Descrição do Produto:
O INVIGOR8 Superfood Grass Fed Whey Protein Isolate Shake French Vanilla é a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada. Com uma fórmula inovadora, este shake de substituição de refeição é livre de glúten e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO), proporcionando uma opção nutritiva e saborosa para o seu dia a dia. Cada porção contém 170 calorias e oferece 20 g de proteína de soro de leite premium, proveniente de vacas alimentadas com pasto, garantindo a mais alta qualidade e absorção.
Além disso, o INVIGOR8 é enriquecido com um complexo de vegetais verdes de 2.500 mg, que inclui superalimentos como couve, espinafre, brócolis, alfafa e chlorella, promovendo uma nutrição completa. A presença de probióticos e pré-bióticos favorece a saúde digestiva, enquanto os ácidos graxos ômega 3, 6 e 9, provenientes de sementes de chia e linhaça, contribuem para a saúde cardiovascular e cerebral. Com ingredientes cientificamente validados, este shake não só melhora o humor e a função cerebral, mas também ajuda a manter a saciedade por mais tempo, permitindo que você alcance seus objetivos de forma eficaz.
Produzido na Califórnia do Sul, o INVIGOR8 é fabricado em uma instalação registrada pela FDA, garantindo padrões de qualidade intransigentes e o uso de ingredientes da mais alta qualidade. Com um sabor irresistível de baunilha francesa, este shake é a solução ideal para quem deseja construir músculos magros, manter-se saciado e promover uma digestão saudável.
– Construção de Músculos Magros: A proteína de soro de leite alimentada com pasto ajuda na recuperação e crescimento muscular.
– Saúde Digestiva: Os probióticos e pré-bióticos promovem um sistema digestivo saudável, reduzindo desconfortos.
– Sustentação da Saciedade: A combinação de fibras vegetais e proteínas mantém você satisfeito por mais tempo, evitando lanches desnecessários.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Ingredientes como colostro e complexos de vegetais verdes fortalecem as defesas naturais do corpo.
– Fácil Integração na Rotina: Com apenas 170 calorias, é uma opção prática e nutritiva para substituir refeições em qualquer momento do dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma porção (aproximadamente 30g) do INVIGOR8 Superfood Shake em 240ml de água, leite ou bebida vegetal de sua preferência. Agite bem ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. O shake pode ser consumido como substituto de uma refeição, um lanche pós-treino ou uma opção rápida para aqueles dias corridos. Para maximizar os benefícios, recomenda-se o uso diário, aliado a uma dieta equilibrada e a um estilo de vida ativo.
Brenda Drager –
I vowed to make this year the time I turned my eating habits around and start a healthy lifestyle. I skipped meals, ate junk, you name it. I was looking for a meal supplement that would taste great yet be all natural and super healthy. Something with a great taste that I could use daily when I didn’t have time for a meal. That seemed to be impossible as things I tried ended up in the “supplement grave yard”. They were either too sweet, too bitter or just plain horrible. When I heard about Invigor8, what I read was amazing! Completely natural and LOADED with healthy ingredients!
Plus controls hunger, boosts immunity & improves brain function. Pre & Probiotics….had to try this. Being 50, this seemed the perfect fit for me. I placed my order still wondering if the taste would work to use regularly. Received my order and can say I LOVED the flavor! It tasted like a treat rather than a supplement beverage! Love, love loved it and you will, too! I am ordering the chocolate to share with my college aged son who skips breakfast daily. THIS PRODUCT IS A MUST use for people of all ages & lifestyles. With it’s amazing taste and loaded health benefits, there is no excuse not to get on board today! Do yourself a favor, try this product. You will not be disappointed!!!!
Darcy –
This stuff tastes fantastic. But it’s kinda expensive, and takes twice as much powder as my regular protein.
J. Todd –
This stuff is so foul. I mean… it’s just rank, and that doesn’t even take into account the flavor.
I offered the jug up to a coworker to smell without preamble (serves him right for being trusting!) and he promptly went off on a three minute tirade about how I could possibly do that to someone.
On top of smelling like something I do not have words for (seriously, I don’t know how to describe it other than “wildly offensive”), it’s taste is so bad I actually threw up the first time I drank a cup. I managed to get the entire cup down, and at that point my stomach decided it agreed with my taste-buds and up came the entire cup again. Let me tell you… it doesn’t taste any better the second time.
I’m a pretty open person though, so against my better judgement, I tried a second cup.
Yeah, I know. Why on earth would anyone do that to themselves?!
But I’ve done the meal replacement shake thing most of my life, being a very active person with a very fast metabolism makes eating 6K calories a day and making them meaningful calories to boot pretty difficult. So I’ve always tried to find easy alternatives to eating “The Rock” diet before there was even The Rock to have such a thing.
I know that it usually takes a little bit to adjust your tastebuds to them.
So I tried it again.
And I kept it down.
And there in lay the problem. My body wanted nothing to do with it and promptly shunted it right “back” out. /lesigh (I know. TMI. but hey, honest product review right?! the things we do for integrity.)
Third times the charm!
So here I am, it’s lunch time, and I’m trying 1 more time. It still tastes gross, but my taste-buds are resigned to the fact. As such I can actually taste what I find so offensive about this meal shake.
It is so ungodly artificially sweetened I feel like I’m drinking pure corn syrup. You know how when you eat something too sweet it sorta burns on your tongue and makes your teeth hurt with the sugar shock? Yeah, if this were real sugar, it would be doing that. Which is usually the problem with Stevia sweetened food items. Manufacturers don’t seem to account for it’s overwhelming sweetening power and add waaaaaaaaaay too much in an effort to mask other unpleasant flavors in “healthy” foods there by making them completely unpalatable instead of simply unpleasant. That Stevia flavor will not go away for hours no matter how many cups of tea I swirl around my mouth trying to clean off my tongue. It’s probably also why I threw up the first time and had such a poor reaction the second time to boot, for whatever reason Stevia and I do not get along.
By the end of this review I’ve managed to drink about 1/3 of the 1 cup of shake I mixed up, and I just can’t do it. I can’t finish it. I guess I’m having a cup of herb tea for lunch.
Stevia needs to be unmade.
Jon –
Really great product, I have a soy sensitivity and it can be tough to find protein powder that doesn’t contain it. What I love about this product is that it is t full of a bunch of garbage. Taste was great (I had the chocolate one).
My only complaint is the price. I just can’t justify $60 for 2 weeks worth of protein (if taking it daily). I didn’t realize it when I ordered it, but when I opened the package I was blown away with how small the container was, only to realize it’s 15 servings for $60…. There’s other comparable products for a better price.
Tacuma –
When I got this protein it was on my mother’s recommendation so I wasn’t sure if it was a good buy seeing as how she’s not big into proteins. But it has 20grams of protein, 1g sugar, 3grams fiber and a good blend of aminos but what sealed it is it tastes so good too. If your like me and actually like the taste of caramel and that salty taste then you’ll love this. It’s a good after workout protein shake or even a meal replacement( I like to eat a piece of fruit along with a protein bar with my shake). Anyway all and all a great balanced protein shake with great taste what more could you want
Jackie Anderson –
Great taste
Venus –
Mix this with a scoup of Naked Peanut Butter powder and thank me later!
Alvaro Nunes –
This meal replacer really does the job and contains so much good and healthy stuff! Only the flavour that does not overcome other protein shakes or anything, maybe because my expectations were way too high… it tastes good, really!
Amazon Customer –
Overall, I LOVE this stuff!! It’s tastes GREAT- there’s no chalky texture and it’s not too sweet. It’s made of real ingredients (things that are grown from the ground, no chemical fillers). I love everything about this product and the nutrition it provides.
The only thing I don’t like is that it’s only 15 servings for a steep price of $60 a tub. Which, if you need a months worth, you have to buy 2 for a final price of $120. That’s almost as much as Beach Bodys Shakeology. So that why I gave it 4 stars. Why does the good stuff have to be so darn expensive???
I used to drink Shakeology religiously because of how nutritionally dense and yummy it was. But it was just getting too expensive. So I have been on the look out for something comparable to it but at a better deal. So far, this is it!! With Beach Body, in order to get Shakeology at a cheaper price, you have join as a coach and pay a bunch of fees as well as shipping. So This product is in fact a better deal and still has the dense nutrition that makes body needs and the great taste to make it delightful.
I am training for my 3rd marathon, teach spinn class, have 4 kids under 9 and a part time job. So I need something that will replenish nutrients and fill me up and this stuff gets the job done.
So again, this is definitely worth the purchase if you’re willing to pay for it.
Fred –
I do like the taste of the product. Mixes easy in water.