Descrição do Produto: Serenity Sleep Natural Sleep Aid
Descubra o poder do descanso reparador com o Serenity Sleep Natural Sleep Aid, uma mistura potente de ingredientes naturais que promove um sono tranquilo e revigorante. Este suplemento foi cuidadosamente formulado para apoiar seu ciclo natural de sono, proporcionando alívio do estresse e relaxamento profundo. Com uma combinação completa de extratos herbais, incluindo L-theanine, 5-HTP e Passiflora, você pode finalmente dar adeus às noites em claro e olá à serenidade.
Acorde renovado e revigorado, sem a sensação de grogue que muitos suplementos de sono podem causar. Nossa mistura não viciante de super ingredientes, como Magnésio, Raiz de Valeriana e Camomila, garante que você desfrute de um sono reparador sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados. Cada ingrediente é meticulosamente selecionado e misturado em um laboratório certificado cGMP nos EUA, garantindo que você receba uma fórmula livre de contaminantes, que inclui Melatonina, Magnésio, Raiz de Valeriana, L-theanine, 5-HTP e Camomila.
Além de ser eficaz, o Serenity Sleep é fácil de engolir. Nossas cápsulas vegetarianas, 100% naturais, não contêm enchimentos, aglutinantes ou ingredientes artificiais. Para obter os melhores resultados, basta tomar duas cápsulas antes de dormir com um copo de água. Com o compromisso de 100% de felicidade e saúde, você pode experimentar nossos produtos sem preocupações. Estamos tão confiantes nos resultados que, através da nossa parceria com a Vitamin Angels, sua compra ajuda a fornecer vitaminas para mulheres e crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade.
– Suporte ao Ciclo Natural de Sono: Promove um sono mais profundo e reparador, ajudando a regular o ciclo circadiano.
– Alívio do Estresse: A combinação de extratos herbais proporciona um efeito calmante, reduzindo a ansiedade e o estresse.
– Sem Efeitos Colaterais Indesejados: Fórmula não viciante que evita a sensação de grogue ao acordar.
– Ingredientes Potentes e Naturais: Composição rica em Melatonina, Magnésio e Raiz de Valeriana, testada para garantir pureza e eficácia.
– Compromisso Social: Cada compra contribui para a saúde de mulheres e crianças em risco de desnutrição.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Serenity Sleep Natural Sleep Aid, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas antes de dormir, acompanhadas de um copo de água. Este método de uso maximiza a absorção dos ingredientes ativos, permitindo que o corpo se prepare para uma noite de sono reparador. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde caso tenha alguma condição médica pré-existente ou esteja utilizando outros medicamentos.
karen w –
I have been all my life an incurable insomniac unless I take some type of prescribed sleeping pill. I didn’t want the addiction to sleeping pills or the depression from trying new things to not sleeping at all trying natural products that promised but didn’t deliver and feeling worse for wear. The grogginess was the main problem with the supplements I tried & no diff from pharmaceuticals. This one is by far the best and I thought another popular one was the best but I started feeling sick with that one after a while, had to stop. This one NOT AT ALL, no grogginess, sickness just a natural way to fall asleep & feel well-rested in the morning. I take 2 an hour before retiring and my hub says it’s no-fail snoring within 35 mins or so. He is for natural sleep so he’s happy this is a natural product that delivers what it promises. I am writing a review because if anyone is having severe sleep issues you couldn’t convince me that OTC supps would work, this does for me. BTW I have been taking these for over a year and some nights due to rhythmic sleeping now, I find I miss nights taking them, that for me is the prize. All in all, I had to share, I am not giving an incentivized review, I just thought it was good info to share!
Okami –
I’m 27 yo and usually anxiety or depression causes me insomnia. I wanted to try something apart from regular melatonin pills that usually don’t work for me. I wouldn’t say these induced the sleep, but these helped to make me stay asleep, I also feel more rested. However these don’t work like magic you need to keep trying, for me it wasn’t instant it took about 3 weeks for my body to adapt to them.
I have to mention I’m way more impressed by their CS, after this purchase I got 2 bottles from their website and I never got them while the tracking number said delivered. I contacted them to let them know and they immediately replied and sent replacements. This has never ever happened to me, so I’m really impressed about it! This is definitely a company I want to keep making business with!
RichG –
I’ve been using the product for a couple of weeks and will say my wife is quite happy as I seem to be more relaxed at night and definitely takes a bit of edge off to help calm my mind / body before finally going to sleep. I take it a bit before my head hits the pillow to do a bit of reading or catch up on what occurred during the day (looking for the positive and not all the negative in the world); it gets my mind at ease and put my head down to go to sleep. I love the Eu Natural products as again all natural which is a very big deal to me; I have taken other products to help me sleep but always worried about what is in it and what putting in my body. I think a lot of the “restfulness” is due to knowing it is natural rather than processed. My wife has had problems going to sleep and has tried due to it’s natural nature and seeing some of what I has done to help me get to rest…of course she sleeps better knowing I’m more soundly asleep. Will continue to use and will probably be another product I will be continuing to use as with other products I have purchased to add to my daily routine to help my body and mind.
Robyn chismar –
A.Matthew –
Calmables are out of stock so I decided to try these but they don’t do anything for me unfortunately. Toss and turn all night, keep waking up and doesn’t feel like I’ve slept at all. Writing this at 3:45am if that tells you something. Also can’t return them due to Amazon’s policy. Definitely look elsewhere.
April Johnson –
I have been suffering from out of the blue severe insomnia since June 2019. I am currently getting between 2-4 hours of sleep a night . I’ve tried many otc and prescription sleep aids and nothing has worked for me. After going cold turkey with pills for a while, I decided to give these a try . To my disappointment these supplements had no effect on me. I used these supplements for about 5 nights I believe . It’s not an antidepressant so there’s nothing that’d need to build up in my system before it starts working . Based on that, I decided if it’s not working now it’ll never.
J. J. 5957 –
My wife has a hard time getting to sleep so this product helps her relax and get some sleep.’m
Kathy Perry –
Liked I didn’t wake up many times a night, and went right to sleep.