Descrição do Produto: ShakerZoo-1 Pack – Garrafa de Shaker de Proteína em Aço Inoxidável (Branco)
A ShakerZoo-1 é a solução ideal para quem busca praticidade e eficiência na hora de preparar suas bebidas proteicas e smoothies. Com uma construção robusta em aço inoxidável, esta garrafa de shaker é projetada para ser à prova de vazamentos, garantindo que você possa misturar seus suplementos e smoothies sem preocupações. O material é livre de BPA, proporcionando segurança e saúde em cada uso.
Com uma capacidade generosa de 24 onças, a ShakerZoo-1 possui marcações internas que vão até 20 onças, oferecendo espaço suficiente para misturar não apenas suplementos, mas também substitutos de refeição ou água. O design inteligente inclui uma tampa de rosca que cria um selo à prova de vazamentos, enquanto a tampa flip se fecha de forma segura, mantendo o conteúdo sempre contido. Além disso, a alça na parte superior facilita o transporte, permitindo que você a prenda a chaves ou mochilas.
Ideal para shakes de proteína, smoothies, massa de panquecas e muito mais, a ShakerZoo-1 é versátil e atende a diversas necessidades alimentares. Fabricada com materiais livres de BPA e ftalatos, a garrafa é fácil de limpar, podendo ser lavada à mão ou na máquina de lavar louça, exceto a tampa, que deve ser mantida longe de líquidos quentes.
– Construção Durável: Aço inoxidável resistente que garante longa durabilidade e resistência a impactos.
– Capacidade Ampla: Permite misturar grandes porções de suplementos ou bebidas, ideal para quem tem uma rotina ativa.
– Design à Prova de Vazamentos: Evita acidentes e derramamentos, tornando-a perfeita para levar em viagens ou ao trabalho.
– Fácil Transporte: A alça superior facilita o transporte, ideal para quem se exercita ou está sempre em movimento.
– Saudável e Seguro: Materiais livres de BPA e ftalatos garantem que suas bebidas estejam livres de substâncias nocivas.
Para utilizar a ShakerZoo-1, comece adicionando a quantidade desejada de proteína em pó ou outro suplemento na garrafa. Em seguida, acrescente água ou leite até a marca de 20 onças. Feche a tampa de rosca firmemente para garantir que não haja vazamentos. Agite vigorosamente por cerca de 30 segundos para garantir que todos os ingredientes estejam bem misturados. Após o uso, recomenda-se lavar a garrafa à mão com água e sabão neutro ou colocá-la na máquina de lavar louça, mantendo a tampa separada para uma limpeza adequada. Evite o uso com líquidos quentes para preservar a integridade do material.
DL –
I wanted to like this so bad. It looks nice, well insulated, no shaker ball to be loud or scratch up the inside of the bottle, etc. but it leaks and spills every time we shake it. I’ve tried screwing in tighter, looser, reseating the gasket, and more. It leaked almost every time and we simply can’t trust using it day to day.
Buttercup –
This shaker bottle works great! The measurement marks on the inside are super helpful. I really like that it’s stainless steel and not plastic, well, except for the lid components. It mixes up my protein powder well and I haven’t experienced any leaks. The drinking spout is a screw on lid for a tight seal. I was going to get a shaker bottle with a ball until I read that they’re noisy. The only noise coming from this one is the contents sloshing around! All components, including the shaker cage, come apart for easy cleaning. Easy to travel with, too!
Amazon Customer –
I’ve been wanting a stainless steel shaker for ages and this one fits the bill. Even though there’s no metal ball to clank, which is great, I may add a plastic one inside of the main sifter piece to help blend ingredients better.
Those are my initial thoughts. After I’ve used it, and checked for leaks, I can update.
Zach –
I really wanted to like this bottle, and there are things to like about it. The bottle itself feels sturdy and quality made with a nice powder coat exterior. The graduated volumes lines inside are nice and easy to read. The “mixing basket” threads into the lid, making it pretty secure. The problem lies with the lid. I have not had the leak issues others have reported, but the size of the opening for the spout is way too small. I’ve only used it for water and it *glugs* because there is no room for air to go in and replace the volume of liquid that is coming out. I could see a thick-ish protein shake being super annoying to drink from this, which was why I ordered it in the first place. Like I said, I want to like this and with a different lid I would. As of right now, I cannot personally recommend this shaker bottle.
Zach –
I like this overall, but I deducted one star because a big reason for switching to metal shaker botels is to eliminate as much micro plastic ingestion as possible. The lid is of course plastic, that is nearly necessary , but I am disappointed that screen inside to break up the protein powder when shaking is also plastic. This should have been stainless steel. I like the screw on cap and the size of this shaker, however and it insulates well, so it still gets four stars. I am going to just toss the screen it comes with and use the wisk balls from my Blender Bottles that I’m tossing since they are plastic, but the balls are metal and worth keeping for this.
Three week update. Now that I have used this at the gym for several weeks, I have some updates. I’m removing one more Star because these are things the design engineers for the product testing it should have notice and maybe the company will update with future models. The spout is very small. I am someone who normally chugs my protein shake or preworkout in a matter of seconds. This does not allow me to do so because of how small the spout is. I also normally like to just open the spout on my shaker cups to refill them with water at the fountain. I can’t do that with this one because the spout is too small. This also leads to the last issue I’ve had with the shaker. After having shaken up the contents of the bottle, and then opening it, there is always some water/drink mix in the seal of the lid so that when I put the lid bak on and start shaking, water/drink shakes out everywhere briefly. This is a bit annoying.
lazyboy0172 –
This insulated cup works great. I prefer the screw tops to reduce the risk of leaks. The fit and finish is excellent.
The mixer attachment is removable. I use it for brewing bagged tea and the mixer hold back the tea bag for drinking and pouring.
The insulation appears to work like most insulated bottles which is to say excellently.
Pricey for $30. There are many better value offerings. The mixer attachment is unique.
A. L. Miller –
Hubby drinks a lot of protein shakes. He has several shakers, but they are all plastic and he is trying to get away from that. Enter this stainless steel shaker 🙂 Overall, he loves it! The shaker is built into the lid (which is plastic, but they all are). That is great for him because he takes a lot of his stuff to the gym and keeping up with the separate shaker ball is a pain. It is a good, large size and fits all his various drinks. The only small tick he has with it is that the opening to drink from is smaller than all his other tumblers. He doesn’t have an issue with it, just makes him drink a little slower 😛
Coopra1 –
As a protein shaker, this works pretty well with some reservations:
1. Attached to the inside of the lid is a removable basket, which was intended to mix powders more effectively. This proved to be the case, except there was still small amounts of powder on the sides.
2. The shaker has a sleek design, and is easy to handle.
3. The body is stainless steel, rinses better and is less prone to harboring bacteria compared to plastic shakers. BUT I discovered when cleaning it, the basket has to be removed from the lid, and the inside rim scrubbed with soapy water. Otherwise, if it is stored for a few days after a light cleaning, and dried putting the lid on, the smell talks. Yikes! Its probably the bacteria….
4. The elongated spout has a second purpose. Using your thumb and applying pressure to the spout, the lid unscrews easier than most shakers. The other nice design to the lid is the rubber grip. However, in using it for a few times, the lid has to be on the shaker TIGHT. Otherwise it leaks when shaking.
5. The spout is just the right size for pouring liquid drinks. Probably won’t work if fruits or solids are used.
6. The flip ring is plastic and may break with wear but the flask will last for the duration.
Overall, this seems to be a well designed, with the few exceptions noted. Good choice, good value.