Descrição do Produto
O Shampoo Johnson’s Baby Ultra-Hidratante Sem Lágrimas com Pro-Vitamina B5 é um produto desenvolvido especialmente para crianças. Sua fórmula suave e livre de lágrimas limpa delicadamente o cabelo, enquanto a Pro-Vitamina B5 hidrata e fortalece os fios. Proporciona uma limpeza eficaz, deixando o cabelo macio, brilhante e fácil de pentear. Este shampoo é ideal para o uso diário, garantindo que os cabelos das crianças fiquem sempre saudáveis e bem cuidados.
A fórmula hipoalergênica do shampoo é livre de parabenos, sulfatos e corantes, tornando-o seguro para os cabelos em desenvolvimento dos pequenos. Testado por pediatras e oftalmologistas, o Shampoo Johnson’s Baby é tão suave para os olhos quanto a água pura, evitando lágrimas durante o banho e proporcionando uma experiência agradável para as crianças e tranquilidade para os pais.
Para resultados ainda melhores, recomenda-se o uso do Condicionador Ultra-Hidratante Johnson’s Kids, que complementa a ação do shampoo, garantindo cabelos ainda mais hidratados e fáceis de pentear.
- Hidratação intensa para os cabelos delicados das crianças.
- Nutrição e fortalecimento dos fios, promovendo saúde capilar.
- Fórmula suave e hipoalergênica, livre de substâncias prejudiciais.
- Fórmula testada por pediatras e oftalmologistas, não irrita os olhos.
- Resultados duradouros quando usado em conjunto com o condicionador.
Aplique o Shampoo Johnson’s Baby Ultra-Hidratante nos cabelos molhados, massageando suavemente o couro cabeludo com as pontas dos dedos para garantir uma limpeza eficaz. Enxágue bem com água morna, removendo todos os resíduos do produto. Para melhores resultados, utilize o Condicionador Ultra-Hidratante Johnson’s Kids após o uso do shampoo. Evite o contato com os olhos; em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico.
Yanderley arias –
Kid likes this stuff because it doesn’t make his eyes tear. Also smells good!
Michael Fox –
Makes the babies hair so soft.
Martina Gilles –
LikeCats2 –
Very gentle and moisturizing shampoo. I have to use a very mild shampoo due to eczema spot on base of scalp. It is just one very irritating and itchy area that was caused by an ingredient in adult shampoo . Doctor recommended baby shampoo due to the mildness of it. My scalp no longer itches in that one spot since I have used it. If you use a lot of product in your hair like gels, hair spray, mousse it may not be able to remove all that product as it is made for babies hair and of course babies usually don’t have all that product in their hair. I only use a very light amount of mousse on the ends of my hair only so the baby shampoo is fine. Usually once a month I will use a clarifying shampoo just to get rid of everything. I also have blonde color hair and it doesn’t affect the color at all. I know some people say baby shampoo strips color but for my hair that hasn’t happened. I would say maybe purchase a trial size if it is available or just buy a bottle and its only about $4.00 and try it on a strip of your hair if you color it and see if it takes the color out before you use it on your whole head. If it strips your color the baby shampoo is great to use as a body wash, to wash your makeup brushes, and even I have used a little bit on my hand-washable items like hosiery or bras. That way its not wasted if it doesn’t work in your hair. I have also added some to soap pumps for hand soap. I really like the ultra moisturizing baby shampoo, I wish I could find the companion conditioner. I had ordered it on Amazon but it never came in. I am not sure if Johnson’s is making the conditioner anymore but the shampoo is awesome!
Amazon Customer –
Ordered a year ago for under $6. Current price is $15 and change. Would buy again if price wasn’t so high.
Chris Wahl –
Finding a shampoo that was effective and met my son’s rather picky preferences is quite a challenge. This one checked all the boxes; gentle, effective, affordable, and smells great. Having a little one playing multiple sports and loving the outdoors all without fear of getting dirty has certainly given me a good chance to test this shampoo. Lathers very well and rinses clean. Give it a chance, you won’t be disappointed.
Andrea Siler –
Great shampoo. Lathers and washes out easily. Makes my son’s hair soft but not weighted down. Very light pleasant scent. Unfortunately unable to find anymore at a reasonable price, not 3 times what it used to sell for.
Natalia Nieves –
Gentle, safe and hydrating product for our babies skin. And the best SMELLS AMAZING!