O McKesson Shampoo e Sabonete Corporal Rinse-Free, com fragrância floral suave, é a solução ideal para quem busca praticidade e conforto na higiene pessoal, especialmente em situações onde o acesso à água é limitado. Este produto inovador foi formulado para limpar profundamente tanto os cabelos quanto a pele, sem a necessidade de enxágue, tornando-o perfeito para pessoas que estão acamadas ou que não podem se banhar em um chuveiro ou banheira.
- Formulado para limpar completamente cabelos e pele sem água.
- Uma maneira conveniente de banhar qualquer pessoa confinada a uma cama que não pode ir ao chuveiro ou à banheira.
- Isento de corantes artificiais, ajuda a reduzir o risco de irritação; ideal para pele frágil e seguro para uso diário em cabelos e couro cabeludo.
- A fragrância floral suave cria uma experiência relaxante e deixa um aroma agradável.
- Sem necessidade de água! O sabonete sem enxágue não contém corantes artificiais para ajudar a reduzir o risco de irritação na pele.
1. Praticidade: Ideal para cuidados diários em situações de mobilidade reduzida.
2. Segurança: Fórmula livre de corantes artificiais, minimizando o risco de irritações na pele sensível.
3. Conforto: Proporciona uma experiência de banho relaxante, mesmo sem água.
4. Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado tanto no cabelo quanto na pele, simplificando a rotina de higiene.
5. Aroma agradável: A fragrância floral suave deixa uma sensação de frescor e bem-estar.
Para utilizar o McKesson Shampoo e Sabonete Corporal Rinse-Free, aplique uma quantidade adequada do produto nas mãos ou diretamente na área desejada. Massageie suavemente sobre a pele e os cabelos, garantindo que o produto seja distribuído uniformemente. Após a aplicação, não é necessário enxaguar; basta secar com uma toalha limpa. Este método não só proporciona uma limpeza eficaz, mas também promove uma sensação de frescor e conforto, ideal para o uso diário.
I took care of a patient who had been in the Hospital and this product was sent home with her. I like to use it when taking a quick bath.
Lydia Edwards –
This rinse free cleanser was easy to use. Just apply and pat or air dry. It smells pleasant ( a flowery scent) and feels soothing. It can be used as a rinse free shampoo too. A little goes a long way.
I would use a good adult wipe in the private areas first to remove any residue, before finishing your hygiene routine with this body wash.
Mark W. –
Recent surgery found me in a wheelchair during my recovery. Unable to shower I chose this product. I’m glad I did. It make short work of a problem.
Di –
This is meant for bed bath, but, I use it for freshening up when camping. A little in a container of water and a washcloth will get you feeling clean and smelling fresh.
Pistolsfiring –
Light, pleasant fragrance. 1st impression was that my hair did seem clean & shiny without rinsing. BUT after several hours it felt like a slight residue “appeared” on my hair (which pretty much defeated the purpose of waterless shampooing). Tried this twice (just to make sure the residue effect wasn’t just a fluke) but unfortunately it happened again. Bought this with hopes of having a color-safe shampoo alternative to keep newly dyed hair from fading, but I’m not a fan (but if I’m suddenly without access to water: it’s better than nothing!). It IS however a great shampoo for my elderly little dog who doesn’t do well with a regular bath too often. Gentle and leaves her little greying body smelling like a doggy rose….
Lewisfamily503 –
First of all, I really didn’t pay attention to the size when I ordered and this bottle is REALLY small. However, I found I didn’t have to use that much for one shampoo on my mom so I am happy with it. I got this because my mom can’t shower right now due to being in a skilled nursing facility after breaking her hip. She was complaining about her hair so I looked for a solution and came across this product . It smells really nice (like roses) but it doesn’t lather up very much. I am glad I read other reviews and took someone’s advice to use a spray bottle to wet her hair first. I lathered her hair her but I want to emphasize it really doesn’t lather much at all. However it DID clean her hair and it is very fluffy and pretty now and it smells good! So yeah you should get this if you have the need like I did!
Carol –
I bought this to use on my disabled mother who is a bedridden amputee. In between washing her hair normally using an inflatable tub I’ve tried these no wash options. This one has been better than expected. I’ve used a all-in-one foam cleanser which does alright in a pinch but this one works really well.
My mom has hair on the thinner side (and currently shoulder length) and has a sensitive scalp. I usually dampen her hair with a spray bottle of warm water to get her scalp nice and moist. Then I tip the bottle on various places on her scalp and hair, sometimes parting it in certain directions to really get in there. Then I give it a good rub and finger pad scratch to work up a good lather, which let me tell you it is surprisingly good at. Once I feel that I’ve saturated her hair to satisfaction and spent a few minutes really working it into her scalp I then grab my spray bottle once more and dampen her hair again to help remove any residue. This is a personal choice for us because even though it’s “no rinse” I prefer to remove as much as possible (when used on hair) to keep it from drying her hair or scalp out or making it stiff. So far this method has worked amazingly!
Once I feel like I’ve “rinsed” to my satisfaction I then towel dry her hair and sprits a little leave-in conditioner/detangler on the mid-tips of her hair and it’s never been softer.
It also smells nice. Not too flowery or too strong that it’s overpowering. No stinky medical scent. Just fresh and clean. It has a watery/oily texture when poured into your palm.
I’ve also used this on her body for quick sponge offs between proper baths and it also works well in that regard for her.
These bottles also go a long way (atleast for us). I recently bought a second bottle but even after multiple hair washes I’m only at just under the halfway mark on my first. I’m so glad I gave this a shot.
Sweet –
This shampoo was really great to use to wash my long hair and body, when I could not get in the shower. It smells good and it made me smell good. Would buy again.