Zazzee Delayed Release Serrapeptase: A Revolução em Enzimas Sistêmicas
Descubra o poder do Zazzee Delayed Release Serrapeptase, um suplemento inovador que traz uma dose extra de saúde e bem-estar para o seu dia a dia. Cada cápsula contém impressionantes 120,000 SPU, oferecendo uma solução potente e concentrada para suas necessidades de saúde. Com 120 cápsulas por frasco, você tem um suprimento completo para quatro meses, garantindo um valor excepcional que não se encontra em outras marcas.
As cápsulas de liberação retardada são um dos grandes diferenciais deste produto. Elas foram projetadas para proteger as enzimas delicadas da acidez do estômago, permitindo que elas cheguem ao intestino delgado, onde a absorção é maximizada. Isso significa que você pode aproveitar todos os benefícios do Serrapeptase sem se preocupar com a degradação das enzimas antes que elas possam fazer efeito.
Além disso, o Zazzee Serrapeptase é 100% vegano e não contém ingredientes geneticamente modificados. Você pode ter a certeza de que não há adoçantes, sabores artificiais, glúten, soja ou qualquer outro alérgeno comum em suas cápsulas. A produção segue os mais altos padrões de qualidade, sendo fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação certificada, garantindo que você receba um produto seguro e eficaz.
– Alívio Natural: O Serrapeptase é conhecido por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias, ajudando a aliviar dores e desconfortos de forma natural.
– Suporte à Saúde Respiratória: Pode auxiliar na redução da congestão e na promoção de uma respiração mais fácil.
– Melhora na Circulação: Contribui para a saúde cardiovascular, ajudando a manter a fluidez do sangue.
– Ação Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo uma saúde celular ideal.
– Facilidade de Uso: Com uma dosagem concentrada, você precisa de apenas uma cápsula por dia para obter todos os benefícios.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula de Zazzee Delayed Release Serrapeptase diariamente, preferencialmente em jejum, com um copo de água. Isso garantirá que as enzimas sejam absorvidas de maneira eficaz no intestino delgado. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
T Schuck –
Product came quickly, well packaged and ahead of scheduled delivery date.
I have only taken the product twice and could write a review in about a month to the efficacy of the product.
Easy to swallow and has a distinct taste, but no more than other brands of serrapeptase.
L. C –
Works for me, repeat customer.
Tiashaclarke –
Great pain relief it works very fast and easy to swallow
CB –
Either right before bed or right when I get up. That’s a pain in the butt. I have bad knees wrists knuckles ankles shoulder. Something always flares up when some other thing gets tolerable. So what I can say is it seems like my knees are not flaring up, they are still bone on bone and I’m still a ff lol but I’ll take the relief. It’s worth a try as I haven’t had any I’ll effects .
shanon –
I started taking this for a breast cyst. I had a molar scheduled to be removed so I stopped taking it a week before because it can thin your blood. I went to the dentist appt and the tooth had healed and the breast knot is gone. This really happened I’m unsure if it was this or something else but it happened. I took one on empty stomach every morning for two weeks or a little more.
Felicia L. Jones –
So many supps are prophylactic, you take them and aren’t really sure they are doing anything positive. This is different for me. I have a systemic fibrotic disease that causes a lot of painful inflammation in my hands and feet. I didn’t start taking this for inflammation, I started taking it for its ability to dissolve fibrin, fibronectin, etc. While I had definitely noticed that my hands and feet were feeling better, were less inflamed, I wasn’t sure what was causing it as I take many supplements in attempt to heal myself. As I am also taking care of others, I sometimes get sidetracked and don’t follow through with my own regimen. I skipped taking this for two days and my hands and feet are now very swollen and painful. While not sure if it is dissolving anything yet, I know it works beyond expectations for inflammation. Highly recommend for those with pain and inflammation.
Nagini –
I’m over 45 and I suddenly started getting these strange aches and a feeling of heaviness and bloating in my lower abdomen as well as occasional back and thigh pain that felt like a possible kidney problem. Several urine tests and two ultrasounds revealed that I had a large fibroid, one that was most likely pushing onto a nerve causing the back pain, abdominal aches, and “heaviness”. My new doctor seems like a bit of a pill pusher and I really don’t like that approach to “healing” so I decided to do the research myself and found that a combination of Vitamin D3 and Serrapeptase could shrink existing fibroids and even prevent new ones from forming. I’ve now been taking this combination of D3 and Serrapeptase for just under three weeks and I can honestly say that the feeling of heaviness, fullness, bloating, and the abdominal aches and pains, and the back pain has diminished so much so that I wouldn’t be surprised if a new ultrasound revealed that it had significantly shrunk in size. For anyone dealing with similar issues, this may be the thing for you too. It has certainly made my life a lot better since taking them.
Lori –
I began this supplement because of its action in preventing blood clots. I have a cardiac disorder that can cause clots due to arrhythmia. But also this same disorder causes scar tissue in my heart. I had some strong hopes for help on both counts, as I’ve been running ahead of some grim predictions due to my condition.
It’s early yet to see how much help there will be, but I am indeed experiencing less rhythm disturbances.
The surprising thing, though, was to begin seeing evidence of the reduction of scar tissue in visible places! I have injuries that are probably a decade or more old, with massive, thick scar tissue, that are repairing! I’m still wrapping my head around this and the visible results give me immense hope that the same process is occurring within my heart and will allow me to recover a lot more of my quality (and even quantity!) of life.
Just wow!
Some crucial notes:
MUST be taken on an empty stomach. I take mine very first thing in the AM as soon as the dogs wake me for their walk. I use only water and I give myself at least an hour before consuming anything else at all.
Be cautious if you’re on anything that can inhibit clotting, as that is one of the known properties of this supplement.
I have combined this with other supplements to help enhance the results. NAC being one of the primary ones.
Hydrate religiously, as your body will need plenty of water to flush out the debris that this is breaking down.
Just based on other reviews of this and other serrapeptase products, use caution if you’ve had a tubal ligation or the like as it theoretically could repair it!
I can’t say whether all serrapeptase is as good as this, but I’m over the moon with this one and intend to stay with this company indefinitely!
I am NOT a doctor. This is just advice from a fellow human muddling through, probably much like you. If in doubt, seek professional medical advice.