Descrição do Produto: Serra-RX 260,000 SU Serrapeptase
A Serra-RX 260,000 SU Serrapeptase é um suplemento sistêmico poderoso que se destaca pela sua formulação avançada e eficácia comprovada. Com uma concentração impressionante de 260,000 unidades de protease por porção, este produto é ideal para quem busca um suporte robusto para a saúde do sistema imunológico e respiratório. A Serrapeptase, também conhecida como Serratiopeptidase, é uma enzima proteolítica que atua de forma eficaz na metabolização de proteínas, ajudando a reduzir a inflamação e promovendo a saúde do tecido cicatricial.
Um dos grandes diferenciais da Serra-RX é sua resistência ao ácido, garantida por um polímero livre de ftalatos que maximiza a eficácia da enzima. Isso significa que a Serrapeptase chega ao intestino em sua forma ativa, potencializando seus benefícios. Este suplemento não apenas apoia uma resposta inflamatória saudável, mas também é essencial para a metabolização de fibrina, contribuindo para a saúde geral do organismo.
Além disso, a Serra-RX é uma escolha ideal para quem busca suporte durante a recuperação pós-cirúrgica e para a manutenção de uma função respiratória saudável. A enzima ajuda a melhorar o fluxo sanguíneo e a viscosidade, facilitando a resposta das células imunológicas e a eliminação do muco em condições pulmonares. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, o Serra-RX é livre de glúten, OGM, e alérgenos comuns como trigo, leite, soja, nozes e frutos do mar, garantindo qualidade e pureza que você pode confiar.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando o corpo a combater infecções.
– Redução da Inflamação: Contribui para a diminuição da inflamação, aliviando desconfortos e promovendo a saúde geral.
– Melhora da Função Respiratória: Facilita a respiração ao ajudar na eliminação do muco acumulado.
– Aceleração da Recuperação Pós-Cirúrgica: Auxilia na recuperação de cirurgias, promovendo a cicatrização e reduzindo o inchaço.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produto fabricado com rigorosos padrões de qualidade, livre de alérgenos comuns e aditivos prejudiciais.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a Serra-RX 260,000 SU Serrapeptase, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula por dia, preferencialmente em jejum, com um copo de água. É importante não ingerir alimentos ou bebidas ácidas nas duas horas seguintes à administração do suplemento, para garantir a máxima absorção da enzima. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
shreddin –
Serrapeptase has come to work. I’m several months overdue to purchase this product, hence, it was just sitting in my “saved for later list.” Man, I wish I bought it sooner. It immediately takes effect in those that are already under too much physical toil. The mental and physical relief, for me, was almost instaneous. Like an electrical engineer at work, I can feel the enzyme stripping away internal impediments. It even boosts your metabolism. Where you destroy protein of weak structural integrity, you must replace it. Without having a nourishing meal prior, or within the hours post consumption, you will have some mental imbalances because the SPUs work very deeply. It’s a train that can’t be stopped.
This product is actually a large dose. 260,000 SPUs is essentially 120mg in 2 capsules. 1 capsule being 60mg. It’s recommended to have 10mg every 3 hours from some sources. It’s not the most comfortable feeling, but once it’s had it’s way through your system, you’ll feel a bit renewed each time. Really boosts that digestive fire.
I imagine that this large dosage may be relative to someone with an insane physique, and of a very affording “appetite.” Although this dosage is large, serrapeptase seems to be really good for your brain! Ripping away any and all mental blockages that piled up by way of mental and physical stress.
‐ Plaque reduction
– Scar tissue reduction
– Muscle/joint range of motion support
– Metabolism booster
– The intial brain fog can be a bit disorienting.
– Not good to take before performing physical activities. (Don’t let the mental clarity trick you into feeling superhuman) Can cause injuries while the enzyme is scanning and scavenging scar tissues
– Seems to briefly dull my sense of taste and smell (good and bad, because I need to lose weight and many things stink)
– Can be too relaxing
– May cause bones to weaken temporarily
It’s a good product. That I can see myself using for a life time. You only live once. No need to carry unnecessary weight.
Emerson Bayuk –
In order to understand the near unbelievable results I’ve received from this product in a very short time you must first hear my story (skip to the very last paragraph if you truly only care about the results, but I strongly encourage you to read the nearly essential preamble).
Unfortunately, a year ago I went in to receive an MRI and was given an injection of Gadolinium based contrast to which my body had a SEVERE negative reaction. I had a list of symptoms as long as my arm (from dizziness to one arm going cold and the other being perfectly fine to visual distractions and sudden onset tinnitus) and ended up in the hospital twice. Unfortunately, doctors and hospitals are told that the Gadolinium (GD) based contrast used for MRIs is non toxic and is completely cleared from the body in 24 hrs. If you do your research, nothing could be farther from the truth. Therefore, I was given further MRIs with the same contrast agents for a total of 7 injections in less than 3 months. My very healthy, athletic, 27 year old body went to complete waste (I mean 8% body fat, I legitimately looked and trained like an athlete, and had no prior health conditions).
Over the subsequent year I’ve had lasting damage including (but not limited to): death of my peripheral blood vessels (my skin is splotchy all over, ESPECIALLY my hands where the ends of my fingers are actually white from lack of blood flow), large quantity of floaters in my eyes (all of which spontaneously developed amidst all of my GD injections and stayed), constant ringing in my ears (particularly in my left), the right side of my body sweats measurably more than my left (as in draw a perfect line down the middle of my entire body), loss of energy, mental fog, overproduction of mucus, ED (not a prior issue), and seemingly zero sperm production (when able to briefly overcome the ED, there is little to no ejaculate produced).
Urine toxic metals tests continue to show a dangerous level of GD and other closely related metals in my body. I now work exclusively with alternative medicine doctor’s and am currently undergoing chelation therapy for GD and Thallium in particular. While I have seen little progress on that front (I’ve been doing so for ~2 months), I found these and thought they might be good for me to try, specifically because GD toxicity is known to cause something called “Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis” which is a condition where essentially your body’s tissue is destroyed via production of fibrous tissue/replacement of healthy tissue with essentially dead, fibrous tissue (please do your own research if interested). While doctor’s are currently investigating me for various autoimmune conditions (including lupus and scleroderma) which they believe may have been triggered by the overflow of metals introduced into my body, I noticed that 95% of the damage done to my body occurred within that <3 month period during which my contamination levels were highest. I currently have a NEGATIVE ANA indicative of those autoimmune conditions LIKELY not affecting me, therefore I believe my body may have undergone a brief yet intense sort of systemic-fibrosis phenomena (due to the pattern/timing of the damage my body incurred, and current test results). Thus, as this enzyme supports the breakdown of fibrous tissue, I suspected that it may be helpful for my condition.
I plan to update this review but AS OF RIGHT NOW, I have taken just two doses (over two days, as directed) and my ED IS GONE. I mean it’s a MIRACLE, I’m talking about, I haven’t experienced erections this firm and lasting since I was maybe 16 years old. These are better even than they were just before all of this (age 27, now 28). What’s also interesting is my sperm/ejaculate production has ALSO spontaneously returned, as in, i haven’t had this volume since before all of this, I’m still literally in shock. Finally, my breathing has started to feel easier and I notice a lot less mucus (I used to have to blow my nose or sniffle every 1-2 minutes). Considering the fact that this is the ONLY thing that has changed in the last 2 days, there’s no way this isn’t to thank. I would say if you’re experiencing any of the previously mentioned symptoms (regardless of how you got there) PLEASE give this stuff a try. For the first time in a year I have hope that I might be normal again, or at least some of me might be. I’m not joking, this is AMAZING, I’m still a little rocked by the level of results I’ve had in such a short time. As mentioned, I will be back to update this should anything improve further. In the meantime, best of luck to you and your battle, hang in there, the answer is out there somewhere.