O Shampoo Infantil Sebamed, com capacidade de 250 ml, é um produto de alta qualidade desenvolvido especialmente para os cabelos delicados das crianças. Sua fórmula suave e livre de substâncias irritantes foi cuidadosamente elaborada com base em 30 anos de pesquisa, resultando em um shampoo hipoalergênico e livre de sabão, ideal para o couro cabeludo sensível dos pequenos. Reconhecida como a número 1 em hipoalergênicos na Alemanha, a marca Sebamed garante que o produto seja dermatologicamente testado e recomendado, proporcionando segurança e eficácia.
O Shampoo Infantil Sebamed se destaca por sua ação hidratante, que mantém os cabelos macios e saudáveis. Ele limpa suavemente, removendo sujeira e acúmulo de produtos sem ressecar ou danificar os fios. Com pH balanceado, o shampoo protege o couro cabeludo, prevenindo irritações e desconfortos. Além disso, sua fórmula sem lágrimas transforma o momento do banho em uma experiência agradável, evitando o choro e a irritação nos olhos.
1. Fórmula sem lágrimas: Proporciona um banho tranquilo, sem irritações nos olhos.
2. Hipoalergênico: Seguro para a pele sensível das crianças, minimizando riscos de alergias.
3. Limpeza suave: Remove sujeira e resíduos sem agredir os fios, mantendo a saúde capilar.
4. Cabelos macios e brilhantes: Promove um toque sedoso e brilho natural, facilitando o pentear.
5. Recomendado por dermatologistas: Garantia de eficácia e segurança, respaldada por especialistas.
Para melhores resultados, aplique uma pequena quantidade do Shampoo Infantil Sebamed nos cabelos molhados das crianças. Massageie suavemente o couro cabeludo com as pontas dos dedos, garantindo que o produto seja distribuído uniformemente. Enxágue bem com água morna, removendo todos os resíduos do shampoo. Se necessário, repita o processo. Evite o contato do produto com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico.
Significant improvement in poor baby’s flaky itchy scalp, after many other shampoos tried and failed. He’s still a bit flaky but the itch has subsided, he used to scratch until he hurt himself. 😞 It smells so baby fresh too, and I’m fussy about scents.
Edit: It’s now Sept 5th and his scalp is completely clear! 🙂 Yay for Sebamed!
Works great! Love that it lights up red if the water is too hot or blue if the water is good. Gives me peace of mind during bath time –
Smells good. Bought it hoping it will help my baby’s greasy hair, but his hair is the same.
Jaqueline Ramírez –
Excelente para mi bebé 👶 le funciona para su piel seca
detroitme –
I like what this product does for my babies hair. I just wish that the fragrance wasn’t as strong as it is. But I am very sensitive to smells. Still would buy again.
Diana Urrecha –
Best shampoo for children. I am from Spain and buy it cheaper there but when I run out of it I wouldn’t use anything else and I buy it online. It makes my daughter’s hair look beautiful.
vjram –
My son had extremely dry scalp and this has been the best thing we have used by far. I love that it also smells good and is tear-free. He had scaly dry patches on his scalp that were terrible and itchy. His scalp is almost totally clear now. We have been using this shampoo for about 6 months, so give it time.
Stephen –
Went to Costco one day and there was a vendor selling this. My 1 yr old had dandruff/ cradle cap and nothing I tried got rid of it. I had tried many different shampoos, lotions, oils, olive oil, some days he would walk around looking like a total greaser. Anyway the lady said this stuff would get rid of it. Within 2 days it was gone and it has never returned. I have sensitive skin and so do my kids, we use the wash and the lotions and our issues with dry itchy skin are gone. This wash has a pleasant smell which is nice since so many years I have had to use fragrance free soaps but this brand gives me no problems at all.
Amber –
My 5 1/2 year old has had eczema since she was a toddler. We were using an all in one soap but her hair was so dry and she would cry when we brushed it. Read the reviews on this and decided to try and I am sold. Love it, her hair is softer, less tangles, shiny and it doesn’t burn her eyes!!! Great product for sensitve skin kids.
Matt –
We have been using it for long time. Sebamed is really good product