O Selênio 200mcg – 365 Cápsulas Veganas da Purely Holistic é um suplemento premium de selênio que oferece 200mcg de selênio livre de levedura por porção. Utilizamos uma forma de selênio ligada ao aminoácido metionina para formar a L-Selenometionina preferida, que é mais fácil de digerir e oferece uma absorção superior em relação às formas de selenato e selenito de selênio. A L-selenometionina também é uma forma segura de suplementação de selênio, pois, ao contrário de outras formas, não libera selênio inorgânico no corpo.
Oferecemos incríveis 365 cápsulas (não comprimidos ou pílulas) por frasco, o que garante um suprimento completo de um ano! Nosso grupo é um dos maiores fabricantes de suplementos nos EUA. Nos beneficiamos da capacidade de comprar ingredientes em grandes quantidades e, por sua vez, repassar essas economias diretamente para você.
O selênio é um mineral essencial que é utilizado pelo corpo para apoiar suas funções diárias e garantir uma boa saúde. O selênio ajuda a promover a função saudável da tireoide, próstata e coração e também pode desempenhar um papel fundamental no metabolismo tanto de homens quanto de mulheres. O Selênio 200mcg da Purely Holistic é uma maneira eficiente de garantir que o corpo receba esse nutriente essencial.
A Purely Holistic está comprometida em ajudar nossos clientes a levar uma vida mais saudável por meio de uma melhor nutrição. Você pode ter certeza de que forneceremos tudo o que você precisa e nada do que você não precisa. Nosso suplemento de selênio é adequado para veganos e vegetarianos e não contém alérgenos comuns e ingredientes transgênicos. Aqui não há ingredientes indesejados!
O Selênio 200mcg da Purely Holistic (duas vezes mais forte que o Selênio 100mcg) foi formulado e fabricado em nossa própria instalação nos EUA. Todos os nossos suplementos e vitaminas são verificados em laboratório quanto à potência e pureza.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Força e biodisponibilidade superiores: Cada porção do nosso suplemento premium de selênio fornece 200mcg de selênio livre de levedura, na forma de L-Selenometionina, que é facilmente absorvida pelo corpo.
- 2. Um ano de suprimento: Com 365 cápsulas por frasco, você terá um suprimento completo de selênio para um ano inteiro.
- 3. Suporte para tireoide, coração e próstata: O selênio é essencial para a função saudável da tireoide, coração e próstata, e nosso suplemento garante que você obtenha a quantidade adequada desse mineral.
- 4. Cápsulas veganas: Nossas cápsulas são adequadas para veganos e vegetarianos, e não contêm alérgenos comuns ou ingredientes transgênicos.
- 5. Marca confiável: O Selênio 200mcg da Purely Holistic é formulado e fabricado em nossa própria instalação nos EUA, garantindo a qualidade e pureza do produto.
– Tome 1 cápsula por dia, de preferência com uma refeição. Não exceda a dose recomendada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar este produto, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando medicamentos ou tiver algum problema de saúde.
Mountain Mama –
I like the big bottle, so I don’t have to order replacements all the time. The price was affordable and the capsules are a size that is swallowable. The smell will take some getting used to.
Several weeks later – I find that the best way to take these is with food or a lot of water to minimize odorous burping.
Glen S. –
My doctor told me to start taking selenium. I bought this one because it is taken once a day and you get a year’s supply.
I was really surprised that my ejaculate increased in volume substantially. It also seems thicker. Now I am taking selenium for another condition not for fertility. I only mention this as the effects began about a week after starting my one a day pill. I have never taken a supplement that had any noticable effect on any part of my body. I think the quality of this selenium supplement is very high.
Amazon Customer –
Use Selenium in my daily Vitamin routine.
Gregory Peck –
Great aroma
Kendra –
My hair is growing & I’ve been feeling better overall since adding in this supplement.
AZ Dan –
Exactly what I was looking for. Easy to swallow and great pricing and quality.
Daisy –
Tengo hígado graso veremos el resultado
Wayne’s Wife –
Selenium is mineral that is found in soil and occurs naturally in certain foods (such as whole grains, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, and seafood). Selenium is not produced in the body, but it is needed for proper thyroid and immune system function. That said, most American diets are extremely lacking in this important mineral. (Like me, for instance, I cannot have any Gluten, so any (affordable) whole grains are out for me. That goes for the seafood as well.)
My husband and I both see a doctor that mainly treats us with natural options. We both have low thyroid (hypothyroidism) and have been on Armour Thyroid for over 7 years. (My husband took Synthroid (Levothyroxine) for over 6 years prior to Armour, but has much more improvement on Armour.)
Even with taking 300 mg of Armour/day, I just didn’t feel better. My doctor wanted to lower me off of such a high dose to try to get my thyroid to start working on its own (one of the main reasons for Armour over Synthroid; with Armour, it is possible to “jump start” your thyroid to start working on it’s own and the dosage of Armour will be decreased as the thyroid begins to function properly. This cannot happen on Synthroid.) Since January of 2020, she has gradually stepped me down to 180 mg of Armour, along with a few extremely important supplement additions. (Next appointment in a few weeks and I expect to be stepped down again.)
The first thing the wanted me to take was 200 mcg of Selenium/day. She told me my thyroid was having trouble with the T4 to T3 conversion and Selenium was the best thing to remedy that (which would improve overall function of my thyroid and help the stepping down process.)
A little science on why the T4 to T3 conversion is necessary for those of you that are interested:
Your T4 hormone must be converted into T3 in order for your body to use it. Traditional health practitioners screen thyroid function by looking at one main lab value called thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).
The pituitary gland in your brain releases TSH which then tells your thyroid gland to make thyroid hormone (abbreviated T4).
However, your body must convert T4 into T3 (the active form) in order to use it. If the conversion of T4 to T3 is poor, then you may experience some of the common hypothyroid symptoms like fatigue, depression, sensitivity to cold temperatures, difficulty concentrating, and more.
Keep in mind, that this poor conversion can occur even if your TSH levels test normal. So, it’s important to assess the conversion of T4 to the active form of T3 to find the root cause of your symptoms and optimize thyroid function.
What are some of the things that hinder the T4 to T3 conversion?
Stress, Impaired Liver Function, Poor Gut Health (this is me,) Low Calorie Diets (not me)
What helps? (Lowering stress, of course, eating a good diet, improving Gut Health and:
You guessed it – Selenium (and Zinc)
Zinc and selenium are two essential minerals required for the conversion of T4 to T3. In fact, one of the main enzymes that makes this conversion relies on selenium in order to function!
The rest of the wonderful information I just shared about the T4 to T3 conversion here can be found at:
Personally, I know myself and I am not going to consistently eat the kinds of foods needed for optimal Selenium and Zinc levels. That is why I am so thankful that Purely Holistic has added Selenium 200 mcg to their line-up.
My husband and I have both been taking since it was offered and have not had any adverse side effects. My 16 year old son has always been on the verge of thyroid problems and I have been giving him 1 every other day. (His only complaint is that it smells. Guess what? It’s SUPPOSED TO SMELL!!)
Taken from another web source:
Selenium Smells!
It is quite normal for selenium tablets to have a strong smell.
This is because they are in the organic form of selenium, which is selenomethionine. This contains methionine which is a natural amino acid high in the mineral sulphur. Methionine is found in smelly foods such as eggs, garlic, onions and cruciferous vegetables. Methionine is needed by the liver to detoxify the body and so is selenium.
So do not be alarmed if your selenium tablets smell – they are meant to!
Selenium is a great mineral as it repairs damage to the deepest part of our cells, namely the DNA.
–end of Cabot Health Info–
As far as ease to swallow; the capsule is a minuscule 2 cm long and just a 1/2 cm wide, so none of us have any problems swallowing the capsule (not even the teenager that can find something wrong with anything.)
Before taking the Selenium offered by Purely Holistic, I was taking Purely Holistic’s Thyroid Support, which also has 200 mcg of Selenium in 2 capsules. I stopped taking the Thyroid Support so I could try the Selenium (the max recommended dose of Selenium for adults daily is 400 mcg, but I didn’t want to take that much.) I am happy to report that I haven’t had any ill effects since the change. (I really thought I would start feeling tired, but obviously the Selenium is the main thing I needed. Good to know my doc knows what she’s talking about!)
I will continue to give the straight Selenium to my husband and son and may go back to the Thyroid Support, but I wanted to try the Selenium for myself and am very pleased with it.
As with any supplement, make sure it’s right for you. Keep in mind your medical history and any medications or supplements you may be taking. I have already checked for myself and family and there are no adverse side effects for us, but it’s also good to check to make sure there what supplements and/or medications you need to take at separate times because of absorption. A good resource to do a quick check for yourself is You can search for almost any type of medication or supplement and it will give you wealth of information, along with any drug interactions and interactions with any outstanding medical conditions. (ie – Selenium has 2 known disease interactions; Renal Dysfunction and Malabsorption Syndromes.)
My family and I have been using over 5 Purely Holistic supplements since I found them in 2017 and, if we need it and they supply it, I don’t look anywhere else. With Purely Holistic, I have already done my research and taken their products long enough to know they are the best!
Nope – I don’t get paid for my review. I just like to share my thoughts on things that are worth it!
Hope it helps!