Descrição do Produto: Seriphos – 100 Cápsulas
Seriphos é um suplemento alimentar formulado com extrato de fosfatidilserina, uma fosfolipídeo que desempenha um papel crucial na função cerebral e na regulação do estresse. Cada frasco contém 100 cápsulas, proporcionando uma solução prática e eficaz para quem busca melhorar a saúde mental e o bem-estar geral. A fosfatidilserina é conhecida por suas propriedades neuroprotetoras, ajudando a manter a memória, a concentração e a clareza mental. Além disso, Seriphos é ideal para pessoas que enfrentam altos níveis de estresse, pois auxilia na redução da ansiedade e na promoção de um estado de relaxamento. Com uma fórmula livre de glúten e conservantes artificiais, Seriphos é uma escolha segura e saudável para quem deseja otimizar sua performance cognitiva e emocional.
1. Melhora da Memória e Concentração: A fosfatidilserina ajuda a otimizar as funções cognitivas, promovendo uma melhor retenção de informações e foco.
2. Redução do Estresse: Seriphos atua na regulação do cortisol, o hormônio do estresse, contribuindo para um estado de calma e relaxamento.
3. Apoio à Saúde Mental: O uso regular pode auxiliar na diminuição de sintomas de ansiedade e depressão, promovendo um bem-estar emocional.
4. Aumento da Performance Cognitiva: Ideal para estudantes e profissionais que necessitam de alta performance mental em suas atividades diárias.
5. Fórmula Natural e Segura: Com ingredientes de alta qualidade, Seriphos é livre de aditivos artificiais, garantindo uma suplementação saudável.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula de Seriphos, duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. Para melhores resultados, é aconselhável manter uma rotina regular de uso e associar a suplementação a hábitos saudáveis, como uma alimentação equilibrada e a prática de exercícios físicos. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou sob medicação.
Dingo –
I have been sick for years and years, and finally decided I was done with that. I switched to amino acids, and a serious, all-out program to help me get rid of the adrenal fatigue that was ruining my life. It is slow going, but every day I feel better.
I have a bunch of products that I love and use, including Dr Lam’s breathing exercises, rosea rhodiola (spelling?), GABA, licorice and ashwaganda tea, l-tryptophan, l-theanine, vitamin c, 5000 vitamin D, methyl B12, and do-phenylalanine for occasional pain. oh, and I am also on the GAPS diet.
With all this I was really feeling almost like my old self, but just couldn’t quite get past that point of really feeling good. So I added this Seriphos a couple weeks ago. At first I didn’t know when to take it, but then I got it figured out, and it has put me over the top. I now sleep, and wake up feeling pretty good. But, I also don’t feel all wound up and stressed out before bed, and I can handle almost anything now without completely crashing. I used to be down more days than up, and now I only have one or 2 down days a month, and have energy, and stamina.
So, this is how I use the Seriphos: I take one around dinner time, just before I eat. I then take 2 at bedtime. They don’t really make me sleepy, they just make me not want o get up and fix everything wrong with my life right at bedtime, or in the middle of the night, of I wake up. Instead, I now actually handle things during the day.
If anyone would like more specific info about all I am doing, feel free to contact me. I did all this work it should help others. Oh, and don’t fall for any of those things that offer you the world for just 39.99, or whatever price. All this info out there is free, or reasonable. The only things I paid for we’re the actual supplements and the Dr. Lam breathing exercises, which have retrained me how to breathe, and weren’t too much.
14 May, 2014
Well, I have been asked to write about what has happened to me since I last wrote this. My health has taken off. It was pretty slow at first, but now I have energy, and I am getting out there in the world, and doing things. I am actually starting a business now, walking and caring for dogs, which I never could have done without this and all the products I wrote about. The things I found most helpful were the adrenal yoga, and all the advice on Dr. Lam’s web site, this product, which I am still taking, and a wonderful product that I can only find at my local health food store, called adrenal balance.
I am also taking a whole lot of amino acids. I am also drinking salt, yes salt, several times a day. I put in in lemonade, so I don’t taste it. My body adrenals love it! I am also really pushing the animal fats and protein. I have a shake each morning that is probably 1000 calories, and I have energy throughout the day. I eat bacon and eggs. I basically do all those things that we have been warned about by the main stream medical community, but which are literally saving my life.
If anyone wants specific information on all the things I have taken and have done, just respond to this. I do get the messages, and now that I am feeling better, I can actually answer them!
Thank you
As of March 2015: I am off and running, I have started my own dog walking business and it is thriving. Sorry to all the people who wrote asking for more information. I just have not had the time to respond to everyone. I am attaching a list of the supplements I am now taking which have and continue to help with my adrenal fatigue. Yes, I still have it, and sometimes I have to stop and just rest. I have my life set up so that I can sleep in it the mornings, which is necessary for healing. I get my daughter up and out the door then go back to bed. It really helps me to maintain he crazy life I have created without crashing. Yes, I still take, and need this supplement. Of all the things I take there are only a couple that I can’t live without, and this is one of them.
List of supplements and what I take each for. I also have some Aspergers symptoms from years of undiagnosed celiac disease.
DLPA – for pain and my brain. This stuff is very good for any kind if pain, and works better for me than Advil. Also good for mental pain. 2x
Zinc – for hormone control 2x
Rhodiola – adaptogen (for adrenal health) morning
Schizandra – adaptogen 2x
Suma root – adaptogen 2x
L-tyrosine – for my brain. morning
Selenium – thyroid health
Methyl cobalamin (b-12) – energy and health. Morning
St. John’s wort – depression and anxiety 2x
Coenzyme b-complex – for energy and brain. 3 morning
Vitamin c – for adrenals (very important, don’t forget this)
Fish oil – before bed, for sleep
Melatonin – for sleep
Seriphos – adaptogen. At bedtime and stressful times
Vitamin d – because I live in New England
Vitamin b-6. – for sleep
Vitamin b-1 – to shut the chatter in my head off
Bone strength – for restless legs, and sleep, and for vitamin d absorption, bedtime
L- carnosine – for Aspergers speech problems. Morning
DMG – Aspergers. Morning
NAC – Aspergers. Morning
Acetyl l-carnitine – Aspergers. Morning
Niacin – because if I don’t take it, I don’t feel good. I take niacin, not niacinimide because the flush keeps my liver clean
Ashwaganda – adaptogen for stress and sleep. Bedtime and stressful times.
L-ornithine – sleep
L-tryptophan – sleep and stress
GABA – sleep and stress
L-theanine – sleep and stress
Taurine – sleep, stress, and brain help
Magnesium (natural calm) – sleep, stress, restless legs, PMS and my sanity. This stuff will stop cramps in 10 minutes.
Valerian – for sleep. I can’t take this all the time, have to stop then start again.
Iodine – thyroid health. I take lugol’s, 8 drops a day in the morning
Clagger –
I have been taking Enerphos and Seriphos for 4-5 years for adrenal fatigue, which I have been battling with for about 15 years. I have taken many different supplements with very little success for this MOTN (Middle of the Night) insomnia problem. These two are the only things that I have found to keep me asleep through the night (aside from cancer-causing sleeping pills). I have taken as many as 18 at night and I am now regularly taking 8. I adjust my dosage to try and take just enough to keep me asleep through the night. I also take 2, 4 or 6 if I wake in the MOTN (I tend to take more the earlier I wake). My insomnia intensity sways back and forth over long enough periods that allows me enough time to make adjustments to my dosage. I manage it by adding 2 pills at a time when it gets worse until I get to where I can sleep without waking in the middle of the night. And, after I am sleeping comfortably for about a week at that dosage, I begin backing off the pills 2 at a time and monitor if I continue to sleep without waking. I have gone through periods not long ago of not taking any, and I do that until I start waking up in the MOTN again. Then, I start taking 2 and increase it (2 at a time) until I can sleep through the night regularly. That strategy seems to be working for me pretty well right now, but it took me a long time to develop and improve that strategy as well as I have it down now. And, it is still very far from perfect. It seems like a life-long struggle for me. I have not learned enough yet to be able to manage my adrenal fatigue ongoing. I am finding the Adrenal Reset diet seems to have more of an impact than any pills for resolving this problem long-term (I just haven’t mastered it yet). I have never been a breakfast person, and I find it very difficult to force food down in the morning. I believe that is the real cause of my problems. Anyway, my naturopath first recommended Seriphos and told me they are very safe so I can take as many as I need. When I reported to him how many I was taking, he told me to try Enerphos and with that I should be able to get away with taking half as many. However, I do not notice any difference in the effectiveness of these two products.