Descrição do Produto: Serra-125K Extra Strength Serrapeptase 125,000 SPU
A Serra-125K é uma fórmula avançada de serrapeptase, oferecendo uma potência excepcional de 125,000 SPU por cápsula, tornando-se até 6 vezes mais potente do que outras marcas disponíveis no mercado. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam um suporte eficaz para a saúde dos seios nasais e do sistema imunológico. A tecnologia de liberação retardada utilizada na Serra-125K protege as enzimas da acidez estomacal e dos sucos gástricos, sem a necessidade de químicos ou plásticos frequentemente encontrados em revestimentos entéricos tradicionais.
A serrapeptase é uma das enzimas mais renomadas mundialmente, conhecida por sua capacidade de ajudar a manter níveis normais de muco. A Serra-125K é uma escolha excelente para a remoção de toxinas, coagulação sanguínea normal, cicatrização de tecidos, saúde cardiovascular e promoção de uma atividade sinusal saudável, apresentando uma potente atividade fibrinolítica. Além disso, este suplemento é ideal para promover a mobilidade articular, auxiliar na recuperação de lesões musculares e cirúrgicas, e controlar a retenção de fluidos, como o inchaço.
A Serra-125K também se destaca na recuperação após estresse físico, aumentando os níveis de energia e ajudando na recuperação de lesões esportivas, além de manter níveis normais de muco. Com sua fórmula vegana e não transgênica, é uma escolha consciente para quem busca saúde e bem-estar.
– Potência máxima de 125,000 SPU por cápsula, reduzindo a necessidade de múltiplas doses.
– Tecnologia de liberação retardada que protege as enzimas sem químicos prejudiciais.
– Suporte à saúde dos seios nasais e do sistema imunológico.
– Promove a recuperação de lesões e melhora a mobilidade articular.
– Aumenta os níveis de energia e auxilia na remoção de toxinas do organismo.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula de Serra-125K ao dia, preferencialmente em jejum ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante ingerir a cápsula com um copo de água, evitando alimentos por pelo menos 30 minutos após a ingestão, para garantir a eficácia da liberação retardada das enzimas. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
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American doctors are not interested in this product but I feel it is a real option for regaining health in a couple of ways First, it MIGHT help with modest weight loss in that this will enhance your own system’s enzymes supply. My good experience with this product is in, thus far, scar-free healing from cataract surgery. Also, I had a calcium heart scan in August 2018 which showed a score of over 240 (an indicator of expected heart attack within six years – I think they said. This is my reason for trying this product. Last week I just finished a heart health workup at a heart hospital. Things look good. If I have blockage or damage it’s not in my heart muscle. I also am taking this product because it’s supposed to help with the osteoarthritis in my hips. I’m glad I got a steroid shot in hospital because it was a miracle. I have tried a shot in a doctors office before which did not help whatsoever. Will serrapeptase help me further? The jury is still out on that. I plan to continue to take it for as long as I can afford it because, overall, I think I see results. In recent memory only one other supplement I take has had verifiable results which have been tracked for the past few years and that’s Milk Thistle. My liver enzymes were up over 60 units (whatever that is) and for the past year and a half of taking milk thistle that number has dropped to a low 30s.
I am trying to get a free bottle with this submission. I want to be clear, though, that I (wife of accountholder) DO REGULARLY use it on an empty stomach after not eating for the previous two hours or one hour following and I plan to keep trying it .
Michelle –
I’ve been using this for over 6 months. I had 4 fibroids, the largest one being 10cm and 3 other being around 4cm. My last ultrasound at the obgyn showed that they had all reduced by 2cm.
I need to add a few cautionary notes though.
1. More is NOT better.
I knew that this product might thin my blood a little but I got so excited when I started seeing results, I forgot and did not take any iron supplements. I paid for this dearly. So be sure to take iron supplements on a full stomach if you’re using this for uterine fibroids.
2. Lots of discharge!
When it started to work I noticed increased vaginal discharge and used panty shields. But it increased so much that I had to start using sanitary napkins every day to absorb the dollops of discharge to avoid it soaking through the back of my dress (so embarrassing)! It was so frequent and heavy that I thought it was blood, but every time I checked it was just clear discharge. So prepare for that.
3. Observe your dosage
At 125,000 SPUs these pills are potent! Again, in my excitement I increased from one a day to 2 (in one dosage). Because I thought, if 1 works so well, 2 would work even better! Big mistake! When I took 2 (250,000 SPUs), I experienced pain that could only be described as having open surgery on my fibroids while fully awake! I kid you not. I felt like something was chomping away at the tumors. Not pleasant!
I don’t know if it was because the largest one was so big (9.9cm), but for me I neglected to buy the 250,000 SPU strength in one tab because of this. On some days I might take two, preparing for the pain. But most days I only take one, once a day on an empty stomach in the morning. I wait a few hours before I eat. So slow and steady wins the race wit this one. I thought about separating dosages to twice a day, but I found that somehow it works best on an empty stomach.
4. I lost body fat!
I was absolutely surprised by that and actually did not notice that I had lost size until people started pointing it out to me. I was so focused on just getting rid of these damned tumors. I’ve lost fat on my back and hips, and my stomach has flattened significantly. Nice and unexpected benefit 🙂 Again, this is in conjunction with other things I’ve been doing, but to be honest, I’m not dieting. In fact, in the beginning I ate pizza and still do from time to time. But always thin crust with no meat.
Lastly, I always tell people that one product WILL NOT dissolve your fibroid tumors. Although this product is effective and will still work to a point on its own, you have to take care of your liver, thyroid, adrenals and manage stress levels. When you do this along with this amazing enzyme, your tumors will melt away.
Thank you so much for this life changing product that helped me avoid surgery!
N. Briscoe –
I had to use these for a couple of months to see a true difference. I began taking 40,000 SPU Serrapeptase in February and gradually worked my way up to 250,000 SPU’s three times daily(along with 4,000 FU Nattokinase for both cardiovascular health and to shrink fibroids). I switched from another brand to this one due to the higher potency per capsule. 2 months ago, I was still borderline hypertension and had a purple lace looking DVT pattern on my left leg. I just went to the doctor a few days ago, my blood pressure dropped from 142/100 to 124/80. The purple lace pattern on my leg is completely gone. I have never experienced any type of nausea as I am very diligent about taking these on a completely empty stomach(at least 30 minutes before eating or 2 hours after eating).
There is one thing to note: DO NOT TAKE THESE WITH ANY OTHER TYPE OF BLOOD THINNER! These pills have a very effective blood thinning qualities. Some time last week, I hit my ankle on something but didn’t pay it any mind(I’m always hitting a toe, foot, ankle, or arm om something so I tend not to be surprised at random bruising on my body). I went into the kitchen where 2 other family members were talking. Suddenly, I noticed a lot of fresh, bright red blood pools all over the floor. I was alarmed, so I asked my family members if one of them had a cut. Well, they didn’t but then I look down at my ankle and see a tiny 1/4 inch wide slice on my ankle. The blood was dripping out of it very quickly. In the past, if I’ve ever gotten cuts or scrapes, the blood is dark and they clot/scab very quickly. Not this time. It took me 5 minutes to stop the bleeding and the blood was brighter than I’ve ever seen it. Once I am certain that my fibroids are gone, I plan to drop back down to 125,000 SPU Serrapeptase plus 2,000 FU Nattokinase 3x’s per day for cardiovascular maintenance.