Descrição do Produto: Shilajit para Homens 600mg – Resina Pura de Shilajit Grau Ouro
O Shilajit para Homens é um suplemento premium que oferece 600mg de resina pura de Shilajit, classificada como Grau Ouro, proveniente das montanhas do Himalaia. Este produto orgânico é rico em 85 minerais traço essenciais, que são fundamentais para a saúde e o bem-estar. O Shilajit é conhecido por suas propriedades adaptogênicas, ajudando o corpo a se adaptar ao estresse e promovendo um aumento na energia e na vitalidade. A resina é extraída de forma sustentável, garantindo a pureza e a qualidade do produto, sem aditivos ou conservantes artificiais. Ideal para homens que buscam melhorar seu desempenho físico e mental, o Shilajit atua como um poderoso aliado na recuperação muscular, aumento da libido e suporte à saúde geral.
1. Aumento de Energia: Melhora a resistência física e reduz a fadiga, proporcionando mais disposição para o dia a dia.
2. Apoio à Libido: Estimula a saúde sexual masculina, aumentando a libido e melhorando a performance.
3. Recuperação Muscular: Auxilia na recuperação após exercícios intensos, reduzindo a dor muscular e acelerando o processo de cicatrização.
4. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Contribui para a regulação dos hormônios, promovendo um melhor equilíbrio emocional e físico.
5. Rico em Minerais: Fornece uma ampla gama de minerais essenciais que suportam a saúde óssea, cardiovascular e imunológica.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 300mg de Shilajit duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã e à noite. A resina pode ser dissolvida em água morna ou leite, facilitando a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante agitar bem a mistura até que a resina esteja completamente dissolvida. Para maximizar os benefícios, utilize o produto de forma contínua por pelo menos 30 dias. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando medicamentos.
Alex –
I’m addicted to Shilajit! This stuff actually works as it is sold to. It’s not just another snake oil product. My energy has been increasing and I have felt great! I have been taking vitamins for years now to try and feel better and they work to a little degree but this shilajit works wonders! I can’t claim that it’s a cure all or does all that they say it doesn’t but as far as energy and well being it definitely does that!
Julia Isenberg –
First of all, I’ve never taken resin before. I was very skeptical when i received it because of its looks and the smell.
I’ve read all the good effects of shilajit on your body and decided to test it out. That’s why I bought it. I’ve been taking it for almost 3 weeks now, and I can tell the positive effect on my body already.
It does give me energy which lasts me throughout the day. After morning brain work at school I go to work (I’m 35). I don’t feel the need to drink more coffee mid-day or in the evening. This has never happened to me before! I’m loving the new change. There’s no afternoon drowsiness anymore! I think it’s all because of this magic thing. It keeps me going all day.
I took too much of it one day, about 1.5 size that I usually take, and I had hard time falling asleep. So be careful with the dosage.
This one came with a wooden spatular. It’s not convenient to use. This shilajit resin dissolves without any problems in my hot coffee.
With this one, I don’t taste the harshness of the flavor unlike the other one. I’m not saying it tastes good. It’s tolerable.
It’s kind of pricey, but I do recommend it.
Better Half –
HEALOADING Shilajit is geared for men’s use, and my husband adds this to his morning hot tea. It dissolves easily, and he said when he adds it to his tea, he doesn’t notice the taste as much. This jar has 50 doses, and provides 600 mg of shilajit. The resin is of medium density, and is excellent. My hubby’s shilajit arrived fresh, in a shrink wrapped box along with a serving stick.
S. Marks –
This is a good price for pure Shilajit resin. I just wish they’d stop using the wooden spoons….
Amazon Customer –
I started taking the Shilajit resin, I’ve noticed a steady increase in my energy levels go up. Unlike energy drinks or coffee, the boost I felt was more balanced and lasted throughout the whole day, helping me stay focused without any crashes doing the day.
BaliDreamer –
This is a good quality product at the perfect 600mg dosage for me!!! I really love how Shilajit makes me feel so happy and gives me lots of necessary minerals and a whole lot of energy to get me through my day!! Not only is it perfect dosage for me, it also has 85 minerals my body needs!! Thank you!!!
Bill N. –
I recently wrote reviews for several similar products. The packaging is very similar to that of other sellers. As for the quality of shilajit itself, laboratory analyzes are required. It works the same as what other sellers sell, the color, taste, smell and density are the same. The only thing is that the package does not include a little spoon that other manufacturers have added.