e saborosa.
3. Redução da Ansiedade: Contribui para a diminuição da ansiedade e do estresse, promovendo um estado de relaxamento antes de dormir.
4. Ideal para Viagens: Perfeito para quem viaja frequentemente e precisa ajustar o sono em diferentes fusos horários.
5. Sem Efeitos Colaterais: Produto natural que, quando utilizado corretamente, apresenta poucos ou nenhum efeito colateral, tornando-se seguro para o uso diário.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de um comprimido mastigável de Sigma Biotics Melatonin 3mg cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto em um ambiente tranquilo e propício ao sono, evitando a exposição a luzes intensas e dispositivos eletrônicos. Não exceda a dose recomendada e consulte um profissional de saúde caso tenha condições médicas pré-existentes ou esteja em uso de outros medicamentos.
RV’ing with Birds –
This melatonin is easy to chew, and is so easy to take. I stongly dislike the pills or capsules for melatonin, it seems so much more natural to chew one or two tablets right before bed and naturally fall asleep. The taste is good, and I do sleep much better when I take two of these. I really like that the dosage is low (3 mg) so you can adjust it to your needs and age group.
Overall, I definitely recommend these chewable melatonin tablets to others, and would purchase again in the future.
L.E. –
I appreciate that this bottle says it is for occasional use. I don’t think anyone should take melatonin every single day because it seems like your body will need it eventually. So in a pinch, I take things when I really can’t sleep or really NEED to.
They are easily chewable and taste faintly minty. Each tablet is 3 mg. The price is super cheap so no complaints and you get 50 servings. The seller’s address is based out of England. However, the bottle says made in USA and shows a New York address.
Amazon Customer –
These work. They are chewable tablets. They don’t taste bad and did help me rest good.
RV’ing with Birds –
I don’t take melatonin daily or even often. I like to use them when I have a particularly important day ahead and need a good night’s sleep. This is one of the lowest doses of melatonin I have seen in one tablet, and pretty easy to take while still being simple ingredients (no gummies, sweeteners, colors, etc). The capsule is almost tasteless, just the tiniest bit sweet, and can be chewed or swallowed whole.
I tried it two different nights so far. One was a night where I was getting to bed late and had a couple of important appointments the next morning I was already anxious about. Another was an average night with nothing to do the following morning.
Appointment night: I did not feel any more sudden onset of sleep, and in fact had trouble falling asleep for about an hour, even though it was late. Throughout the night, I kept waking up and going back to sleep for no particular reason. In the morning, I woke up about an hour before my alarm and didn’t feel the need to go back to sleep. I wouldn’t say I had a “good night’s sleep” – kind of the opposite, but I didn’t really feel tired throughout the day either.
Regular night: I did fall asleep pretty quickly, and the minutes before going to sleep I would say I was *very* sleepy, definitely feeling the effects. My dreams throughout the night were *not* relaxing, but I slept through the night and woke up naturally late, 8-9 hours later only when it started getting noisy outside. Again, not the most restful sleep because the dreams were not soothing but at least I wasn’t waking up.
Sooo the verdict is, these will not knock you out like some stronger doses of melatonin (or just other types of sleep aids); effects may vary by other conditions. i.e., it won’t work miracles, but if conditions are right for sleeping, they’ll help a little. I still feel hesitant taking them when I don’t absolutely need to because I find that artificially aiding my sleep often ends up with unsettling dreams, but that’s really case-by-case. If you want a stronger dose, you can take multiple capsules.