O Sérum Facial Premium Vitamina C 20% com Ácido Hialurônico e Retinol – 30ml é uma verdadeira revolução no cuidado da pele. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina a alta concentração de vitamina C, este sérum é projetado para combater os sinais do envelhecimento, como rugas e linhas de expressão, enquanto promove uma luminosidade radiante e firmeza à pele. O ácido hialurônico, conhecido por sua capacidade de reter a umidade, e o retinol, um dos ingredientes mais eficazes na renovação celular, trabalham em sinergia para proporcionar uma hidratação profunda e uma textura visivelmente melhorada.
Este Sérum de Vitamina C Premium é formulado com ingredientes botânicos ativos, como Aloe Vera, Hamamélis e óleo de Jojoba orgânico, garantindo que sua pele receba o melhor da natureza, livre de corantes sintéticos, fragrâncias e estabilizadores. A combinação desses ingredientes não apenas nutre a pele, mas também a protege contra os danos causados por radicais livres, promovendo um aspecto saudável e vibrante.
À medida que envelhecemos, a pele tende a perder sua vitalidade, tornando-se opaca e desidratada. O uso regular deste sérum ajuda a restaurar a hidratação e a luminosidade, combatendo rugas e manchas. Além disso, a vitamina C é um poderoso antioxidante que estimula a produção de colágeno, essencial para a saúde e elasticidade da pele. Com rápida absorção, o sérum não deixa resíduos oleosos ou pegajosos, tornando-se uma adição prática à sua rotina de cuidados diários.
- Combate eficazmente rugas e manchas na pele
- Hidrata e nutre a pele, mantendo seu brilho natural
- Estimula a produção de colágeno para uma pele mais firme e saudável
- Fórmula à base de plantas, livre de substâncias sintéticas
- Rápida absorção, sem deixar resíduos oleosos ou pegajosos
Para obter os melhores resultados, comece limpando e tonificando a pele. Aplique algumas gotas do Sérum de Vitamina C no rosto e pescoço, massageando suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Recomenda-se o uso diário, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, antes da aplicação de hidratante ou protetor solar. Essa rotina garantirá que sua pele receba todos os benefícios do sérum, promovendo uma aparência rejuvenescida e saudável.
Peaceableme –
I have been ordered for months now. I am really happy with the product. My skin always feels brighter with it.
Dorothea Fulmore –
Ich habe schon viele Produkte getestet, dieses hier überzeugt mich.
-120 ml für 7,99€ ist echt preiswert
– !macht die Haut nicht klebrig, sondern weich und samtig (hatte ich bis jetzt noch nie)!
– ich bin manchmal schludrig und benutze es nicht jeden tag, aber das Serum ist zwei Tage spürbar, man muss es nicht auf Krampf immer benutzen. Vor allem nach dem Feiern cool.
– sehr ergiebig, wenige Tropfen reichen
– die Pipette ist kürzer als das Gefäß, wenn man nur noch Rest drin hat wird das bestimmt Probleme machen
2024violet –
I use this beneath eyes then across entire face, let it dry/soak in and then use hyaluronic acid serum across entire face and on neck. Feels great, have done tons of research and think I’m using correct method to fend off Mother Nature’s wrinkles and dry patches! Try it! Vitamin C is a skin brightener which is why it is so important to place beneath eyes and around them as well!🙂
Amazon Customer –
Love this! glowy, hydrating, and soothing. It’s amazing definitely buy this!
em –
Works well with moisturizer cream and provides added Vitamin C needed for skincare
Juliana –
First I have to say that I have a very sensitive sense of smell. And the base smell of this product was not doing well for me. It didn’t smell fresh and instead smelled like bubble solution or glycerin based product. While I truly appreciate not adding fragrance to everything… This still didn’t smell as fresh as I’d like.
The big issue for me is that after using it for 2 weeks it did not perform the same brightening and firming as I have experienced with comparable products. I’d give this a barely passing grade. Better than not using anything but not as good as I had hoped.
Also has a slightly tacky feeling right after application during drying that I couldn’t quite get past.
Michelle –
Thank you
Happy Lady –
Let me start my review by telling you about myself so you can make a comparison if you want. I just turned 80 and I have fair skin with blue eyes. Even though through the years I have done a good job of cleansing my face nightly and wearing moisturizing lotion, recently I have been prone to smile lines, forehead lines and tiny wrinkles along with orange peel type skin on my chin area. I started using this product about 2 months back and within 2 weeks I noticed how my face seemed to glow and felt so soft but what I really noticed were my smile wrinkles around my eyes and across my forehead were much less noticeable and just seem to have diminished. I love the way this product brightens my face. After washing my face and patting it dry I apply this serum with the dropper doing a few drops under each eye, across the bridge of my nose, my cheek area and then finishing up with my mouth area and chin. I even put some of the serum on my neck. I rub it in gently and it does dry quickly. I follow up with CeraVe moisturizing lotion before applying a tiny bit of foundation, mascara lightly and a little blush. For my age I feel less is best and I will say people often comment on how pretty my skin is along with my silver hair. We all have different skin types but for me this serum has been a miracle in a bottle. My advice is start with really clean skin and use this serum religiously morning and night and you will see a difference.
Juliana –
I’m in my 30’s and I have some sun spots and redness I need to reduce. Was advised by my skin provider to get a vitamin C serum but I wasn’t going to buy the $105 bottle at their office. As a former esthetician, I know the mark up percentages 🥲 anyway. I looked at a lot of products and landed on this one due to formula and price. Glad I made this choice.
I am seeing improvement in the area I was hoping. My forehead and nose. You might not see it, but I do! Any small change in 2 weeks is better than no change and I will continue to use. I was in the stupid “tan with baby oil” millennial era and have a sunroof now so I just get the sun beating on my face.
It’s light weight, my skin eats it right up, not sticky, super nice under sunscreen (use daily!!!) and moisturizer, it doesn’t really have a scent and absorbs quickly. I currently use AM and PM and have not had any adverse reactions of any kind.
For an extra oommppff, use a red light mask!
I’ve bought a lot of garbage products but I sincerely believe this one works as I completely stripped my tan, so it’s definitely doing something! Tanned photo is before, light is after. 2 weeks of use.
This was also in adjunct to my other products as well.
GreenT –
I feel some difference in the redness of my skin and overall appearance. I don’t get any irritation at all. But I’m disappointed that the consistency is watery for a serum. It has a slightly tacky feeling on the skin afterwards, but after it dries I put my usual face lotions so it doesnt matter. At first, I didn’t like the lack of viscosity and was going to return it, but decided to keep it and give it a shot.
To use it, I cup my hand and put a couple drops in it (otherwise it would run off your hands), and lightly pat my face with the liquid.